New Proposal to Divide Jerusalem Unites People Against It

What We’re Reading

Occupation/Human rights

New Proposal to Divide Jerusalem Unites People Against It,

A new plan on how to divide Jerusalem’s Jewish and Arab neighborhoods has had the peculiar distinction of uniting people against it. The contentious plan, promoted by a group of liberal Israeli Jews and adopted in principle by the center-left Labor Party, would unilaterally fence off most of East Jerusalem’s Palestinian neighborhoods and transfer responsibility for their 200,000 residents from City Hall to the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank.

Home demolitions displace 330 Palestinians in single month,

Israeli forces demolished 235 Palestinian-owned structures in the West Bank in February, according to the UN’s humanitarian agency, the highest such figure since it started keeping record in 2009.

Opinion: The Strategy for Erasing the 1967 Line,

Settlers know they need to convince other Israelis that the line is purely imaginary, not an actual border, and gradually they’ll cross it.

What's behind Israel's call for 'economic peace'?,

“The “economic peace” proposed by Israel to the Palestinians resembles more economic colonialism than economic ties between equal partners,” writes Uri Savir.

The possibility of the Palestinian Authority's collapse,

Israeli minister Zeev Elkin says that Israel must begin planning for the day after the Palestinian Authority collapses, suggesting that Israel should begin talks with local leaders and village councils about future arrangements.

US-Israel relations

Obama and Congress Square Off on Israeli Settlements,

The campaign to legitimize Israeli settlements – through U.S. legislation conflating settlements and Israel – continues. In tandem with this campaign is a steady stream of reports about U.S. policy vis-à-vis settlements and the West Bank since 1967. Many of these reports – either out of incompetence or a deliberate effort to mislead – misrepresent the facts (to say the least).


Memories That Last a Lifetime in Gaza,

“I was born in one of the most dangerous places in the world: the Gaza Strip. This is a land where the hopes and dreams of young men and women go to die, where the children work in factories instead of playing, and where old people await death to end their unhappy lives,” writes Nour Shaban.

Israeli group in south appeals to Ban: End Gaza blockade,

A group of Israelis living in the south of the country, close to the Gaza Strip, have appealed to the head of the United Nations in an effort to persuade their government to end its years-long blockade on the Hamas-run coastal territory.

Israeli politics

Netanyahu Seeks to Limit Left-wing NGOs' Role in Future Israeli Elections,

Proposed legislation would limit expenditures of groups like V15, which campaigned to topple Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud party in Israel’s 2015 election.