Israel could face more criticism from Democrats

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

Opinion: Future Democratic Presidential Candidates Will Be Tougher on Israel,

“Sooner or later, however, a Democratic presidential contender will make criticism of Israeli policy a consistent feature of his campaign,” writes Peter Beinart.

Israeli politics

Netanyahu and Herzog close to Israeli coalition deal: Reports,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is close to agreeing a unity government with the main opposition leader, local media said on Wednesday, in a move that could help revive peace talks with the Palestinians.

Opinion: Go ahead Herzog, join the coalition,

“The fact that the head of Israel’s opposition could soon join forces with Netanyahu may actually bode well for the Israeli Left and Palestinian citizens alike,” writes Dahlia Scheindlin.

Is Israel's opposition leader siding with Bibi against French initiative?,

“It seems that Zionist Camp leader Isaac Herzog is more interested in entering the coalition and becoming foreign minister than he is at promoting the French initiative to advance the two-state solution,” writes Akiva Eldar.

Occupation/Human rights

Court to Decide if Israel Can Force Breaking the Silence to Reveal Its Sources,

The state attorney wants the NGO, which collects testimonies from Israeli troops about their army service in the Palestinian territories, to reveal the identity of a soldier whose statement raises suspicion of war crimes.

State Investigators Admit Palestinian Teen Killed by Sponge-tipped Bullet, but Won't Charge Israeli Officer,

The Justice Ministry division that investigates police malpractice has closed the case against a policeman who killed a youth with a sponge-tipped bullet in August 2014.

'Without peace, Mideast extremism will hit Israel,' Abbas warns,

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the French initiative for an international peace conference aimed at resolving the Middle East conflict.