Remembering Longtime FMEP Board Chairman Ambassador (ret.) Nicholas A. Veliotes


The Foundation for Middle East Peace Mourns the Passing of Amb. Nicholas Veliotes

The Foundation for Middle East Peace is deeply saddened by the loss of FMEP Board member and longtime chairman Ambassador Nicholas “Nick” Veliotes (October 28, 1928 ~ May 14, 2024).

Nick was a courageous and visionary leader for the cause of peace and security for both Palestinians and Israelis. FMEP was honored that Nick chose to be part of the foundation for so many years, and to serve as chairman of the Board from 2013-2023. We will miss him tremendously — his wisdom and insights, his patience and work ethic, and his abiding kindness and good humor.

Nick’s entire life – starting with his time in the U.S. Army, to his long career as a U.S. diplomat, to his work with FMEP right up until the very end of his life – embodied his deep commitment to public service and to peace.

Nick joined FMEP’s Board after retiring from an exceptional career as a U.S. Foreign Service officer (1955-1986). That career included serving as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, as well as Ambassador to Jordan and Egypt, and Deputy Chief of Mission in Tel Aviv — all during key inflection points in history and in U.S. policy making. In retirement Nick remained deeply engaged in the Middle East, not only as a member and longtime chairman of FMEP’s Board of Directors, but also through his work with the Middle East Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, Veterans of Foreign Wars, AMIDEAST, and the American Academy of Diplomacy.

The FMEP Board of Directors and staff extend our heartfelt condolences to Nick’s wife Patricia, their children, grandchildren, and his many friends and colleagues.