Netanyahu goes to Washington, Obama aide opens up on peace process, more settlements announced

What We’re Reading

Pic of the day: a view of the West Bank Separation Barrier, near Bethlehem.

US-Israel relations

Top Obama Adviser to Haaretz: Israel to Face Growing Pressure Over Settlements, Peace Process Impasse,

Ben Rhodes tells Haaretz the inside story on White House efforts to achieve a breakthrough in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

When the White House Starts Talking About One State, Netanyahu Should Worry,

Senior U.S. officials believe that the U.S. must formulate a policy for a situation in which the two-state solution dies, and think about how this will mold ties with Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting with Obama today. Here’s what he wants.,

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in town for a Monday meeting with President Obama as part of a three-day day trip during which he’ll also speak to congressional leaders, American Jewish groups, and think tanks,” writes Zack Beauchamp. “He’s got his work cut out for him.”

Acknowledging Reality in the U.S.-Israeli Relationship,

“Pretending there is more harmony of interests than there really is only obscures and confuses the diplomatic work that can and should be done,” writes Paul Pillar.

When ‘Black Lives Matter’ is linked with ‘Palestinian Lives Matter’,

Black Lives Matter activists are trying to “equate and link the plight of Palestinians in the Middle East with the quest of blacks for full equality in the United States,” writes Colbert King.

Presidential Candidates Head to Israel — But Who Foots the Bill?,

“No matter how they make the trip, presidential candidates have long understood that a pilgrimage to Israel is a must on their way to the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire primaries and, hopefully, their party’s nominating conventions,” writes Nathan Guttman.

Michele Bachmann: Convert ‘as many Jews as we can’,

During Israel visit, former congresswoman says surge in Israeli-Palestinian violence is a signal that the return of Jesus is imminent.

Occupation/Human rights

Israel Moves to Green Light 2,200 New Settlement Units, Recognizes Outposts,

Regional master plan approved last week will see two outposts retroactively approved, and existing settlements get thousands of more homes.

Palestinian journalists say Israeli forces are targeting them,

Palestinian photojournalists, and some Israelis too, say they are being deliberately attacked by soldiers, police and even regular people on the street.

Opinion: Can we call it one state and be done with it?,

“The debate over whether we are living in a single state is irrelevant – the answer is a resounding yes. The real problem is that freedom and equality are only extended to some of its subjects,” writes Amjad Iraqi.

A Palestinian refugee's open letter to all Israelis,

“I know your fear is very real to you, even if it makes little sense to me. I know you see my desire to return to the land of my parents as an attack on your very existence. I wish our rights weren’t framed in zero-sum terms,” writes Palestinian refugee Israa Thiab.

Palestinian woman brandishing knife is shot dead at checkpoint,

In note found after incident, would-be stabber said she was acting in ‘defense of her homeland’ and apologized to her family.

Knife and car attacks wound 6 Israelis in West Bank,

The latest round of attacks come as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left for Washington to meet US President Barack Obama.

Israeli politics

Why the 'hijacking' of Israeli democracy is a myth,

“We often hear that that Israeli democracy is being ‘hijacked’ by a group of right-wing extremists. Too bad the alternatives aren’t any more appealing,” writes Edo Konrad.

Labor convention to be held Sunday amid denials of party joining coalition,

Reports say Netanyahu offered Herzog seven portfolios to join government, including foreign affairs and justice.

Knesset Members urge PM to tell Obama: US objection to settlement building is ‘unreasonable’,

The Knesset Land of Israel Caucus called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to defend Israel’s right to a united Jerusalem and the West Bank, as he headed to Washington DC on Sunday to meet with US President Barack Obama.


Officials say new Israeli rules slow aid to Palestinians,

New restrictions on importing lumber jeopardize temporary housing for Palestinians who lost their homes in the 2014 war with Israel and aid agencies report delays in other imports to Gaza and the West Bank.