FMEP Legislative Round-Up September 27, 2024


1. Bills, Resolutions
2. Letters
3. Hearings
4. Targeting/Slandering/Inciting Against Rep. Tlaib, Again (& twice over)
5. Israel/Palestine in 2024 Elex/Politics
6. Selected Media & Press releases/Statements


1. Bills & Resolutions


On 9/25/24, Sen. Sanders (I-VT) introduced 6 privileged resolutions targeting military weapons/supplies sales to Israel, listed below. Because these resolutions are “privileged” they will be brought to a  vote; given the timing of their introduction, this means they will be voted on during the lame duck session.

  • S. J. Res. 111: Introduced 9/25/24 by Sanders (I-VT), Welch (D-VT), Merkley (D-OR), and Schatz (D-HI),  “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Government of Israel of certain defense articles and services.
  • S. J. Res. 112: Introduced 9/25/24 by Sanders (I-VT) and Welch (D-VT), “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Government of Israel of certain defense articles and services.”
  • S. J. Res. 113: Introduced 9/25/24 by Sanders (I-VT), Welch (D-VT) and Merkley (D-OR), “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Government of Israel of certain defense articles and services.”
  • S. J. Res. 114: Introduced 9/25/24 by Sanders (I-VT),  “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed foreign military sale to the Government of Israel of certain defense articles and services.”
  • S. J. Res. 115: Introduced 9/25/24 by Sanders (I-VT), Welch (D-VT) and Merkley (D-OR), “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed license amendment for the export of certain defense articles, defense services, and technical data to Israel.
  • S. J. Res. 116: Introduced 9/25/24 by Sanders (I-VT), Welch (D-VT) and Merkley (D-OR), “A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the proposed enhancement or upgrade of sensitivity of technology or capability of certain major defense equipment for the Government of Israel.

Also see:

We Stand with Israel!

  • (WAITING FOR TEXT TO SEE WHAT THIS IS…) S. Res. 890: Introduced 9/25/24 by Ernst (R-IA) and 48 cosponsors (all Republicans), “A resolution condemning the brutal Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, and supporting an outcome that ensures the forever survival of Israel, the complete denial of the ability of Hamas to reconstitute in the region, and the safe release of United States hostages from the Gaza Strip.” Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Palestinian-American Lives Matter

Targeting Free Speech/Protest/Academia

  • (ENDORSING THE IHRA DEFINITION OF ANTISEMITISM) H. Res. 1449: Introduced 9/16/24 by Manning (D-NC) and Smith (R-NJ), Condemning the global rise of antisemitism and calling upon countries and international bodies to counter antisemitism.” NOTE: This bill is being fast-tracked — introduced 9/16/24 and marked up/passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on 9/25/24 (passed by a vote of 50-0). Next stop: the House floor.
    • REMINDER: As noted in last week’s Round-Up, the purpose of this resolution is the endorsement/embrace of the IHRA definition of antisemitism, via the endorsement/embrace/promotion of the “The Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism.”  Those guidelines include: “In order to combat antisemitism, governments need tools to understand its various manifestations. The legally non-binding ‘International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism’ is an important internationally recognized instrument used by over 40 U.N. member states since its adoption in 2016. In addition, hundreds of sub-national public authorities, universities, sports bodies, NGOs, and corporations rely on it.” The resolution “calls upon states and international bodies to take action to counter antisemitism, including by endorsing and embracing the Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism…”
  • (AMENDING TITLE VI) S. 5161 [pdf]: Introduced 9/24/24 by Rubio (R-FL) and Scott (R-FL), “To amend title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance on the ground of religion, to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide for rigorous enforcement of prohibitions against discrimination by institutions of higher education on the basis of antisemitism, and for other purposes,” aka, the “Preventing Antisemitic Harassment on Campus Act”. Also see: Rubio press release – Rubio, Scott Introduce Bill to Punish Colleges That Allow Antisemitism; Wall Street Journal/Sen. Rubio (R-FL) & Paul Clement 9/22/24: Congress Can Protect Jews on College Campuses – A new bill would clarify the Civil Rights Act’s bar against antisemitism and toughen the penalties.; Tampa Free Press 9/25/24: Florida Senators Rubio And Scott Intro Bill To Combat Antisemitism On College Campuses; Jewish News Syndicate 9/25/24: Senate bill boosts federal penalties against schools for multiple Title VI violations
  • (TARGETING PRO-PALESTINE FOREIGN FUNDING & LINKING PRO-PALESTINE STUDENTS TO TERRORISM) HR 9793: Introduced 9/24/24 by Torres (D-NY) and Garbarino (R-NY), “To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit institutions of higher education from receiving gifts from certain countries, and for other purposes“, aka the “The No Foreign Gifts Act.” Per Torres’s press release, “The No Foreign Gifts Act represents a crucial step toward safeguarding the integrity of our nation’s higher education system from malicious foreign influence, which has become increasingly pronounced in the aftermath of October 7. By prohibiting gifts from countries that have supported foreign terrorist organizations, like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, this legislation would ensure that institutions of higher learning remain free from malign financial manipulation that is corrupting the minds of America’s next generation and causing social disorder…” The press release goes on to mention remind readers: “In January, Rep. Torres raised the alarm to the New York City Department of Education over ‘a Qatari-funded map that left out the Jewish state was found posted in a Brooklyn classroom…[He wrote that] ‘the DOE should subject to heightened scrutiny educational content from external entities like the Qatar International Foundation, whose program promoted the image of the Middle East where Israel was nowhere to be found.’” Garbarino is even clearer about the motivations behind the bill: “…For far too long, radical organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine have been propped up by foreign entities with connections to terrorism. Allowing these malign actors to continue funneling money into our colleges and universities would be the height of recklessness…” Also see: Bill would bar colleges from accepting money, gifts from terror-supporting countries (NY Post 9/24/24)
  • (TARGETING ESG, “LEFT-WING” AGENDA) S. 5174 [pdf]: Introduced 9/26/24 by Cassidy (R-LA), “A bill to amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to clarify the criteria by which fiduciary responsibility is exercised in protecting shareholder rights“, aka “Restoring Integrity in Fiduciary Duty Act.” Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions [where Cassidy is Ranking Member]. Also see: press release – Ranking Member Cassidy Introduces Legislation Protecting Americans’ Retirement Savings From ESG, Left-Wing Agenda; EXCLUSIVE: Bill Cassidy To Introduce Bill To Stop Left-Wing Investing From Taking Over Retirement Funds (Daily Caller 9/26/24)


