The coming Palestinian war of succession

What We’re Reading

Palestinian politics

The war of succession brewing in Palestine,

“The head of the Palestinian security services is counting on Israeli support. Mohammed Dahlan is trying to rally backers in Egypt. From prison, Marwan Barghouti is writing plans for a nonviolent struggle to will the Palestinian public worldwide. The struggle over Abbas’ succession signals a generational change among the Palestinian leadership,” writes Menachem Klein.

Peace Process

Israel rejects France’s effort to revive talks with Palestine,

To discuss the current state of the Israeli and Palestinian peace process and alternative peace plans, CCTV America’s Nathan King spoke with FMEP president Matt Duss.

Netanyahu, Sisi and zero problems diplomacy,

“A Turkish rapprochement with Israel on Gaza, occurring parallel to a consolidation of relations with Egypt, featuring a renewed, reinvigorated diplomatic push for the Arab Peace Initiative at its centre, may prove to be yet another mirage on the endless road to a solution of the Palestine problem,” writes Geoffrey Aronson.

Occupation/Human rights

PHOTOS: Nationalist Jewish-Israelis march through Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter,

The Jerusalem Day march, marking the ‘reunification’ of the city under Israeli sovereignty, has more to do with domination over Palestinians than celebration.

Global protests target Airbnb over Israeli settlement rentals,

Over 150,000 sign petition calling on Airbnb to pull out of Israeli settlements as part of the #StolenHomes campaign, which was launched by a consortium of organizations following an investigative report by +972 and Local Call.

Wiping Palestinian history off the map in Jaffa,

“A tourist map of Jaffa presents a reimagined, Zionist version of the city: Jaffa 2.0 is a boutique neighborhood of Tel Aviv, with a smattering of ‘local’ (read: native) color. But the map itself simply represents a much broader process of destruction and reconstruction,” writes Natasha Roth.

Report slams Israel's 'squandering' of aid to Palestine,

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor releases a report documenting Israel’s destruction of EU-funded projects in Palestine.

Jerusalem denies planning major Jewish neighborhood over Green Line,

The Jerusalem municipality on Sunday denied that it is advancing a plan to construct a massive Jewish neighborhood on the site of a disused airport north of Jerusalem over the Green Line. According to a Walla news report, the initiative to build 15,000 housing units for Israeli Jews in Atarot, and another neighborhood of 3,000 units for Arabs adjacent to Beit Hanina, is the first major development plan proposed over the Green Line in two decades.


Gazans fear for children's futures after 10 years under siege,

Residents warn that children born since blockade began in 2006 will grow up to hate their ‘prison guards’ amid growing sense of helplessness.

Israeli politics

Opposition chief: We’d consider joining coalition if Jewish Home left,

Despite being spurned by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for Avigdor Liberman and his Yisrael Beytenu party, Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog said Saturday that there was still a chance his center-left opposition party would join the government.

Labor MKs warn joining coalition could destroy party,

Zionist Union head Isaac Herzog’s softened stance to the prospect of entering the coalition met with push-back from Labor MKs on Saturday, with one warning that the Labor party — which along with Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua party makes up the Union — risked irrelevance if it continued to seek to join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, rather than to replace it.