Top news stories from Israel/Palestine: May 24, 2018

What We’re Reading

BDS and Settlement boycotts

US bill conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, rights advocates say,

Activists say the bill would censor the exchange of ideas and censor Israel’s critics.

Louisiana order makes it illegal for state to contract with companies that boycott Israel,

Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards on Tuesday signed an Executive Order that prohibits the state of Louisiana from contracting with any company that participates in a boycott of Israel. The order specifically names the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.

What does Stacey Abrams’ primary win mean for Democrats and Israel?,

The Democratic nominee for Georgia governor, Stacey Abrams, said she could not vote for the BDS bill for the same reason that other progressives who oppose BDS oppose such bills: It brings government in as a referee on boycotts and free speech, which, she said, should trouble those steeped in the history of civil rights.

US-Israeli/Palestinian relations

Exclusive: Israeli minister says U.S. may soon recognize Israel's hold on Golan,

Israel is pressing the Trump administration to recognize its sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, an Israeli cabinet minister said on Wednesday, predicting U.S. assent could come within months.

74 Democratic lawmakers urge Netanyahu not to raze Palestinian villages,

Orchestrated by representatives Jan Schakowsky of Illinois and John Yarmuth of Kentucky, the letter calls on the premier to nix an order to demolish the West Bank Palestinian villages of Sussiya and Khan al-Ahmar.

State Department: Beneficiary of David Friedman-led charity not on terror list,

A group that got money from a charity led at the time by David Friedman, the US ambassador to Israel, is not the same as a group of the same name that appears on the State Department terrorist list, a US official said.

Palestine Wants to Join Three International Organizations, Including the Global Chemical Weapons Watchdog. This Could Be A Problem,

Should Palestine take further steps to join entities that are definitively part of the UN, like the World Health Organization, those entities could expect their most important funder and member state [the US] to withdraw from the organization.

Occupation/Human rights

Defense Minister: 3,900 settlement homes to be green-lit next week,

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announced Thursday that the Civil Administration’s High Planning Subcommittee, which falls under his office’s jurisdiction, will grant final construction approval for 2,500 homes while an additional 1,400 in 30 settlements will be advanced through various other planning stages.

Some 300 housing units go up for sale in West Bank's Beit El settlement,

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon’s Buyer’s Price program offers for sale some 300 new apartments in the West Bank settlement of Beit El, the biggest marketing move in the settlements since the program started; Kahlon’s decision coincides with stalemate in talks with the Palestinian Authority.

'I'll open up your face': The routine of collective punishment in Hebron,

A new video shows Israeli Border Police preventing children from passing through a gate in order to reach their homes. This is what collective punishment looks like.

Israeli politics

Israelis Don't Think Netanyahu's Government Should Listen to U.S. Jews, Survey Shows,

Israeli Jews back Netanyahu’s snubbing of Jewish-American views on the conflict with Palestinians and religious pluralism. But support from U.S. Jews is still seen as essential.


Don’t Blame Hamas for the Gaza Bloodshed,

“Israel has a right to defend its borders, but shooting unarmed protesters who haven’t breached its frontier is disproportionate and illegal,” writes Sari Bashi.

I’m from Gaza. Watching violence descend on my home is tragic,

“The message of the Gaza protests is that Palestinians are human beings,” writes Gaza resident Jehad Abusalim.

Report: Egypt, Qatar proposing truce between Israel and Hamas,

According to a report by Israel’s Channel 10 broadcast Wednesday, there are currently two proposals on the table – from Egypt and Qatar.