  • (WE MUST DEFEND FREE SPEECH/EXPRESSION ABROAD!) HR 9850: Introduced 9/25/24 by Smith (R-NJ), Jordan (R-OH) and Salazar (R-FL), “To protect and promote American values abroad, including the rights of freedom of speech and freedom of expression enshrined in the United States Constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, through the use of foreign assistance and by assuring U.S. law enforcement does not cooperate in censorship abroad.”  Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs


–> TARGETING THE HOUTHIS: HR 9564, introduced 9/12/24 by Issa (R-CA) and Phillips (D-MN), “To authorize the imposition of sanctions with respect to the Houthis, and for other purposes, is being fast-tracked — it is scheduled to be marked up in the House Foreign Affairs Committee on 9/25/24. This bill was marked up/passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on 9/24/24 (be a voice vote). Next stop: the House floor

–>ANTISEMITISM AWARENESS ACT: The pressure campaign to get Sen. Schumer (D-NY) to move the massively controversial Antisemitism Awareness Act in the Senate continues:

–>TARGETING THE ICC: On 9/25/24, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was scheduled to consider HR 8282, “the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act”. That hearing was postponed (see details below) and as of this writing no new date has been announced. Also see:

–> US MUST TREAT SETTLEMENTS AS PART OF ISRAEL: S. 5110: Introduced 9/19/24 by Rubio (R-FL), “A bill to clarify the country of origin of certain articles imported into the United States for purposes of certain trade enforcement actions.” Referred to the Committee on Finance. NOTE: As of this writing the bill text is still not online and Rubio has still not issued a press release – but it remains a solid bet this is the Senate version of HR 5179.

2. Letters

Palestinian-American Lives Matter

Targeting free speech/protest/academia

    • The groups being targeted: American Muslims for Palestine (among other things for its ties to Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation, Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, Students for Justice in Palestine, National Students for Justice in Palestine); Alliance for Global Justice (for its fiscal sponsorship of Samidoum); Islamic Relief USA; Jewish Voice for Peace; The People’s Forum [response from the People’s Forum on Instagram and on X]; the Tides Foundation (for its funding for the Adalah Justice Project and the Arab Resource and Organizing Center; also notes its support for Jewish Voice for Peace, IfNotNow, Palestine Legal); United Hands Relief Inc.; Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation (for its funding for National Students for Justice in Palestine, the Palestinian Youth Movement, Within Our Lifetime, and the U.S. Palestinian Community Network)
    • Other members support: House Speaker Johnson (R-LA) re-posted Smith’s X-post on the letter, with Johnson adding: “Organizations targeted by Chairman Smith: “@RepJasonSmith & @HouseGOP are putting you on notice. Your tax-exempt status should be revoked immediately.”  Babin (R-TX) 9/25/24 X-post – “Any tax-exempt organization linked to terrorist regimes should have that status revoked immediately. The IRS must do its job and hold these anti-Israel groups accountable. [linked to Washington Examiner article]”
    • Media: Congressional Probe into Islamist Groups Cites MEF Research (Middle East Forum 9/24/24); House committee requests IRS revoke tax-exempt status of terrorism-linked groups (Washington Examiner 9/25/24); House panel asks IRS to revoke tax-exempt status of nine nonprofits, some with terror ties, it says (Jewish News Syndicate 9/26/24)

