Herzog’s Bantustan Plan

What We’re Reading

From the FMEP Blog

Herzog’s Bantustan Plan,

“Speaking at a national security conference in Tel Aviv last month, Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog announced a new plan to “separate” from the Palestinians,” writes FMEP President Matthew Duss. “Herzog’s plan, at least as currently outlined, leads us to the same place that Netanyahu’s does: Palestinians confined to what are essentially Bantustans, with nothing on the horizon to address the hopelessness that many, including Israeli security chiefs, have identified as a key driver of violence. It’s hard to imagine that this is a recipe for more security and stability rather than less.”

Occupation/Human rights

2015 In the Settlements,

Peace Now’s annual construction report reveals that in 2015 construction continued throughout the West Bank settlements, and especially in isolated settlements. These findings refute the argument that a “silent freeze” is currently in place.

Peace Now: PM legalized 20 West Bank settler outposts since 2009,

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has authorized 20 outposts since taking office in 2009 and plans to legalize an additional six, according to a report to be released on Sunday by the nongovernmental organization Peace Now that monitors West Bank settlement activity.

Israel's Unprecedented Geopolitical Strength,

“It may seem counterintuitive, or even downright strange, but Israel’s geopolitical position is probably stronger now than at any time in the country’s history,” writes Paul Scham. “The dangers to its security come primarily from its refusal to end the occupation of the West Bank and agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

How I Learned to Fall in Love With Sanctions,

“Sanctions did not devastate South Africa or Iran. Nor will they destroy Israel; above all it will extricate Israel from a trap it is unable to get out of by itself,” writes Shlomo Sand.

US-Israel relations

Opinion: How to Stop Israel’s 'Delegitimization' Among American Progressives,

“Israel’s treatment of the stateless Palestinians over which it rules is not a public relations problem. It is a moral problem,” writes Peter Beinart.

Obama Offers Israel New 10-Year Aid Package, But There's a Catch,

To facilitate Israel’s long-term planning and spending needs, US President Barack Obama’s administration is offering Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a consolidated aid package that essentially guarantees expanded top-line funding from State Department and Pentagon accounts each year for the next decade, starting in 2018.

Israeli politics

Opinion: The Israeli Left needs to step up its game,

“Herzog’s new diplomatic plan goes against the real interests of all those who live between the river and the sea — Jews and Arabs alike. Now it’s up to the Left to come up with a new vision based on real coexistence,” writes Noam Sheizaf.

The domino effect of persecuting Arab politicians,

“The government’s latest attempts to oust Balad from the Knesset are part of an intensifying campaign against Arab political movements, regardless of their different stripes,” writes Amjad Iraqi.

The paradox of being an Arab member of Israel's Knesset,

Al Jazeera speaks with Jamal Zahalka, one of the suspended Arab members of Israeli Knesset and head of Balad party.