Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: March 28, 2018
Congress threatens to cut UN funding for voting against Israel
“It fits in with what people like Haley have been saying,” Lara Friedman, the president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, a nonprofit opposed to Israeli settlements in the West Bank, told Al-Monitor. “This doesn’t come out of nowhere. People who see this as a positive thing will see this as one more tool in the president’s arsenal to use.”
Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: March 26, 2018
[In German] “Trumps Weg nach Groß-Israel”
Op-ed by Lara Friedman published by Frankfurter Rundschau on March 19, 2018. Während die EU-Mitgliedstaaten im Außenministerrat diskutieren, wie der Nahost-Friedensprozess wiederbelebt werden könnte, wird über…
FMEP Legislative Round-Up: March 23, 2018
1. Bills, Resolutions, & Letters 2. FY18 Consolidated Approps – Mideast Elements In DoD & ForOps 3. FY18 Consolidated Approps – Taylor Force Act 4.…
Settlement Report: March 22, 2018
FMEP’s weekly report on Israeli settlement activity. This week covering: A new light rail will have a stop in the far-flung Ariel settlement; an employee strike at the Israeli Civil Administration might delay settlement approvals; Israel’s 2019 budget is passed, and Palestinians say it entrenches occupation and discrimination; Likud candidates seeking to replace Netanyahu promise more settlement construction.
Europe must prepare to stand up to Trump on Israeli-Palestinian ‘peace’ plan
Op-ed by Lara Friedman originally published in Euractive, March 20, 2018. Nobody can say with certainty what Trump’s plan will entail or when (or even if) it will be released. However, President Trump has already given a powerful clue indicating the direction his policies are likely to take, in the form of his historic 6 December 2017 decision to change decades-old US policy vis-à-vis Jerusalem.
U.S. Politicians Are Backing a Free Speech Exception for Israel — & Creating a Template for Broader Assault on the First Amendment
Op-ed by Lara Friedman originally published on Medium, March 19, 2018. In the turbulent Trump era, concern about free speech is a bipartisan affair. Republicans decry efforts to silence voices of the political and religious Right; Democrats celebrate protests against the Trump administration and its policies. At the same time, however, lawmakers from both parties are working together to erode the First Amendment, in a joint effort to create a new political free speech exception for Israel. The potential ramifications of this effort are far-reaching and should provoke deep bipartisan alarm.
FMEP Legislative Round-Up: March 16, 2018
1. Bills & Resolutions 2. Hearings & Markups 3. On the Record 4. Which Members of Congress Spoke at AIPAC? *Brought to you in cooperation…