
  • What John Bolton’s Firing Means For Israel — And Bibi’s Reelection Chances

    But Foundation for Middle East Peace president Lara Friedman said Netanyahu’s pledge should be taken seriously. “I don’t think he’s made any promise nearly as clear as this,” she said. Nevertheless, a White House official said after Netanyahu’s announcement that there was no change in American policy against West Bank annexation.

  • AIPAC May Be Celebrating Now, but the BDS Battles in Congress Have Just Begun

    “But anyone who believes that this resolution will in any way resolve or mitigate the bitter political wrangling over BDS has been drinking too much celebratory champagne, said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace — a nonprofit that promotes a two-state solution. ‘You’d have to be delusional to think that this is over,’ said Friedman.”

  • Republicans push bill to crack down on ‘hateful’ ‘heinous’ BDS movement

    “‘The resolution is a far-reaching, unambiguous indictment of anyone who boycotts Israel,’ tweeted Foundation for Middle East Peace President Lara Friedman before the bill was passed. ‘Folks who support it are in effect legitimizing the same simplistic narrative that is being used to justify laws quashing free speech…Folks who support it are going to be called hypocrites if they subsequently vote against legislation trying to fight what they have in effect labeled an evil scourge.’

  • Mondoweiss: Why are progressive Democrats backing an anti-BDS bill that was introduced at an AIPAC conference?

    “…So why is Israel’s biggest lobbying organization strongly backing a resolution that doesn’t penalize BDS supporters and is seemingly weak enough to generate support from liberal lawmakers, after years of supporting anti-BDS measures which are much more aggressive?

    Much of their reasoning can presumably be found in a recent Twitter thread on the bill from Foundation for Middle East Peace President Lara Friedman. She notes that the resolution was developed after a Middle East policy bill that was introduced by Florida Senator Marco Rubio got stuck in the Senate. Rubio’s bill contains a provision that would have given states the legal right to punish companies if they boycotted Israel.”

  • Al Jazeera: Boycott, resist, push back: Shifting Israel narratives in the US

    In this special episode of The Listening Post, Richard Gizbert travels across the US to examine some of the key moments that have revealed how the discourse on Israel is shifting. Contributors: Noura Erakat – assistant professor, George Mason University; Batya Ungar-Sargon – opinions editor, The Forward; Rashida Tlaib – US Congresswoman, Representative for Michigan’s 13th district; Rebecca Vilkomerson – executive director, Jewish Voice for Peace; Lara Friedman – President, Foundation for Middle East Peace; Marc Lamont Hill – former CNN contributor and Professor, Temple University; Omar Baddar – deputy director, Arab American Institute; George Hale – reporter, KETR radio

  • AlBawaba: Interview with Lara Friedman – ‘The Incentive is to Erase the Hated Oslo Process During Trump’s First Term’

    “There has been remarkable consistency of plan, consistency of purpose, and consistency of policy in this administration. People seem to be surprised by this administration’s moves; whether it’s moving the embassy, going after UNRWA, effectively de-recognizing the Palestinian leadership, to shutting down the consulate here in DC – which is effectively ending state-to-state bilateral relations.”

  • God, Gas, and Cash: How Texas Fell in Love With Israel – and then Trampled the Constitution

    “They’re working openly, and have been for years, to argue there is no distinction between Israel and settlements, that all the land was given to them by God, and that making a distinction between settlements and Israel is anti-Semitic,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, a liberal think tank whose work focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.