
7amleh (pronounced “Hamleh”) advocates for Palestinian digital rights. 7amleh’s mission is to create a safe, fair and free digital space for Palestinians. 7amleh studies and researches issues related to Palestinian digital rights, provides digital rights, digital activism and digital security capacity building opportunities to Palestinian activists and civil society, and manages local and international advocacy campaigns. 

7amleh promotes the dialogue of Palestinian activists via alternative media channels by training Palestinians in the role of social media as an enabling tool to further advocate for themselves and their communities. 7amleh targets civil society activists and news outlets, both locally and globally, with the goal of promoting social change and reform.

7amleh’s work comes in response to the discrepancy in the treatment of incitement by Palestinians and Israelis and lack of equal treatment as well as arbitrary arrests of Palestinians under Israeli and Palestinian authorities without evidence or charge. Freedom of expression, a key pillar of a thriving democracy, must be granted to both Palestinians and Israelis alike. 7amleh’s overall impact is the broadening and expansion of a concrete platform for digital activism whereby digital rights are incorporated as a core component into the struggle for human rights.

Learn more about 7amleh & read the posts:

Website: http://7amleh.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/palsvoices/
Twitter: @7amleh
Subscribe: Click here to sign up for updates from 7amleh.

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