Israeli security officials line up to support the Iran Deal

What We’re Reading

Iran deal

Why This Man Supports Iran Deal — Despite Bibi's Bluster,

Given the imperfections in the world at large and the Middle East in particular, the imperfect nuclear agreement that was concluded with Iran this week in Vienna is “the best possible alternative from Israel’s point of view, given the other available alternatives,” says Ami Ayalon, a former director of Israel’s Shin Bet internal security service.

100-Plus Former U.S. Ambassadors Applaud Iran Deal,

As the controversy over the Iran deal heats up—and it’s going to get a lot hotter, especially come September—more than 100 former U.S. ambassadors have signed on to a letter drafted by The Iran Project applauding what they characterized as a “landmark agreement” and urging its support by Congress.

AIPAC to fight White House head to head in battle over Iran deal,

“Cancel your summer vacations. That was the order AIPAC’s executive director, Howard Kohr, gave his employees in a staff meeting convened this week at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee after the United States announced the Iran nuclear deal,” writes Ron Kampeas.

Israel and Palestine

With Iran threat off the table, Israel should resolve Palestinian issue,

“The nuclear deal with Iran actually offers Israel new opportunities, by pushing aside the ongoing focus on the nuclear threat and concentrating on resolving the conflict with the Palestinians,” writes Akiva Eldar.

US warns Israel against demolishing Palestinian town,

The US has called on Jerusalem not to demolish a Palestinian West Bank town, which, Israeli authorities say, has been constructed illegally, warning that such action could have a wide impact on the region.

Israel aims to build at settlement despite Supreme Court order,

The Civil Administration in the West Bank is advancing a construction project that would legitimize two structures built without permits in the settlement Beit El, even though the Supreme Court ordered their demolition by the end of the month.

Is there humanitarian complicity in the occupation of Palestine?,

As the humanitarian crisis deepens for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, Doctors Without Borders are trying to heal their wounds without enabling the occupation.

'God commanded Jews not to sell homes to Arabs',

A Knesset Interior Committee meeting erupted into a shouting match after MK Bezalel Smotrich (Jewish Home) defended developers who refuse to sell homes to Arabs.

ICC judges: prosecutors must revisit 2010 Israeli flotilla raid,

Judges at the International Criminal Court asked prosecutors to reconsider their decision not to investigate an attack by Israeli armed forces on a flotilla attempting to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza.