HRW: Businesses Should End Settlement Activity

What We’re Reading

Occupation/Human rights

Businesses Should End Settlement Activity,

Businesses should stop operating in, financing, servicing, or trading withIsraeli settlements in order to comply with their human rights responsibilities, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Those activities contribute to and benefit from an inherently unlawful and abusive system that violates the rights of Palestinians.

EU adopts resolution criticising 'illegal' Israeli settlement activity,

EU foreign ministers on Monday agreed a statement on the stalled Middle East peace process and Israeli settlements after resolving differences over wording which some felt was too critical of Israel.

Palestinian workers banned from settlements after stabbing attacks,

Israel is temporarily banning all Palestinian workers from West Bank settlements in the wake of two attacks in two days.

Extremists deface Jerusalem abbey with anti-Christian graffiti,

Jerusalem’s Dormition Abbey has been vandalized for the second time in two years, with violent and threatening graffiti scrawled across its exterior. The incident is the latest in a series of attacks on Christians in Israel.

No room for occupation in Israel's civics curriculum,

“Students who open up the Education Ministry’s new civics textbook won’t find a word about military rule or discrimination against 20 percent of the population,” writes Gil Gertel. “There’s a reason for that.”

Palestinian stabs Israeli woman to death in her home in settlement of Otniel,

According to media reports, a Palestinian stabbed Israeli civilian Dafna Meir to death yesterday evening on the threshold of her home and fled. Meir, 39, was a mother of six from the settlement of Otniel in the South Hebron Hills.

Israeli politics

Israeli State-funded Settler Group Sent Private Eye to Spy on Human-rights NGOs,

Haaretz investigation: Pro-settlement group Regavim commissioned and paid for private investigation into prominent human-rights lawyer and the organizations he represents.

Incitement: Why it's scarier this time around,

“There is nothing new about the multi-pronged attack on human rights and anti-occupation activists in Israel, but there’s something different this time,” writes Michael Omer-Man. “Something scarier.”

Why Palestinians aren't standing up for Israeli leftists,

“The Israeli Left with which most Palestinians are familiar speaks the same language as the Right — of segregation and safeguarding a racist regime. The ‘other Left’ needs to develop a new discourse, and we should all hope it succeeds,” writes Sawsan Khalife’.

'Don't employ Arabs': Carwash in central Israel set alight,

A carwash in Petah Tikva was set on fire and spray-painted with graffiti against the employment of Arabs. An investigation reveals it was a deliberate fire.

Ban on discrimination against West Bank residents gets ministerial approval,

Legislation that would penalize businesses who refuse to deliver their products to the West Bank received the Ministerial Committee for Legislation’s approval Sunday.

US-Israel relations

Netanyahu, US envoy trade jabs over ‘two-standards’ of law in West Bank,


Israel spraying toxins over Palestinian crops in Gaza,

The sprayed herbicides by the Israeli army could constitute a real hazard for the population, officials say.