Anti-Semitism and Criticizing Israel

What We’re Reading

Opinion: Yes, Sometimes It Is Anti-Semitism,

Ken Livingstone, formerly mayor of London, presently a member in very bad standing of the British Labour Party, can be thanked for this much: He has provided a painful moment of clarity in the debate over whether anti-Zionism is, at least sometimes, anti-Semitism.

Occupation/Human rights

Critics slam Israeli proposal for dual legal system,

“Norms Bill” would ensure that laws passed in Israel would immediately apply to settlements, but not to Palestinians.

'Israel only officially recognizes Jewish holy sites',

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is one of the most sacred places in the world for Christianity. Yet Israel does not officially recognize it as a holy site, a new report reveals.


The long road to Gaza,

The public uproar around Road 232, the sole route for transit of goods into and out of the Gaza Strip, might ultimately benefit all residents of the area, but the road to a solution is long.

Israel bombards Gaza in third day of violence,

A Hamas facility was struck by Israeli missiles on Friday, as violence continued for the third day in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian politics

How Hamas scored a win in West Bank student elections,

“The victory of Hamas’ student branch in the elections at Birzeit University in the West Bank reflects the Palestinian public support for Hamas, following the arrests and restrictions it has been subjected to by both the Palestinian Authority and Israel,” writes Adnan Abu Amer.

Israeli politics

The IDF General Who Challenged Netanyahu’s Suffocating Holocaust Analogies,

By pointing to intolerant trends in Israeli society, the deputy army commander deviated from the accepted script of Jews as eternal victims.