A Recipe for Shredding U.S. Credibility

What We’re Reading

From the FMEP Blog

A Recipe For Shredding U.S. Credibility,

The best way to shred U.S. credibility in the Middle East? Claim to be “pro-peace,” but back Israel’s settlement enterprise, FMEP’s Matt Duss writes.

Occupation/Human rights

Israel's Jerusalem Affairs Minister: PA's collapse is imminent,

Israeli Minister of Immigrant Absorption and Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Ze’ev Elkin gave a speech at Bar-Ilan University Monday, in which he predicted the eventual collapse of the Palestinian Authority. “The question is not if the PA collapses but when it is going to collapse,” Elkin said. “It can happen in a month or two or a year or two tops.” He went on to explain that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ “control on the ground is diminishing.”

PHOTOS: What it's like to ‘commute’ through an Israeli army checkpoint,

Thousands of Palestinians who have entry permits, along with residents of East Jerusalem cut off by the separation wall, must pass through the Israeli military’s Qalandiya checkpoint every morning and evening in order to go to work, school, do shopping, receive medical care and visit family members. The following is a small snapshot of what that means for the individuals forced to endure its humiliation on just one morning.

Opinion: Palestinian Violence Bred by Incitement? You Mean the Occupation?,

“Did the killer of Shlomit Kriegman, who lives in the Qalandiya refugee camp, need a Twitter account to know that his life was in the dumps?” asks Yonatan Mendel.

Opinion: Shhhhhh, we’re annexing,

A new position paper by human rights organization Yesh Din looks at steps being taken by the Israeli government toward the de facto annexation of the West Bank.

Torture is a gruesome symptom of military occupation,

“Israel’s use of torture is part and parcel of the occupation, and an inseparable part of maintaining the military occupation of Palestinian territories and Jewish hegemony in those lands,” writes Mya Guarnieri.

Jordan Valley Settlers Took 150 Acres From Palestinians in 2015,

Until Haaretz contacted them, neither the army nor the Civil Administration was aware of the new land grabs, and it is not clear what they plan to do about it.

Opinion: The tyranny of the Jewish majority,

“Dictatorships centralize all power, and in Israel, Jews are the ones with the ultimate power. Or more precisely: ultimate power rests in Jewish hands,” writes Umar al-Ghubari.

Progress Made in Israel-Jordan Negotiations Over Surveillance Cameras on Temple Mount,

Senior Israeli and Jordanian officials said Sunday that the two sides had reached agreement on a significant number of disputed items that had delayed implementation of the understandings formulated over three months ago through the mediation of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

Palestinian politics

Talk Grows About Who Will Succeed Palestinians’ Fading Mahmoud Abbas,

Talk of who will replace the nearly 81-year-old Mr. Abbas, and when, has surged.

Israeli politics

Israel Unleashes an Onslaught on Human-Rights NGOs, Artists, and Writers,

“Israel has long fought against its most vocal critics. But what we see unfolding now both in terms of repressive laws and also of strategic attacks coming from the far right is unprecedented in recent history,” writes David Palumbo-Liu.