Obama’s last-ditch effort for Israeli-Palestinian peace

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

Will a two-state solution be announced in November?,

“The US administration is discreetly testing Israeli and Palestinian reactions to three options it is currently contemplating to advance the two-state solution,” writes Akiva Eldar.

Massively inflating toll, Sanders suggests Israel killed ‘over 10,000 innocents’ in Gaza,

Massively amplifying even Hamas’s own figures, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders suggested Israel had killed “over 10,000 innocent” Palestinian civilians in Gaza during the war there in the summer of 2014, and said the high casualties were the result of an “indiscriminate” Israeli military offensive.

Occupation/Human rights

70,000 more settlers by 2040,

The master plan drawn for the settlement of Mikhmas Mizrah, initiated by Amana and promoted by the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council and the Settlement Department with the support of the Minister of Defense, aims to turn the area, which is home to the settlements of Ma’ale Mikhmas, Rimmonim, Psagot and Kochav Hashachar, east of Ramallah, into a “suburban settlement with rural and semi-urban features and a population of 77,000”, by 2040.

35 Palestinians left homeless in Israeli demolitions south of Hebron,

Israeli forces on Wednesday demolished six structures in Khirbet Umm al-Kheir south of the West Bank city of Hebron leaving 35 Palestinians homeless, locals said.

Israel, Palestinians Make Progress in Talks to Limit Military Activity in West Bank Cities,

Progress has been made in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority over a deal that would limit Israeli army activity in Palestinian-controlled areas of the West Bank, according to both Israeli officials and Western diplomats familiar with the talks.

Lawmaker backs segregated Jewish, Arab maternity wards,

Jewish Home MK Bezalel Smotrich took to Twitter Tuesday to support the separation of Arab and Jewish mothers in maternity wards in Israeli hospitals.


In Gaza, A Few New, Shiny Homes Rise Amid The Rubble,

According to the World Bank, which tracks the promises of assistance made by international donors in October 2014, after the war, only 40 percent of pledges had been disbursed by the end of February 2016.

Palestinian politics

Will Fatah split?,

A new current has emerged within the Fatah movement with the objective of bringing about reforms, which raises questions on whether or not its founders plan to defect from Fatah’s main branch.

Abbas calls for renewing trilateral committee against incitement,

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called on Tuesday for the renewal of the Trilateral Anti-Incitement Committee, which monitors cases where incitement to violence and terror is suspected, and whose members include Israeli, Palestinian and American officials.