Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: July 25, 2018

What We’re Reading

UNRWA funding cuts

UN Palestinian refugee agency says it will axe 250 jobs after US funding cuts,

The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees announced Wednesday it was cutting more than 250 jobs in the Palestinian territories after the United States held back hundreds of millions in aid.

Despite US cuts, Haley accuses world of failing to fund Palestinians,

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Tuesday rebuked the international community for pontificating about the Palestinians’ suffering but failing to substantially support them financially, defending the US’s own cuts to Ramallah and Gaza.

World Bank to Allocate $90 Million for Palestinians, UN Mideast Envoy Says,

UN special envoy to the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov on Wednesday said the World Bank will allocate $90 million to Palestinians, up from $55 million last year, in response to “the alarming economic circumstances in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

Occupation/Human rights

Israeli minister sees Gaza-style measures for U.S.-Mexico border,

The United States could apply some of the security measures used for Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip to its own frontier with Mexico, an Israeli cabinet minister said on Tuesday.

Israeli forces arrest Palestinian female journalist in Hebron,

At least 63 Palestinian women are being held in Israeli prisons, including journalists and mothers.

Palestinian politics

Palestinian envoy Zumlot: American public, not Trump, key to the future,

Zomlot made clear that the Palestinian mission in Washington is seeking to strengthen its relations with the American people, rather than mend ties with the White House.

Israeli politics

I don't need a law to remind me of my inequality,

I do not need the Jewish Nation-State Law to remind me that I am not equal to my Jewish friends. And yet, I was born here, I grew up here, this is my homeland. I have no intention of going anywhere.

Why Do Israelis Care So Much About Syrians But Not About Palestinians?,

“What could possibly explain the genuine empathy felt by centrist and even right-wing Israelis toward Syrians, and their simultaneous apathy toward the suffering of Palestinians?”


Trump's loud tweet was part of a detailed strategy to squeeze Iran,

“The pre-planned strategy was timed to set the stage for the re-imposition of U.S. economic sanctions on Iran three weeks from now.”

What We're Watching

Israel/Palestine and the Trump/Netanyahu Era w/ Peter Beinart, Rebecca Vilkomerson & Omar Baddar,

In this special live broadcast of FMEP’s podcast “Occupied Thoughts,” Peter Beinart is joined by Omar Baddar (Arab American Institute) and Rebecca Vilkomerson (Jewish Voice for Peace) to discuss the issues – both in the U.S. and in Israel – that are challenging liberal democratic values, and how Americans might organize around them.