The legislation targeting progressive Israeli NGOs
Responses to Im Tirtzu’s Inflammatory Video
Israel’s ‘summary executions’ in Jerusalem and the West Bank
Arabic-language newspaper al-Arabi al-Jadeed quotes FMEP’s Matt Duss: the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine is due to Israel’s “near fifty-year occupation (of Palestinian territory) and the system of radical inequality that it sustains.”
The good evangelicals
Tax-free dollars flow to support West Bank settlements
FMEP Affirms Support For Israeli Human Rights Organizations
Yesterday, the right-wing Israeli group Im Tirzu released an inflammatory and offensive video attacking four leading Israeli human rights activists as dangerous “foreign agents.” Among…
Incitement against the Israeli Left just got a lot scarier
Group Calls Israelis ‘Foreign Agents’ for Work on Behalf of Palestinians
The New York Times’ Open Source blog quotes FMEP President Matt Duss in a discussion of an inflammatory video attacking Israeli human rights and peacemaking organizations.
Donald Trump’s Israel trip prompts warnings of Mideast firestorm
In an interview with MSNBC, FMEP’s Matt Duss comments on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s planned visit to Israel, warning that putting Trump anywhere near the Temple Mount is “a really bad idea.”