Defending Free Speech/Civil Society

  • 9/25/24: RCFP urges House to oppose bill that threatens nonprofit news outlets [letter text] (Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press 9/26/24 press release). Letter – citing ACLU letter (below) opposing HR 6408 [not clear the org understands that what is in play now is HR 9495, which includes the text of HR 6408]
  • 9/20/24: Civil Society Letter to House Opposing H.R. 9495 [letter text] Excerpt: “this bill includes the text of H.R. 6408, legislation we strongly oppose as it raises significant constitutional concerns. Because H.R. 6408 vests vast unilateral discretion in the Secretary of Treasury, it creates a high risk of politicized and discriminatory enforcement. The executive branch already has extensive authority to prohibit transactions with individuals and entities it deems connected to terrorism and nonprofit organizations are already prohibited from providing material support to terrorist organizations. In fact, it would be a federal crime for them to do so…H.R. 6408 authorizes broad and easily abused new powers for the executive branch. It grants the Secretary of the Treasury virtually unfettered discretion to designate a U.S. nonprofit as a ‘terrorist supporting organization’ and to strip it of its tax-exempt status if the Secretary finds that the nonprofit has provided material support to a terrorist group, even if the ‘support’ is not intentional or connected to actual violence. While the sponsors of this legislation have stated that it is needed to avoid what they refer to as ‘time-consuming bureaucratic process’ under current law, what the bill sponsors are actually seeking to avoid is fundamental due process. If this bill were to become law, the Secretary of Treasury could strip a US nonprofit of its tax-exempt status without providing the nonprofit a meaningful opportunity to defend itself before a neutral decisionmaker. The legislation further does not require disclosure of all the reasons for such a decision or the evidence relied upon to support it. Nor would the government be required to provide any evidence in its possession that might undermine its decision, leaving an accused nonprofit entirely in the dark about what conduct the government believes qualifies as material support.  The potential for abuse under H.R. 6408 is immense as the executive branch would be handed a tool it could use to curb free speech, censor nonprofit media outlets, target political opponents, and punish disfavored groups across the political spectrum. Moreover, the addition of this authority to the tax code would allow the IRS to explicitly target and harass domestic nonprofits using its investigative authority. It is also not hard to imagine a future administration using this power in far broader circumstances that have nothing to do with the hostilities in Gaza. And as more recent congressional oversight efforts make clear, these efforts are part of concerted attack on civil society that is targeted at more than just groups involved in the campus protests regarding Gaza...”

Targeting Iran (and Rob Malley)

3. Hearings & Markups

[TOTALLY DISAPPEARED FROM COMMITTEE WEBSITE] September 26, 2024: The House Committee on Natural Resources’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations was scheduled to hold a 2-panel show-trial/witch hunt (sorry, I mean “hearing”) entitled, Desecrating Old Glory: Investigating How the Pro-Hamas Protests Turned National Park Service Land into a Violent Disgrace. Per a list posted on the hearing landing page before it disappeared, scheduled witnesses were:  Panel 1 – Mark Lee Greenblatt, Inspector General, U.S. Department of the Interior (statement); Charles Cuevelier, Associate Director, Visitor and Resource Protection, National Park Service (statement); Panel 2 – Kenneth H. Spencer, III, Chairman, United States Park Police Fraternal Order of Police, Washington, D.C. (statement); Mr. Alex Goldenberg, Director of Intelligence, Network Contagion Research Institute (statement);  Mr. Scott Walter, President, Capital Research Center (statement); and Harry Dunn, Former United States Capitol Police Officer. NOTE: The hearing title gives a pretty good hint at the flavor of this hearing – but if that’s not enough, there’s this bizarre 8-page hearing memo [as of this writing is still online], which among other things alleges that protesters are directly linked to or even funded by Hamas, Iran, and the Chinese government.

4. Targeting/Slandering/Inciting Against Rep. Tlaib, Again (& twice over)

9/19/24: Racist, Inciting Cartoon targeting Rep. Tlaib

On 9/19/24, on the heels of an Israeli operation in Lebanon, in which thousands of booby-trapped pagers exploded, maiming and killing a large number of people (an operation that former CIA director and former, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called “a form of terrorism”) the National Review published a political cartoon (see on X) featuring a caricature of Rep. Tlaib (D-MI) pictured seated at her desk, with a burned a smoking object on the desk, and a thought bubble with the words “Odd. My pager just exploded.”

The National Review’s cartoon (drawn by an reporter employed by the Detroit News) was criticized/denounced by a range of voices on X, including a slew of Democratic members of Congress (I didn’t find any such statements from Republicans): Rep. Slotkin (D-MI) Rep. Bush (D-MO), Sen. Peters (D-MI), Rep. Balint (D-VT), Rep. Garcia (D-CA), Rep. Kildee (D-MI), Rep. Stevens (D-MI), Rep. Scholten (D-MI), Lee (D-PA), and Beyer (D-VA). Also see joint statement from Jewish House members Jacobs (D-CA), Balint (D-VT), Bonamici (D-OR), Magaziner (D-RI), Raskin (D-MD), Wild (D-PA), and Nadler (D-NY):

“As Jewish Members of Congress, we condemn this appalling and hateful cartoon depicting our colleague, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, as a terrorist and making a dangerous joke about a pager exploding at her desk. While none of us always agrees with Representative Tlaib (just as she surely does not always agree with any of us), that is no reason to excuse this toxically Islamophobic and anti-Arab affront. At a time of rising violence against Arab, Muslim, and Jewish communities alike, we must stand together in solidarity against ethnic scapegoating and hateful provocations, which are often the prelude to actual racial violence and attack.”

9/20/24:  Inciting Cartoon Against Tlaib Used as Hook for…Further Incitement Against Tlaib

On 9/20/24, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, speaking out on X, posted a comment that in effect shifted the focus away from the racist, dangerously inciting cartoon depicting Tlaib as a terrorist who Israel might have tried to assassinate (in a military action that was framed in a positive light by many in Congress and the media), to focus instead on false – and inciting – accusations against Tlaib, who (along with others, including the ACLU) has called Nessel out for what they see as the targeting of Palestine rights protesters  (some of whom, by the way, are Jewish) with criminal charges.  Nessel posted on X on 9/20/24:

Rashida’s religion should not be used in a cartoon to imply that she’s a terrorist. It’s Islamophobic and wrong. Just as Rashida should not use my religion to imply I cannot perform my job fairly as Attorney General. It’s anti-Semitic and wrong.”

