Palestinian baby burned to death in West Bank arson attack
The murder of Ali Dawabsheh is a direct and predictable consequence of Israel’s occupation
Vox news quotes FMEP’s Matt Duss: “If Netanyahu is really serious about ending settler violence, he’ll commit to ending the occupation that privileges and empowers them.”
Israel Expands Settlements After Court Ruling, Stoking Tensions
FMEP’s Mitchell Plitnick weighs in on the recent slew of new settlement approvals in the West Bank.
Israel Could Lose America’s Democrats for a Generation
Obama’s foreign policy doctrine rejected by Israel
Clinton: Two-State Solution is the ‘Best Outcome’ for Both Sides
The case for the nuclear deal with Iran
History will fault Netanyahu, but not for Iran deal
Trump leads by double digits in new GOP poll
FMEP’s Matt Duss appears on MSNBC’s “All In” with Chris Hayes to talk about opposition to the Iran nuclear agreement.