Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: August 15, 2018

What We’re Reading

BDS and Settlement boycotts

Was It A ‘Mistake’ When Israel Banned Me, Bibi?,

“On July 1, despite having a student visa and registration for a course at Hebrew University, I was denied entry to the country. I was held for seven hours, asked which Palestinians I know, why I spend time in Israel with people who are not Jews and what protests I have attended in the West Bank. I was then refused entry.”

Israeli attorney general to investigate security services’ interrogations of liberal activists,

The Attorney General’s Office in Israel is investigating a spate of incidents in which prominent left-wing activists have been detained and questioned about their politics and ideologies when trying to enter the country.

Opinion: Welcome to Netanyahu's fortress state,

“The detention and interrogation of high-profile figures such as Peter Beinart and Reza Aslan at Israeli entry points is forcing liberal American Jews to reckon with what Israel is becoming.”

Occupation/Human rights

The expulsion of Khan al-Ahmar: August 2018 update,

The state filed its response on 7 August 2018, insisting on the community’s immediate expulsion to the site originally proposed near the Abu Dis landfill.


Israel reopens Gaza commercial crossing after month-long closure,

The crucial Karam Abu Salem border crossing reopens allowing the vital transfer of goods into besieged Gaza.

Israeli politics

Will a new wave of Israeli legislation diminish internet freedoms?,

This most recent policy brief from 7amleh the Arab Center for Social Media is focused on the dramatic upsurge in the number of laws being put forth by Israeli legislators that violate the right to privacy, freedom of expression and often exhibit racist and discriminatory features.

Bennett rejects potential truce deal with Hamas as ‘reward for terrorists’,

A key coalition ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday harshly criticized any deal for a long-term ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip, adding that ministers in his party will oppose it.

Jerusalem hostel bans Israel ‘haters’ Jon Stewart, CNN…and Times of Israel,

A hostel in Jerusalem’s Old City has published a list of “haters of Israel” who have been banned “because of crimes committed against the Jewish people,” drawing derision and ridicule from those blacklisted.

Palestinian politics

Palestinian diplomatic campaign gaining traction,

“While the Netanyahu government considers it to be a minor inconvenience, the choice of Palestine to head the UN’s largest group of developing countries greatly strengthens the diplomatic status of Palestinian leadership as an international player,” writes Yossi Beilin.