With that post — for which Nessel did not provide any evidence  Nessel re-cast Tlaib — the victim of a racist, anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic, inciting cartoon, and a voice standing up for students’ right to protest — as the antisemitic victimizer, and cast herself as the righteous victim of Rashida’s evil action. That re-casting of Nessel as the righteous victim of Tlaib’s alleged antisemitism immediately took over and became the theme of the coming days.

9/22/24: CNN, Jewish Inside, the ADL, and others get in on the Action

On CNN’s State of the Union on 9/22/24, during an interview with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, CNN’s Jake Tapper repeated and expanded on Nessel’s X-post. He asked Whitmer if she agreed with Nessel that Tlaib’s comments were “biased and antisemitic“. When Whitmer declined to join in on attacking Tlaib, Tapper presser her further, stating that Tlaib “is suggesting” that Nessel is only prosecuting Palestine protesters “because she’s Jewish and the protesters are not. That’s quite an accusation.”

Shortly thereafter on 9/22/24, Jewish Insider published an article, written by its editor-in-chief Josh Kraushaar, attacking Whitmer for failing to back Nessel’s targeting of Palestine protesters, and doubling down on Nessel’s [and Tapper’s] allegation against Tlaib.  Jewish Insider writes: “Tlaib has also claimed that [Attorney General] Nessel is only charging the protesters because she’s Jewish. Nessel has publicly decried the congresswoman’s characterization as antisemitic and wrong.“]  The link provided in that Jewish Insider article as evidence of what Tlaib “claimed” goes to an article that, notably, does not back that allegation. The supposedly damning excerpt from that article:

‘We’ve had the right to dissent, the right to protest,’ Tlaib says. ‘We’ve done it for climate, the immigrant rights movement, for Black lives, and even around issues of injustice among water shutoffs. But it seems that the attorney general decided if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs.

Also notably, folks determined to see antisemitism in the above quote are conveniently ignoring the rest of the article, which (among other things) includes:

“…Tlaib accused Nessel of caving to demands to prosecute from university authorities, including Ono and members of the Board of Regents…I think people at the University of Michigan put pressure on her to do this, and she fell for it,’ Tlaib says. ‘I think President Ono and Board of Regent members were very much heavy-handed in this. It had to come from somewhere.’

Notably, the supposedly damning article was published on September 13, 2024. As far as I can tell, nobody — including Nessel (see her X account) — ever claimed that Tlaib’s comments in that article reflected, constituted, or implied antisemitism until Jewish Insider dug up the piece on 9/22/24 as supposed evidence to back up Nessel’s allegation.

Apparently undaunted by the lack of factual basis for the allegations made by Nessel and repeated by the Jewish Insider, on 9/22/24 the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt took to X to further up the ante – using the Jewish Insider article as a springboard to attack Governor Whitmer (f0r not going after Palestine protesters) and to double down on the (baseless) accusations against Rep. Tlaib:

.@GovWhitmer, when your attorney general prosecutes people for violating the law, harassing Jews, and attacking police officers, it’s in the interest of public safety. When a congresswoman accuses the attorney general of prosecuting protestors simply because she’s Jewish, it’s bias. Saying you want to ‘make sure that students are safe on our campuses’ is just words if you are not willing to use your bully pulpit to speak out unequivocally on antisemitism and support holding people accountable for violating the law when it affects Jews.

Many posters on X, including journalists and activists, called out Jewish Insider and Greenblatt for the baseless allegations against Tlaib, including Center for International Policy’s Dylan Williams who commented on 9/22/24:

This is just a lie. @RepRashida Tlaib simply didn’t do what the ADL and Jewish Insider claim. Falsely accusing a Congresswoman who is a frequent target of bigotry of doing something she didn’t isn’t just defamatory — it risks inciting more hatred and even violence against her.”

9/23/24 (part 1): Fact Check

On 9/23/24, Detroit Metro Times posted an article: Fact-check: Tlaib did not say Nessel charged pro-Palestinian protesters because she’s Jewish — The “blatant and hateful” false claims were peddled by a state lawmaker, the attorney general, and some media outlets. Excerpt:

“Tlaib never once mentioned Nessel’s religion or Judaism. But Metro Times pointed out in the story that Nessel is Jewish, and that appears to be the spark that led to the false claims. It should also be noted that the ACLU of Michigan criticized Nessel for charging peaceful protesters at the University of Michigan.“]

Also see: Rashida Tlaib Targeted Over Made-Up Quote [“The Michigan representative is being accused of antisemitism over something she never actually said.“] (The New Republic 9/23/24)


Notwithstanding the debunking of the allegations against Tlaib, later on 9/23/24, following pressure from CNN’s Jake Tapper to denounce Rep. Tlaib’s alleged antisemitism against Nessel, and following public bashing by the ADL’s Greenblatt for refraining from doing soMichigan Governor Whitmer  released a statement condemning Tlaib (without naming her) for statements THAT TLAIB DID NOT MAKE:

“The suggestion that Attorney General Nessel would make charging decisions based on her religion as opposed to the rule of law  is antisemitic [agreed – that would indeed be antisemitic if Tlaib had said it, which she DID NOT]. Attorney General Nessel has always conducted her work with integrity and followed the rule of law. We must all use our platform and voices to call out hateful rhetoric and racist tropes.“]

In response, the author of the article cited by Jewish Insider, from which the supposedly damning evidence of Tlaib’s antisemitism was draw, posted on X: “I’m the reporter who interviewed Rashida Tlaib. She never said Nessel did this because she’s Jewish. Never. You’re spreading lies.”

