Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: March 7, 2018

What We’re Reading

BDS and Settlement boycotts

ACLU opposes federal bill aimed at boycotts of Israel as free speech violation,

The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter to the Senate today opposing a revised version of a bill that would criminalize supporting certain boycotts of companies doing business in Israel and its settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel anti-boycott bill inches closer to passing Senate after revisions,

Lawmakers unveiled the latest iteration of a bill meant to crack down on boycotts of Israel and its West Bank settlements just in time for the pro-Israel lobby’s annual advocacy day on Capitol Hill.

Occupation/Human rights

Settler leader talks West Bank annexation in Washington,

“It’s no secret that in the Knesset there have been different attempts regarding annexation or adopting Israeli law in Judea and Samaria,” said Efrat Council head Oded Revivi. “I think the time has come to apply Israeli law in Judea and Samaria.”

Israel expropriated a Palestinian spring. Why? Because it can.,

The residents of Walajeh, who have long suffered abuses under occupation, will no longer have access to their spring.

Israeli Soldiers Filmed Doing Nothing as Settlers Attack Palestinians,

Israeli soldiers were filmed standing idly by while Israelis threw stones at Palestinians on Tuesday morning near the Palestinian village of Einabus, not far from the settlement of Yitzhar in the West Bank.

Israeli Army Erects West Bank Checkpoints to Collect Palestinians' Personal Details,

The army a few months ago began collecting the personal details of West Bank Palestinians, as part of its surveillance of public spaces. To this end, soldiers conduct patrols and set up temporary checkpoints. Young men who pass through are required to fill out a form.

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian-owned structures in East Jerusalem,

Israeli bulldozers demolished a cement wall and a carwash belonging to a Palestinian in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan on Tuesday morning.

Hamas members in East Jerusalem could lose residency under new law,

The Knesset on Wednesday enacted a law permitting the interior minister to revoke the permanent residency status of East Jerusalem residents who are found to have committed actions constituting a “breach of trust” to the State of Israel.

AIPAC conference

J Street hits back at US envoy Friedman after AIPAC jab,

“It’s not blasphemous to suggest that the settlement movement and its allies in the Netanyahu and Trump governments are not committed to peace,” J Street founder and director Jeremy Ben-Ami said in a statement.

Chuck Schumer thinks there's no peace because Palestinians don't believe in Torah,

“Which begs the question, instead of pointless negotiations, should Washington embark on a mass proselytizing program?” writes Michael Omer-Man.

As AIPAC is out-hawked by Trump, settlers reevaluate ties to pro-Israel lobby,

The US group’s support for two states exposes discord among West Bank Israelis, with one rogue council head garnering Likud support by going on the offensive.

Israeli politics

Support for coexistence plunging among Jewish and Arab Israelis,

Tensions between Jews and Arabs are intensifying, with both populations becoming more skeptical about prospects for living in coexistence, according to a survey published on Wednesday.