Netanyahu caves to right wing pressure

What We’re Reading

Israeli politics

Israeli PM offers Justice Ministry to Jewish Home, with conditions,

Hours to the deadline, Netanyahu scrambles to assemble coalition as the Jewish Home party plays hardball.

5 reasons Netanyahu’s having a hard time building a coalition,

Here are the five reasons Israel’s coalition talks have gone down to the wire.

Were the elections worth Netanyahu's new coalition?,

“It’s not every day that a politician gives up the most desirable portfolio and chooses to go to the frustrating opposition; but Lieberman will now have the pleasure of watching Prime Minister Netanyahu, who was crowned king of the world only last week, struggle with a 61-MK coalition,” writes Sima Kadmon.

Netanyahu's short-term government,

“There have been governments in Israel with a tiny majority that allowed themselves to make big moves; but Netanyahu is not Begin, he is not Sharon, and he is definitely not Rabin,” writes Eitan Haber.

Herzog should not come to Netanyahu's rescue,

“Zionist Union has a mandate from its voters to end the rule of Likud,” write the editors of Ha’aretz. “Joining the coalition would be a betrayal of that mission.”

Palestinian politics

PA fails at curbing 'rampant' corruption,

Surveys show that Palestinians believe that corruption is increasing under the Palestinian Authority, which has not even held required presidential and parliamentary elections.

A Bold Proposal: Palestine Should Give Its Refugees Citizenship,

“Now that Palestine is recognized as a state, the next bold step for Palestine is to confer citizenship on its stateless refugees and enter into bilateral agreements with other states regarding the status of Palestinian citizens in each country,” writes Fateh Azzam.

Occupation/Human Rights

Settler organization takes over Silwan building,

Israeli settler organization Ateret Cohanim took over a building comprising three apartments in the central quarter of the Silwan neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem Jerusalem Wednesday morning.