Israel to push Congress to pass bill to hamper Iran deal

What We’re Reading

Iran and US-Israel relations

Israel to push Congress to pass bill to hamper Iran deal,

According to a senior Israeli official, Israel will try to persuade congressmen and senators to introduce a clause stipulating that the deal with Iran should be seen as an international treaty requiring Senate ratification and not an agreement.

Skeptical of Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel Calls for Changes,

Clearly unsatisfied with assurances from President Obama about the provisions of the Iran nuclear deal, Israel on Monday listed specific requirements that it declared were necessary in any final agreement.

Chuck Schumer bucks White House on Iran,

Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, one of Capitol Hill’s most influential voices in the Iran nuclear debate, is strongly endorsing passage of a law opposed by President Barack Obama that would give Congress an avenue to reject the White House-brokered framework unveiled last week.

What's the alternative to Obama's nuclear deal with Iran?,

“If the U.S. follows Netanyahu’s advice and walks away from this agreement, Iran’s isolation will ease and America’s will grow,” writes Peter Beinart.

Obama: Recognising Israel not a condition of Iran deal,

US President Barack Obama has poured cold water on an Israeli demand that a nuclear deal between world powers and Iran be predicated on Tehran officially recognizing Israel.

Pro-Israel groups are fanning an absurd conspiracy theory about Robert Menendez,

As federal corruption charges against Senator Robert Menendez marinated over the weekend, one interesting development is that, as Lauren Fox reports, his allies in the pro-Israel movement are getting more aggressive about insinuating that the charges are a politically motivated gambit.

Occupation/Human Rights

In Netanyahu's fourth term, what's next for Israeli settlements?,

About to begin his fourth term, likely this time at the head of a heavily right-leaning coalition, Netanyahu will be watched closely, at home and abroad, for any moves on settlements, after he ruled out any future Palestinian state before the poll.

Palestinians ready to test UN on pullout timetable again — envoy,

The Palestinians are “ready and willing” to see if the UN Security Council has “the political will” to adopt a resolution with a deadline for ending Israel’s presence in the West Bank and establishing a Palestinian state, the Palestinian UN ambassador said Monday.

Israel is punishing a Palestinian activist through vindictive administrative detention,

“The Israeli hand that signs administrative detention orders added this week Khalida Jarrar, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, to the shameful list of such detainees,” write the editors of Ha’aretz. “If Khalida Jarrar broke the law, Israel must put her on trial and prove she committed a crime. If, on the other hand, the reason for her detention is revenge, she must be released immediately.”

Israel’s Military Faces Delicate Balance in West Bank,

For Israel’s military, maintaining control of the occupied West Bank has been fraught with contradictions in recent months, creating a tension that senior military officials say does not bode well for stability.


IN PHOTOS: Gaza's makeshift shelters,

Six months after the ceasefire that ended the Israeli military offensive on Gaza Strip last summer, killing 2,200, 539 of them children, 100,000 Palestinians are still displaced. The majority are living in makeshift shelters constructed from whatever materials they can find.

Israeli politics

A splitting solution to coalition headaches,

Nearly half way to the initial deadline for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new government, there is still a long way to go.

Jewish Home puts High Court in sights in coalition talks,

The Jewish Home party is looking for commitments to push forward a number of controversial measures weakening the High Court as a precondition for entering the governing coalition.

Kahlon said to favor inviting Herzog into Netanyahu-led coalition,

Kulanu, the new party headed by Likud defector Moshe Kahlon, favors a coalition that would include Zionist Union. In an interview with Army Radio on Tuesday, Kulanu MK Roy Folkman said that his faction would prefer a national unity government rather than a narrow, right-wing majority government.

Palestinian politics

PA official: Problem isn't Netanyahu, it's Israel,

With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s electoral win, the Palestinians fear that they have no option left but a nonviolent intifada under the theme of liberating East Jerusalem.

Hamas arrests Salafi sheikh over alleged Islamic State ties,

Gaza’s Hamas-run security services have arrested a radical Salafist sheikh, accusing him of membership in the Islamic State (IS) group, a security source said on Monday.