How the American Jewish Establishment Silences U.S. Politicians About Settlements

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

Opinion: How the American Jewish Establishment Silences U.S. Politicians About Settlements,

“When U.S. Jewish leaders falsely accused Rep. Hank Johnson of ‘anti-Semitism’ they proved to American politicians that expressing moral outrage about the occupation can imperil their careers,” writes Peter Beinart.

The Middle East Conflict on Campus,

When it comes to the Middle East on campus, the environment is increasingly uneasy and even hostile. Many universities are grappling with how to balance students’ right to protest with Jewish students’ fears that their culture is under attack.

Is the BDS movement facing new challenges in the US?,

New bills have barred state governments from contracting or funding entities that support the boycott of Israel.

Opinion: US elections won’t stop Obama from criticizing Bibi,

“The Obama administration keeps condemning settlement construction even during the election campaign period, thus demonstrating that criticizing the policy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shouldn’t block the road to the White House,” writes Akiva Eldar.

Netanyahu, at variance with Republican platform, tells GOP senators he favors two states,

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a delegation of Republican senators last week that he still supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing his position three weeks after the GOP eschewed support for such an outcome in its platform.

Occupation/Human rights

Knesset speaker urges partial annexation of West Bank,

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud) on Tuesday urged Israel to annex the West Bank’s Etzion Bloc and Jordan Valley settlements and declare the “era of evacuations” over. At an event marking 11 years since the evacuation of Jewish settlements from the Gush Katif bloc in the Gaza Strip, Edelstein said: “I hope that we will finally see the extension of Israeli sovereignty over places such as the Etzion bloc and the Jordan Valley.”

Palestinians decry impunity for Israeli settler attacks,

After a recent increase in violence and ongoing settlement expansion, Palestinians are renewing calls for protection.

The Bible Is Their Textbook: Jerusalem Group Trains Priests for Third Temple,

A Jerusalem group plans to open the first school of its kind to train priests to serve in a third Jewish temple, which they hope to see erected on Jerusalem’s most contested holy site.


Haniyeh seeks to pay Hamas ‘military personnel’ with Qatar’s money,

Senior Hamas leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh said Sunday he is working to ensure money sent to the terror group by Qatar will be used to pay “military personnel” alongside civilian government employees.

New underground concrete barrier to encircle Gaza,

Israel’s Ministry of Defense has issued tenders to several companies to build a concrete barrier extending several stories below ground to mitigate the threat of Hamas tunnels; the barriers will have sensors to detect digging, and will completely encircle Gaza.

Israeli politics

Conditional rights, conditional citizenship,

In a much-discussed video message to Palestinian citizens of Israel last week, Prime Minister Netanyahu lauded the achievements of Arabs in the arts, business, politics and the legal world. “Israel is strong because of our diversity and pluralism — not in spite of it,” he said. For Palestinian citizens of Israel, however, the speech sounded like nothing more than spin — a liberal democratic wrapper on an illiberal reality of discrimination and selective democracy.

Palestinian politics

Is Abbas overstepping his authority with decision to form new court?,

The Palestinian government is working on establishing a High Criminal Court and amending the penal code enforced in the West Bank, in a move that many view as an encroachment of the legislative authority by the executive branch.