EU Labeling: Carrots and Sticks Work

What We’re Reading

From the FMEP Blog

EU Labeling: Carrots and Sticks Work,

The labeling controversy is a reminder that Israel needs not only the EU, but the United States, a lot more than either entity needs Israel. It lights a path out of the morass in which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is now stuck, setting the stage for more productive negotiations in the future.

Occupation/Human rights

Getting Ready to Occupy the West Bank All Over Again,

“Minister Zeev Elkin’s warning that the Palestinian Authority will collapse is useless; it’s not like the government would ever dream of negotiating with the PA,” writes Zvi Bar’el.

Opinion: Bedouin town slated for destruction is true test for Israelis,

“The Negev comprises two thirds of Israel’s territory, but only 10 percent of citizens lives there. It is thus no coincidence that the Jewish settlement of Hiran is being planned directly atop the ruins of the Bedouin village Umm al-Hiran,” writes Michal Rotem.

The Goal: A Knesset Without Arabs,

“In Israel’s otherwise shaky democracy, the fundamental right to vote and to be elected has until now enjoyed an exalted status,” write the editors of Ha’aretz. “For the first time, Knesset members are granting themselves the right to oust one of their colleagues, at the end of a process in which they themselves judge whether his ideology is to their liking or not.”

Abbas eyes French peace initiative on Iran deal model,

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas voiced hope Tuesday that a French initiative to hold an international Middle East peace conference could lead to a solution like breakthrough talks on Iran’s nuclear deal.

Israeli politics

Netanyahu wants relatives of West Bank attackers to be expelled to Gaza,

“Israeli prime minister’s office says move would ‘lead to significant decrease in terrorist attacks’ in occupied territories.

Israeli Minister Backs Plan for Gaza Island Port,

As head of the southern command, Yoav Galant led Israel’s army in a three-week war with Hamas from late 2008 that scorched parts of Gaza. Now, as a minister who attends the security cabinet, he wants Israel to do what it can to rebuild the strip’s dire economy.

US-Israel relations

Opinion: Why so many US presidents have failed to bring Middle East peace,

“Attempts by a long line of American presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, to broker an accord between Israelis and Palestinians or promote initiatives to end the conflict have hinged more on timing than anything else,” writes Akiva Eldar

Netanyahu and IDF Are Split on the Iran Nuclear Deal,

“Many Americans may be surprised by the disconnect between the political leaders and the security establishment in Israel. However, this disagreement over how to approach the Iran nuclear deal and, before that, Iran’s nuclear ambitions is long-running and indicative of spirited debate in Israel that gets little attention in the United States,” writes Leore Ben-Chorin.

Palestinian politics

Another Hamas-Fatah reconciliation agreement bites the dust,

“Although the Palestinian people are in desperate need for reconciliation in light of the deteriorating political, security and economic situation in the West Bank and Gaza, reconciliation is being stalled, as the Doha meetings stopped after their first round. It seems that Hamas fears it would have to give up the Gaza Strip for Fatah to accept reconciliation and perhaps Fatah fears the wrath of Israel and Washington should it go for reconciliation with Hamas,” writes Adnan Abu Amer.