Shortly thereafter, CNN’s Dana Bash jumped on the inciting-against-Tlaib bandwagon, with an X-post (that has more than 3.4 million views as of this writing) stating:

A sad reality – antisemitism is everywhere and it comes from both ends of the political spectrum. We saw two examples of politicians sidestepping instead of calling it out on @CNNSOTU yesterday. @DavidChalian discusses the unwillingness by some to put morality ahead of politics.

That post was linked to a video of Bash talking to David Chalian, featuring…footage from her colleague Jake Tapper’s interview with Gov. Whitmer.

In response, the author of the article cited by Jewish Insider, from which the supposedly damning evidence of Tlaib’s antisemitism was draw, posted on X:

Now Dana Bash from CNN is lying about what happened. U.S. Rep. @RashidaTlaib did not say Nessel filed the charges because she’s Jewish. She said there is an anti-Palestinian attitude among many institutions, and most of them are not run by Jewish people

Shortly thereafter, CNN’s Bianna Golodryga jumped on the inciting-against-Tlaib bandwagon, with an X-post promoting Dana Bash and Jake Tapper’s stories attacking Tlaib:

.@DanaBashCNN highlighting @jaketapper‘s revealing (and disturbing) interviews this weekend with a Democratic governor and a Republican senator who, when given the opportunity to call out antisemitic language within their own parties, chose instead to side-step it.”

9/23/24 (part 3): Maybe Facts Matter a little?

At some point on 9/23/24 (thanks to the Wayback Machine we know it was sometime between 6:10pm and 11:25pm) Jewish Insider quietly changed the article that, along with Nessel’s X-post, sparked this entire drama, with no note on the article stating that this was edited. So where it originally stated (link from 6:10pm) “Tlaib has also claimed that Nessel is only charging the protesters because she’s Jewishit now states (link from 11:35pm) “Tlaib has also suggested that Nessel is only charging the protesters because she’s Jewish.

Also, CNN’s Jake Tapper in a 9/23/24 interview with Nessel sought to (kind of) walk back his comments from the previous day, claiming:

I should note that I misspoke yesterday when asking a follow up of Governor Whitmer who I asked about this. I was trying to characterize your views of Tlaib’s comments.

During that interview Nessel, for her part, doubled down on her assertion that Tlaib’s comments were antisemitic, notwithstanding the fact that Tlaib made no direct or implied reference to Nessel’s religion, arguing that the intent behind Tlaib’s comment speaks for itself because

Rashida Tlaib is an individual who is well-known for making inflammatory and incendiary remarks that are antismitic in nature…“.

Note from me: The suggestion that criticism against any Jewish person may be assumed/judged to be antisemitic based NOT on whether the criticism has anything to do with Jews/Judaism, but on the critic’s identity as a Muslim &/or critic of Israel/Zionism, is a RACIST TROPE.

Also, at some point the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt quietly deleted the X-post in which he claimed Rep. Tlaib “accuses the attorney general of prosecuting protestors simply because she’s Jewish”. He then re-posted a pic of that original X-post, along with a new comment clarifying that (a) thanking Gov. Whitmer for her statement piling on to the anti-Tlaib attacks; and (b) doubling down on the anti-Tlaib position expressed in the original post, simply noting “Additionally, I learned that initial news reports contained an error in the specifics of the congresswoman’s remarks” and again linking to the Jewish Insider article that kicked off this entire drama (the article Jewish Insider edited to change “claimed” to “suggested.” Greenblatt also re-posted the clip of CNN’s Dana Bash attacking Tlaib, noting approvingly:

“Yes, @DanaBashCNN, is absolutely right. It’s a sad reality when leaders refuse to call out antisemitism coming from their own side. Condemning hate expressed by your opponents is easy. Calling it out when it comes from your friends is hard. But moral clarity and plain old honesty are what we should expect from our leaders.”


Dana Bash on 9/24/24 offered something only vaguely resembling a clarification of her earlier X-post and interview – neither walking back nor apologizing for the accusation that Tlaib’s comment was antisemitic, but rather doubling down on Nessel’s interpretation of those comments and implicitly blaming Tlaib’s office for failing to get back to Bash’s staff when asked for comment. Also see: Video report – CNN DOUBLES DOWN On Fake Rashida Tlaib SMEAR (Breaking Points 9/25/24)

Notwithstanding all of the fact checking, and notwithstanding some degree of walking back of accusations by high-profile accusers who created and fueled this entire mess, on 9/24/24 Rep. Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) led a statement, joined by 20 fellow House Democrats, entitled: House Democrats Support Michigan AG Nessel’s Efforts to Protect Students, Reject Unfair Accusations of Bias. That statement:

“Dana Nessel has distinguished herself as a just, discerning, and effective Attorney General. Michigan voters selected her to keep all communities safe, empowering her to faithfully exercise discretion and enforce the law. That’s exactly what she has done in the cases of anti-Israel campus protesters as well as counter-protestors accused of violent acts that go far beyond protected speech. Those charged with criminal conduct will enjoy the same rights of due process as anyone else. Casting doubt on Attorney General Nessel’s impartiality or implying these cases are being handled unfairly due to her religious background is antisemitic, deeply disturbing, and unacceptable. Elected officials are rightfully held to high standards, but we owe it to our constituents to model methods of disagreement that do not invoke hateful tropes or false charges of unfair bias.”]

