Following the Unfolding Horror


Given the horrific events of the past week, there will not be a regular settlement report. Instead, we are sending out recommended resources for tracking events in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. 

West Bank

East Jerusalem


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News & Articles

  • Israel is arming settlers and making it easier to get a gun permit.
  • On October 13th, settlers shot a Palestinian at point-blank range in the South Hebron Hills, and then opened fire at the ambulance trying to transport the wounded man. The victim’s condition is unclear.
  • On October 12th, an Israeli police officer was shot and wounded by a Palestinian gunman near the Old City of Jerusalem. Subsequently, Israeli police have shut down the Old City of Jerusalem – preventing Palestinians under 70 years old from entering the city or reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque for Friday prayers. Police then tear gassed Palestinians who gathered outside of the city walls to pray and protest.
  • On October 11th, masked settlers attacked the Palestinian village in Qusra, killing four Palestinians. At the funeral, the IDF shot and killed one more.
  • On October 13th, four Palestinians were shot and killed by the Israeli police while allegedly attempting to take down part of the West Bank barrier near Tulkarem.
  • Amira Hass writes, “Israeli Settlers Aren’t Pausing the Expulsion and Dispossession in the West Bank”