Knocking down Palestinian homes and building Israeli ones

What We’re Reading

Occupation/Human rights

With demolitions, Israel tightens squeeze on West Bank Palestinians,

In the past three months, the Israeli military has more than tripled its demolitions of Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank, United Nations’ figures show, raising alarm among diplomats and human rights groups over what they regard as a sustained violation of international law.

Israel pouring money into West Bank settlements: Report,

Study of public spending shows 28 percent annual increase in funding for illegal settlements, with residents also benefiting from tax breaks.

Opinion: The fiction of autonomy in Ramallah is making the occupation stronger,

“A narrowly averted shootout between Israeli and Palestinian forces outside Abbas’s house in Ramallah has led to renewed talks about restoring Palestinian autonomy in parts of the West Bank. But outside the framework of a peace process, such steps only help the occupation endure,” writes Michael Omer-Man.

IDF admits discriminating against Palestinians in home demolitions,

Senior army officer testifies to Knesset committee that building enforcement is ‘far more severe against Palestinians’ than Jews. There are over 11,000 Israeli demolition orders pending against Palestinian-owned structures.

How to Preserve the Fragile Calm at Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade,

Even as protest and violence surge around Israel and in the West Bank, the Holy Esplanade, known to Jews as the Temple Mount and Palestinians as al-Haram al-Sharif, is, ironically, quieter than in years.

Michael Oren's peace plan,

Kulanu MK Oren has a plan to lay groundwork for two-state solution, one that he believes will ‘take the air out of BDS.’ However, political infighting threatens his plan, and potentially the two-state solution.

Israel's war on the Arabic language,

Israel’s one in five citizens, whose mother tongue is Arabic, are increasingly fearful of using it in public as hostility has mounted towards the language from both officials and the Jewish public, human rights groups warned this week.

US-Israel relations

Michael Oren: Sanders should apologize for Gaza ‘blood libel’,

Bernie Sanders should retract and apologize for his “libelous” suggestion that Israel killed more than 10,000 innocent Palestinians during the last Gaza war, MK Michael Oren said Thursday, asserting that the Democratic candidate’s misrepresentation ultimately serves the interests of Hamas and other terrorist groups.

Palestinian politics

Hamas finds itself between a rock and a hard place,

Hamas seems likely to accept Egypt’s demand that it sever ties with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, even though the relationship formed the basis for its ideology.

Is Egypt the key to a Hamas, Fatah reconciliation?,

Although optimism prevails in Hamas and Fatah circles, many observers believe no reconciliation agreement can be expected without Egyptian sponsorship.