Also see Jewish Insider‘s report on the letter : 9/24/24: Democratic lawmakers accuse Michigan AG Nessel’s critics of antisemitism; X-posts from Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Schneider (D-IL) [which makes no mention of its own role in this drama]

Also on 9/24/24, the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) – representatives of which testified in House hearings on antisemitism in June 2023 and in July 2024; and participated in a closed House committee briefing on antisemitism in May 2024 — published a statement:  ISGAP Denounces Rep. Rashida Tlaib for Antisemitic Remarks Regarding Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel – Dr. Charles Asher Small slams “outrageous antisemitic trope that should be denounced by all public officials charged with upholding the laws of our country”. Reminder from the archives – The Forward 8/31/20: Think tank [ISGAP] failed to disclose six-figure grant from Israeli government – excerpt – for 2020 “the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, which is based in New York, received $445,000 from the Israeli government in 2018. That value equals nearly 80% of its reported revenue that year.”]

Also see op-ed 9/24/24 in USA Today by columnist Ingrid Jaques, “Tlaib makes antisemitic comments again. Whitmer’s response isn’t enough.” Excerpt:

I found myself taking Attorney General Dana Nessel’s side in a controversy involving criminal charges against student protesters and an obnoxious accusation cast by Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib.”

And on 9/25/24 the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt tripled (or maybe by this point it is quadrupled?) down on the accusations against Tlaib and now adding to them an attack on Rep. Ocasio-Cortez for “anti-Jewish bias” for the sin of…defending Tlaib, with a new X-post in which he effectly leverages what should have been outrage over a racist, Islamophobic, dangerously inciting cartoon against Tlaib into an anti-Squad “YOU ARE ALL ANTISEMITES!” two-fer!:

A congresswoman intentionally implied that a Jewish state official and her agency were guilty of bias and instead of holding her colleague to account, AOC is obfuscating, conflating and allowing the member free reign to never even bother to clarify her comment. Yes, that cartoon is clearly anti-Muslim and should be condemned. Conflating that with people’s reactions to Rep. Tlaib’s not-so-thinly veiled comments against AG Nessel is just plain wrong. When major media outlets and others, including myself, mistakenly referenced inaccurate reporting on the issue, we corrected ourselves. Yet these Members of Congress don’t feel the need for themselves or their colleagues to do the same when they get it wrong – and their silence is deafening. Anti-Jewish bias is real. This is a case in point.”

Also on 9/25/24, the ADL’s X account quintupled (?) down on the attack on Tlaib, re-posted a clip from Jake Tapper’s interview with Nessel, in which Nessel in effect argued that Tlaib’s comment was clearly antisemitic because…it was made by Tlaib, and argued, in effect, that this conviction-by-presumption-of-intent/guilt is absolutely right:

Watch @MIAttyGen Nessel on @JakeTapper explain why Rep. Tlaib’s suggestion that the AG is biased is understood by so many as antisemitic, especially given Tlaib’s history with antisemitic comments. Nessel then notes it is her job to keep students safe and prosecute criminal behavior that endangers communities and campuses.”

On 9/26/24, the editorial board of The Free Press — the anti-woke media outlet founded by Bari Weiss — weighed in with its own post-mortem analysis of the Tlaib/Nessel drama: The Moral Inversion of Rashida Tlaib—and the Smearing of Dana Nessel, taking as its starting point the assertion that Tlaib’s criticism was ipso facto antisemitic — “We heard the dog whistle loud and clear. So did Nessel.” And with respect to those who are defending Tlaib and calling out those who attack her, the editors — I kid you not — analogize Tlaib to Hamas 10/7 attackers and Nessel to Israelis being attacked by Hamas terrorists (which means defending her is like defending Hamas):

“This kind of gaslighting has become an unfortunate pattern for progressives since October 7. A couple of examples: After a horrific pogrom where Jewish Israeli parents were murdered in front of their children, it was Israel that was the aggressor. Israel’s defensive war, according to this warped logic, is a genocide. Meanwhile Hamas, the perpetrators of the genocidal act, are the noble resistance.”

Annnnddddddd: Late on 9/26/24, the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt sextupled (??) down, making common cause with Bari Weiss’s Free Press and its denunciation of Tlaib and her defenders (truly, what more is there to say?), commenting:

While ideologues contort the facts and themselves to deny reality, glad to see ⁦@bariweiss⁩ and ⁦@TheFP⁩ get it right on the gaslighting of ⁦@dananessel⁩ and the indulgence of antisemitism in Michigan”

Further reading

5. Israel/Palestine in 2024 Politics/Elex

6. Selected Media & Press releases/Statements


[note: This is a NON-EXHAUSTIVE LIST — many members of Congress – from both parties – posted on X about their support for Israel’s military assault on Lebanon. Check members’ X accounts to see what they are saying.]

