Five Israelis killed in two attacks

What We’re Reading

FMEP in the News

My Family’s Refugee Story,

“The argument over who gets to come to America is personal for me—and millions of others,” writes FMEP President Matthew Duss

West Bank/East Jerusalem unrest

Two Israelis killed in Tel Aviv stabbing,

At least two Israelis have been killed in a stabbing at a room used as a synagogue in Tel Aviv, and the Palestinian assailant has been wounded and arrested, the Israeli police said.

Three killed, including American tourist, in terrorist shooting near Gush Etzion in the West Bank,

Three people were killed late Thursday afternoon when a Palestinian terrorist shot at cars stuck in a traffic jam near the Gush Etzion junction in the West Bank.

Opinion: It is still not too late for peace,

“It requires our leader to stand up and toss out the window the old mantras that we don’t have a partner and to then build the partnership,” writes Gershon Baskin.

Occupation/Human rights

What happens to a cop who beats up a handcuffed 15 year old,

“I had to rub my eyes and reread the headline in Haaretz this morning: ‘Cop Who Beat Up Palestinian Teen Gets Six Weeks Community Service,'” Mairav Zonszein writes.

The real danger of outlawing Palestinian political movements,

“Banning and persecuting political groups like the Islamic Movement and Balad has the effect of disengaging Palestinian citizens of Israel from the state and its political system. That is very, very dangerous,” writes Noam Sheizaf.

East Jerusalem Palestinians: displaced in their own city,

The neighborhoods of East Jerusalem left outside the Separation Barrier provide an extreme illustration of broader processes in East Jerusalem and Israel’s general attitude toward the Palestinian population of the city.

Israeli politics

A Zionism of Excuses,

“The difference between the Zionism of the 20th century and Netanyahu’s 21st century Zionism is that the former understood that hardship is not the same thing as impossibility, whereas the latter conflates the two at the drop of a hat,” writes Michael Koplow.

How outlawing the Islamic Movement could backfire on Israel,

“The decision to outlaw the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel might actually strengthen its status among Palestinians there,” writes Shlomi Eldar.