Black Lives Matter backs BDS

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

In platform, Black Lives Matter accuses Israel of ‘genocide,’ backs BDS,

Following the Republican and Democratic national conventions, groups associated with the Black Lives Matter movement released a platform Monday that labels Israel an “apartheid state” and excoriates the United States for its alliance with a country it alleges systemically perpetrates a “genocide” against the Palestinians.

Obama and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,

“The Obama administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was largely drawn from the same playbook as past US administrations,” writes Jeremy Pressman.

Occupation/Human rights

Opinion: It's time for Israelis to acknowledge that Arab lives matter,

“As Israelis debate whether an Israeli soldier should or shouldn’t have killed an incapacitated Palestinian, it becomes clear that we know close to nothing about the victims of the occupation,” writes Orit Kamir.

New Settler Leader Insists West Bank 'Definitely Not a Conflict Zone',

Yesha council head Oded Revivi hopes to persuade global critics and Palestinian issue advocates that Israel’s settlement enterprise in occupied territory is ‘an ecosystem that is working.’

Israel razes West Bank homes of Palestinian attackers,

Jailed cousins Mohammad and Khaled Makhamrah are accused of killing four Israelis in Tel Aviv shooting attack in June.


Israel charges NGO head with funnelling millions to Hamas militants,

Shin Bet says Mohammed Halabi, of Christian relief group World Vision, funded group and military wing to tune of $50m.

Saudi visit to Israel angers Hamas,

“The Hamas movement is worried that a Saudi general’s visit to Israel signifies a rapprochement between the two countries at the expense of Gaza relief efforts,” writes Shlomi Eldar.

Palestinian politics

Fatah, Hamas accuse each other of sabotaging elections,

As October municipal vote draws near, 2 major Palestinian factions are jailing each other’s staff.