Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: April 10, 2019

What We’re Reading

Occupation/Human rights

Airbnb will cancel its ban on West Bank settlement listings,

In a reversal of a 2018 policy announcement, Airbnb will not remove West Bank settlement listings from its website. The policy change came in a court settlement Monday between the vacation rental company and a dozen American Jewish plaintiffs who had sued the company, organized by Shurat Hadin-Israel Law Center.

Gaza fishermen hope for new start with expanded zone,

On April 1, Israel expanded the Gaza Strip fishing zone to a maximum of 15 nautical miles offshore — the longest distance allowed for Gazan fishermen since the signing of the Oslo Accord in 1993.

Cars Vandalized in West Bank Hate Crime on Eve of Israeli Election,

Twenty-five vehicles in Palestinian village Ein Yabroud were spray painted with Star of David symbol and ‘Revenge’ slogans, a week after 150 trees were vandalized in nearby village.

Israeli elections

Netanyahu wins narrow victory in Israel’s election,

Benjamin Netanyahu appears likely to win a fifth term as Israel’s prime minister as right-wing parties apparently have maintained their majority in the nationwide elections held Tuesday.

Netanyahu's Next Coalition: Annexation for Immunity From Indictment,

The new Netanyahu government will have two main goals: Get rid of the indictments looming in his future, and annex the settlements to Israel, in coordination with the Trump administration.

Trump congratulates Netanyahu; Bolton says peace plan coming very soon,

US National Security Advisor John Bolton said Wednesday that the US administration will roll out its long-awaited peace plan in the “very near future.”

US-Israeli/Palestinian relations

Opinion: How Ilhan Omar Is Changing the Conversation About Israel—and Upending the 2020 Campaign,

“To remain a viable candidate in the upcoming primaries, it will be vital for contenders to win the support of the Democratic base, which skews younger, more multiethnic and progressive—in short, Omar’s supporters,” writes Jonathan Broder.