  • Jewish Insider 9/27/24: Pro-Israel lawmakers criticize Biden administration cease-fire proposal for Lebanon [citing a list of members Torres (D-NY), Landsman (D-OH), Rosen (D-NV), Cramer (R-ND), Tenney (R-NY), Cotton (R-AR), Issa (R-CA), Waltz (R-FL) – notably – while all the GOP voices criticized the proposal, Torres merely expressed skepticism and Landsman & Rosen did not actually addres the proposal at all]
  • Sherman (D-CA) 9/27/24: X-post – “To avoid conflict in Lebanon, real pressure must be put on Hezbollah to stop bombing #Israel (as it has done unprovoked since 10/8) and abide by UN Res 1701. Urging ‘no escalation’ w/o addressing this is asking Israel to be bombed and not respond – something no country would do.”
  • Stevens (D-MI) 9/27/24: X-post – “For too long the Iran-backed terrorists of Hezbollah have used the Lebanese people as cover for their military actions. Hezbollah has ruthlessly attacked Israel since October 8th, driving thousands of Israelis from their homes, and endangering Lebanese civilians. Lebanon must no longer be a platform for terrorism so that citizens of both Lebanon and Israel can live in peace.”
  • Mast (R-FL) 9/26/24: X-post – “Those criticizing Israel for defending itself don’t have the stomach to do what it takes to combat an enemy. Hezbollah attacks civilians & Israel responds with a targeted strike at the Hezbollah leadership. Houthis attack U.S. ships & Biden/Kamala respond with a press release.
  • Blackburn (R-TN) 9/24/24: X-post – “I stand with Israel and its fight against Hamas and Hezbollah. Eliminating terrorists responsible for murdering innocent civilians makes the world a safer place.
  • McConnell (R-KY) 9/24/24: McConnell: America Faces Simultaneous Threats, Must Resource Accordingly [excerpt – “It is not, however, too late to stop treating Israel as an escalatory regional force in need of finger-wagging micromanagement… and instead like a sovereign democracy encircled by the forces of the world’s most active sponsor of terror. It is not too late to start responding to proxy violence with the sort of unwavering force necessary to change Iran’s calculus – and for that matter, Russia’s and China’s as well. It’s not too late to show our adversaries that in their race to undermine America’s global influence and threaten its global interests, they will meet determined opposition.”]
  • McConnell (R-KY) 9/23/24: McConnell Urges Administration, Colleagues Not To Make Israel’s Job Harder [‘The United States ought to stand with our friend, Israel, as it faces these terrorists down. The goal should not be simply to avoid escalation or to return to the status quo ante, but to help Israel defend itself against terrorists bent on Israel’s destruction. We have a stake in ensuring Israel emerges from this conflict stronger and these terrorist organizations and their Iranian patron weaker.’]
  • Thune (R-SD) 9/23/24: from Fox News interview – “I think that we have to be prepared to have Israel’s back, you know, whatever that takes. And we all know who’s behind this. It’s Iran. It’s Iran, it’s Hezbollah, it’s Hamas, it’s the Houthis, it’s all these Iranian militias that have been attacking American troops in places like Syria. This is Iran, and, at some point, we’re going to have to confront that reality.“Now, one of the things that, of course, this administration has done is they have, again, projected weakness – lifting sanctions, making dollars available for Iran to be able to fund these terrorist organizations that are harassing Israel on a daily basis, on their borders. We’ve got to make sure that Israel is safe and secure and stable. It will bring peace and security and stability to that region, and it’s going to require, if necessary, America to have Israel’s back. We’ve always said that, and when push comes to shove, we need to make sure that we’re there to support them and to ensure that stability reigns in that region.”
  • Cruz (R-TX) 9/23/24: Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Israeli Military Strikes in Lebanon
  • Mace (R-SC) 9/23/24: Statement from Congresswoman Nancy Mace on Rocket Attacks Against Israel
  • Pfluger (R-TX) 9/23/24: Pfluger Issues Statement on Israeli Military Strikes in Lebanon
  • Graham (R-SC) 9/22/24: X-post – “In the Middle East, we need game changing peace or game changing military strategy. Game changing peace begins with Saudi Arabia recognizing the state of Israel. Game changing military strategy begins with Israel targeting Iran, the source of chaos in the region.
  • CNN 9/22/24: Sen. Cotton: ‘Israel has every right’ to go after Hezbollah in Lebanon
  • Ken Klipperstein 9/22/24: X-post with video – “Sen. John Fetterman on Israel’s pagers operation in Lebanon: ‘I absolutely support that. If anything, I love it.'”
  • Pence (R-IN) 9/21/24: Congressman Greg Pence Statement on Death of Ibrahim Aqil
  • Rubio (R-FL) 9/20/24: Rubio: Biden-Harris State Department Mishandled Suspension of U.S. Envoy to Iran

Lebanon – Concerns (big or small) about Israeli Actions &/or US Policy

[note: This is a NON-EXHAUSTIVE LIST — many members of Congress – from both parties – posted on X about their support for Israel’s military assault on Lebanon. Check members’ X accounts to see what they are saying.]

