Herzog’s Alternative Plan: Politics Before Policy

What We’re Reading

From the FMEP Blog

Herzog's Alternative Plan: Politics Before Policy,

“Herzog’s plan, while preferable to Netanyahu’s status quo and certainly to the vision of those even farther to the right, falls well short of a structure that gives either Israel or the international community a framework to move toward an end to Israel’s occupation,” writes FMEP’s Mitchell Plitnick.

US-Israel Relations

Bernie and Israel: It's complicated,

Sanders’ stance on Israel has left many Democrats scratching their heads, amid a history where he has cast votes and made statements that “unnerve some in the pro-Israel community,” but also includes a record that prompts one prominent Democratic activist to say, “His voting record on Israel recently is fine, absolutely fine.”

Occupation/Human Rights

The Discriminatory Face of Israel's Second Legal System,

“[Nasser] Nawajah was arrested and interrogated at the same time as [left-wing activists] Ezra Nawi and Guy Butavia, who are suspected of acts similar to the ones of which Nawajah is suspected. Even if their arrests and the suspicions against them seem dubious, their situation is still better because Nawajah is subject to the military justice system, in which his rights are less well protected. Thus, Nawi and Butavia on the one hand, and Nawajah on the other, are subject to two different sets of laws although their actions were carried out in the same area,” Ha’aretz’s editorial states.
NOTE: All three activists have now been released.

Amid Hebron tussle, PM to give ministers power over West Bank disputes,

In order to avoid a clash within his coalition, Netanyahu will implement an agreement made with the Jewish Home party that removes authority to settle housing disputes in the West Bank from the Defense Minister and creates a committee of Ministers to settle such issues. The decision is a response to outcry over Defense Minister Ya’alon evicting settlers from homes in Hebron which they occupied without due process.

Israeli Politics

Deputy AG closes case against Im Tirtzu for incitement against Left-NGOs,

Despite saying that the video circulated late in 2015 by the right wing activist group Im Tirtzu was “ugly and very problematic and that it would have been better if it had not been posted,” Israel’s Deputy Attorney General declined to pursue a full criminal investigation, saying that “the message that the video clip sends out is clear and unambiguous – which is to support the bill that the clips’ producers are trying to advance, not to undertake violent acts or actions.”

It's open season on anyone opposing the occupation,

“There is a campaign being carried out against anyone actively opposing the occupation in Israel, and it doesn’t matter if you’re an activist in the field, a human rights attorney or a former soldier talking about what you were ordered to do.” writes Noam Sheizaf.