The Shrewd Politics of Barghouti’s Plan to ‘Free Palestine’

What We’re Reading

From the FMEP Blog

The Shrewd Politics of Barghouti’s Plan to ‘Free Palestine’,

Jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti’s plan to “free Palestine” is not viable, but it’s good politics.

Israel, Palestine, and the Democratic Debate

Bernie Sanders Campaign Suspends Jewish Outreach Coordinator for Vulgar Remarks About Netanyahu,

On Thursday, Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign suspended Ms. Zimmerman, 25, after revelations that she had used vulgarities in Facebook posts about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Hillary Clinton.

Opinion: At Democratic Debate, Sanders Stands Up for Palestinians While Clinton Takes Strong pro-Israel Stance,

There comes a time when you have to say that ‘Netanyahu isn’t right all of the time,’ Sanders says, criticizes ‘disproportionate’ use of force in Gaza; Clinton say Hamas deliberately put civilians at risk.

Occupation/Human rights

Netanyahu Claimed That New Building Plans Wouldn't Expand Israeli Settlements; Aerial Photos Prove Otherwise,

Netanyahu’s office claimed that plans approved this week were for renovation of existing buildings, but Haaretz checked – and it turns out the prime minister got it wrong.

Palestinians: Israel settlement expansion a 'war crime',

Palestinian officials have slammed the latest Israeli authorisation to build more than 200 new settler houses in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as a “war crime” that serves to “destroy the prospects of two independent states living side by side in peace and security”.

Jerusalem demolishes Palestinian homes beyond the wall for first time,

Israeli authorities destroy three homes in al-Walaje, a village that was partially annexed to Jerusalem, yet has been totally neglected by the municipality.

EU ‘deeply concerned’ by new phase of West Bank barrier,

“Once built, the barrier will severely restrict access of almost 60 Palestinian families to their agricultural land and profoundly affect their livelihoods.” Residents of the Christian village of Beit Jala fear the construction may lead to the expansion of the nearby Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo and the settlement of Har Gilo.

US-Israel relations

Opinion: What critics of Bernie Sanders' Jewish liaison are missing,

“Simone Zimmerman’s appointment is great news for mainstream American Jews who are desperate for a real conversation on Israel/Palestine,” writes Edo Konrad.

US-Israel relations

Washington keeps options open on UN settlements resolution,

The United States refused to say Thursday whether or not it would support a Palestinian proposal for a United Nations resolution to condemn Israeli settlement building — but ruled nothing out.


Israeli defense official: Hamas's military wing doing whatever it wants,

Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, the director of policy and political-military affairs at the Defense Ministry, warned on Wednesday that Mohammed Deif, the head of Hamas’s military wing, “doesn’t care about the political bureau’s policies, and does whatever he wants.”

Israeli politics

Do Israelis lack empathy for Palestinian suffering?,

“While Israeli Jews have always demonstrated solidarity with Jews around the world, they reject demonstrations of solidarity by Israeli Palestinians toward their brothers under occupation,” writes Akiva Eldar.