  • Politico 9/26/24: Don’t get your hopes up about an Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire [“…Even though Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair BEN CARDIN (D-Md.), hadn’t immediately been briefed on the White House’s much-discussed Lebanon ceasefire proposal, he says he’s for it in concept. ‘These wars could very well escalate until an all-out war, which is something we have to try to prevent,’ Cardin said.“]
  • Cleaver (D-MO) 9/26/24: X-post – “I am deeply concerned about the escalating situation in Lebanon and Northern Israel. I support @POTUS’s efforts to immediately de-escalate so we can renew efforts towards a ceasefire, return innocent hostages held by Hamas, and protect innocent civilians throughout the region.
  • McConnell (D-MN) 9/26/24: X-post – “In just a matter of days, hundreds have been killed and tens of thousands displaced across Lebanon. An immediate temporary ceasefire across the Israel-Lebanon border is the only way forward to advance diplomacy and to prevent an expanding regional conflict.
  • Cesar (D-TX) 9/26/24: Congressman Greg Casar on the Escalating Violence in Lebanon [“Americans do not want to be dragged into another endless war in the Middle East. We cannot continue putting civilians at escalating risk, and we cannot support putting our U.S. service members at risk. Americans and the White House are clear that immediate de-escalation and a ceasefire must be implemented immediately. The U.S. must use our significant leverage, including withholding offensive weapons to the Israeli military, to avert a disastrous regional war with Lebanon and end Netanyahu’s bombardment of Gaza. Too many Palestinian, Israeli, and Lebanese civilians have been killed by this violence.”]
  • Jacobs (D-CA) 9/25/24: Rep. Sara Jacobs Releases Statement on Escalation in the Middle East, Hezbollah’s Intercepted Strikes on Tel Aviv [“I’m grateful for everyone who has reached out to me in the wake of Hezbollah’s strikes, and I’m so thankful that my family in Israel and everyone in Tel Aviv is safe. The U.S. will continue to support Israel’s defense – including THAAD and the Iron Dome, which saved so many lives by intercepting these strikes. I’m deeply alarmed by the escalating situation between Hezbollah and Israel, and the devastating toll it’s already having on civilians in Lebanon and northern Israel. We must use our significant leverage to get a full ceasefire in Gaza and de-escalation in Lebanon. Ending the war in Gaza is the best way to end the war in Lebanon, allow thousands to return home in northern Israel, and avoid a catastrophic regional war that would endanger millions of civilians.”]
  • Tlaib (D-MN) 9/25/24: Tlaib Statement on the Indiscriminate Bombing of Lebanon
  • Omar (D-MN) 9/24/24: Rep. Omar’s Statement on Israel’s Attacks in Lebanon – “I condemn the attacks by the Israeli military in Lebanon. It is imperative we use every single tool to de-escalate tensions. Just as President Biden stated, a ‘full-scale war is not in anyone’s interest.’ A full-scale war would have catastrophic implications for everyone, especially for Lebanese and Israeli civilians who would bear the brunt of this war and dramatically increase the risk of regional conflict involving the United States. If we are serious about preventing the escalation of this conflict, we must use our leverage to cut off military aid to stop the violence both in Lebanon and Gaza. We cannot continue to stand idly by while innocent civilians are being bombarded with our tax dollars.
  • Murphy (D-CT) 9/23/24: Murphy Readout Of Meeting With Foreign Minister Of Lebanon [“This is a critical moment where the focus on the region and world must be on de-escalating the deepening conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. I spoke with Foreign Minister Bou Habib today and we exchanged views on how the United States, Lebanon and Israel can take steps to avoid the devastating consequences of a larger conflict breaking out in the Middle East. We had a candid, serious discussion about the importance of de-escalation in the immediate term, but also the need to establish a plan for the day after in Gaza and a credible path forward for a Palestinian state.”]
  • Lee (D-PA) 9/23/24: X-post – “Since the start of Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, we have warned of a regional escalation of war. Now, more American troops are being sent there. Americans do not want to be dragged into another endless war abroad. Preventing one starts with an arms embargo now.
  • Kaptur (D-OH) 9/23/24: Kaptur Statement On the War In Gaza and Escalation Between Israel and Hezbollah In Lebanon
  • Pressley (D-MA) 9/23/24: X-postIsrael’s indiscriminate bombing, forced displacement, & war crimes in Gaza have been beyond devastating. This must not be repeated in Lebanon. We must de-escalate and the U.S. must stop sending offensive weapons.
  • Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) 9/20/24: X-post – “Yesterday my House office was tagged with blood-splattered signs accusing me of supporting terrorism after I questioned the pager operation, which clearly runs counter to US policy. They must live under a rock to not know I don’t take well to bullies. Per US Dept of Defense:” [linked to image of excerpt on booby traps]
  • Green (D-TX) 9/20/24: Congressman Al Green Shares Remarks in Support of an Israeli-Palestinian Two-state Solution
  • Amo (D-RI) 9/19/24: Amo Reiterates Ceasefire Call and Denounces Iranian Support for Violent Militia Groups

Israel’s War on Gaza & West Bank

  • Tlaib (D-MI) 9/26/24: Tlaib calls on Blinken to resign over statements related to Israel-Hamas war
  • Fetterman (D-PA) 9/26/24: X-post – “As it should. Immediately after 10/7, I strongly affirmed supporting any assistance—financial, military or intelligence—without conditions, in Israel’s war against terrorists. And never forget to #BringThemHomeNOW”. Linked to screenshot of headline: Israel says it has secured $8.7. billion U.S. aid package”
  • Hoyle (D-OR) 9/26/24: X-post – “It’s reprehensible the Israeli military is bulldozing West Bank communities, cutting off access to emergency care & destroying public infrastructure. Israel has every right to defend itself from terrorism. But this doesn’t serve as a justification for collective punishment and destroying communities. These actions deepen the humanitarian crisis, sow distrust & fuel further instability.
  • Pannetta (D-CA) 9/25/24: X-post – “Productive meeting with the Egyptian Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the United States on a pathway forward to return the remaining hostages, secure a cessation of hostilities in the Israel-Hamas conflict, and ensure regional stability.
  • Common Dreams 9/20/24: Tlaib Enters ’14 Pages of Babies’ Killed by Israel in Gaza Into Congressional Record [‘That’s 710 babies that the Israeli government has murdered,’ the lone Palestinian American in Congress said. ‘This is not self-defense. This is genocide.'”]

Targeting Education/Free Speech

Anti-Palestinian Hate. Racism, Islamophobia

Targeting The UN & Biden Admin

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