Ban Ki-Moon warns Israel on Occupation

What We’re Reading

Occupation/Human rights

Opinion: Don’t Shoot the Messenger, Israel,

“Nothing excuses terrorism. I condemn it categorically,” writes UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. “It is inconceivable, though, that security measures alone will stop the violence. As I warned the Security Council last week, Palestinian frustration and grievances are growing under the weight of nearly a half-century of occupation.”

The Obama Administration Is Right to Reject the “Settlements=Israel” Conflation,

“Attention is finally focusing on a bill pending in Congress that would make it U.S. policy to defend and support Israeli settlements,” writes Peace Now’s Lara Friedman.

The Campaign to Legislate Support for Settlements,

From Peace Now’s Lara Friedman: Seven reasons you should oppose attempts by Congressional and state legislators to conflate Israel and the occupied West Bank.

Letter From Jerusalem,

“Based on the assumption that Israel and the EU share values of democracy and human rights and that Israel is operating on the ground to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories, the EU has signed partnership agreements with Israel that have narrowed the distance between the two,” writes Menachem Klein. “But recently, more and more senior EU officials and decisionmakers have come to the conclusion that in fact, the Israeli government’s decision to limit the freedom of operation of human rights NGOs and the policy of de facto annexation of most of the West Bank widen the distance between the EU and Israel.”


Checking the “dual-use” list twice,

Israel is by far not the only country that manages a “dual-use” list. However, the list for the Palestinian territory, and for Gaza in particular, is much longer and broader than recognized international standards and includes items that are critically needed for civilian use.

Israeli politics

When equality is the biggest existential threat of all,

“In these days of entrapping human rights activists and blacklisting ‘traitors,’ the concept of equality has become as radical as it gets — and a threat to everything the governing regime stands for,” writes Natasha Roth.

Palestinian politics

Opinion: A new Palestinian leader for all?,

“It is important that the successor listens to the suffering of Palestinians.” Daoud Kuttab responds to Palestinian security chief Majid Farraj’s recent interview with Defense News.