The Israeli occupation is what incites Palestinians

What We’re Reading

Israel’s claims of Palestinian incitement forget reality,

“The Israelis forget that we have been under an oppressive and unfair occupation for many decades,” writes Ashraf al-Ajrami. “The only Israelis that Palestinian children see are soldiers who stand at checkpoints or who raid their homes and open fire or tear gas on citizens.”

The business end of Palestinian despair,

“What is needed to stem the violence, you hear often from Israeli security professionals, is to effect a ‘change in atmosphere’ inside Palestinian society. Such a change, however, is difficult given the lack of a political horizon but even more immediate, the fact that young Palestinians are entering an economy that has effectively stalled,” writes Neri Zilber.

Occupation/Human rights

How serious is the French proposal on Middle East peace?,

“It is still unclear whether the international community will support the French initiative to hold a July conference in an effort to restart progress toward a two-state solution,” writes Daoud Kuttab.

Palestinian village 'will be like a prison',

Already walled in to the east and southeast since 2012 to accommodate the Israeli settlement of Har Gilo, the Palestinian village of Wallajeh has been cut off from Jerusalem and surrounding Palestinian villages. Its residents now have just a single entry and exit point. Upon completion under its planned route, the separation wall would completely encircle the village.

The right to own property — for Jews alone,

The Israeli government implements an unofficial policy of annexation – one that does not grant equal rights to those being annexed, while at the same time depriving them of the legal defenses they are entitled to as protected persons, since, allegedly, there is no occupation.

IDF preps home of ax attacker for razing, despite family turning him in,

Israeli forces took steps overnight to prepare the demolition of the family home of a Palestinian man who attacked a security guard with an ax in the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim last week, despite the fact that he was turned in by a relative, the army said Thursday.

Israeli politics

Center-right leaders said to plot Netanyahu’s ouster,

Center and right-wing political parties are said to be banding together in a bid to block a fifth term for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by refusing to accept him as prime minister if the Likud Party is called to form the government after the next election, according to reports Thursday.