
  • Settlement Report: April 5, 2019

    Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement Report, covering everything you need to know about Israeli settlement activity this week. To subscribe to this report, please click…

  • The Israel-Palestine Peace Process Is [really, truly] Dead. Now What? Masterclass Middle East by Lara Friedman

    “Halfway into Donald Trump’s four-year term as president of the United States, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is, irrefutably, dead. Its final deathblow came in the form of the White House’s embrace of a hardline Israeli ideology – which today likewise dominates the Government of Israel – that rejects both the premises and goals of the Oslo process, including the framework of land-for-peace, the goal of a negotiated two-state solution, and the very legitimacy of Palestinians’ claims to national political aspirations. For all who reject zero-sum outcomes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this is an historic moment of both peril and opportunity: the way forward on Israel-Palestine, and how it fits into and impacts on the broader regional picture, is now uncharted territory.”

  • The End of Oslo Is an Opportunity

    Op-ed by Khaled Elgindy and Lara Friedman, published in Foreign Policy on April 3, 2019. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at an inflection point. The peace…

  • Jewish Currents: Why Are the Democrats Doing Bibi’s Dirty Work?

    “Of the many bad pieces of legislation being discussed in Washington at the moment, there are two particularly pungent anti-BDS bills presently winding their way through Congress—H.R. 246 and S. 120. If a Congressional freakout about the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement feels familiar, it’s because the Senate already passed a bill targeting BDS in early February before it stalled out in the House. But rather than concede defeat, pro-Israel advocates and their Congressional allies have opted for what Lara Friedman, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, has correctly identified as a “tactical shift,” a canny softening of language designed to get more Democratic buy-in.”

  • FMEP Legislative Round-Up: March 29, 2019

    1. Bills, Resolutions, & Letters 2. Hearings 3. On the Record *Brought to you in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Round-Up was…

  • Settlement Report: March 29, 2019

    Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement Report, covering everything you need to know about Israeli settlement activity this week. To subscribe to this report, please click…

  • NYT: How the Battle Over Israel & Anti-Semitism is Fracturing American Politics

    Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace and former director of policy at Americans for Peace Now, the sister organization of the Israeli group Peace Now, which works to promote a two-state solution, says she worries that anti-B.D.S. laws set a precedent for legislative assaults on free speech in other domains: “The American Jewish community, which is broadly speaking liberal, has allowed itself in the name of defending Israel and fighting B.D.S. to become the leading edge of illiberalism by pushing legislation to curb free speech.”