Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: April 15, 2019

What We’re Reading

Occupation/Human rights

Trump peace package for Middle East likely to stop short of Palestinian statehood,

President Trump’s proposal for a “deal of the century” to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict promises practical improvements in the lives of Palestinians but is likely to stop short of ensuring a separate, fully sovereign Palestinian state, according to people familiar with the main elements of the effort.

B’tselem: Settlers executed Palestinian who hurled rocks at cars,

Two settlers shot dead a Palestinian who had been wounded after hurling rocks at Israeli-plated cars in the northern West Bank earlier this month, the Israeli human rights group B’tselem alleged in a report published Sunday.

Jerusalem to Demolish Palestinian Homes in 'Peace Forest', Let Settlers Build,

The homes of hundreds of East Jerusalem Palestinians are slated for destruction after a court rejected an appeal against the demolitions.

Israeli politics

The Israeli Election Put the Bigotry of Its Political Class Front and Center,

Israel’s two leading parties spent the campaign jostling over who can carry out war crimes against Palestinians more aggressively.

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