Trouble in Gaza

What We’re Reading


Israel, Hamas and Egypt form unlikely alliance against Islamic State affiliate,

The Islamic State’s affiliate in Egypt is staging increasingly sophisticated and daring attacks, officials and analysts say, prompting Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian militant group Hamas to form an unlikely alliance against the terrorist group.

Gaza sewage crisis, festering in conflict, poisons coast,

Each day, millions of gallons of raw sewage pour into the Gaza Strip’s Mediterranean beachfront, spewing out of a metal pipe and turning miles of once-scenic coastline into a stagnant dead zone.

Can Hamas Afford the Cost of Ending Gaza’s Isolation?,

Since its founding in 1987, the party has portrayed itself to Palestinians and the broader region’s Arab public as the leading resistance organization against Israel and tried to set itself apart from what it characterized as failing secular Palestinian groups.

As Gaza border heats up, explosion hits near IDF soldiers,

Wednesday’s attacks were the second and third from Gaza in 24 hours, after soldiers came under fire on the Strip’s northern border Tuesday.

Occupation/Human rights

Israel-Palestinian tensions return to boiling point,

“Violence that becomes part of the scenery is just as dangerous as when first it grabs headlines,” writes Jeremy Bowen. “It makes the deadly atmosphere between Israelis and Palestinians even more toxic.”

Qalandiya rashomon: Anatomy of an apparent murder in cold blood,

“Nobody knows what happened last week at Qalandiya checkpoint, where a pregnant Palestinian woman was killed together with her brother. And until police release the CCTV footage, nobody will,” writes Alon-Lee Green.

Life term for Palestinian Mohammed Abu Khdeir's murder,

An Israeli court has handed down a life sentence to the ringleader of a Jewish gang who kidnapped, attacked and burned alive a Palestinian teenager in 2014.

US-Israel relations

Opinion: Why the U.S. Jewish Establishment Won’t Condemn the Israeli Occupation,

“Unless more U.S. Jews who oppose the occupation become members of established Jewish organizations and donate money, the establishment is unlikely to heed calls of those who want it to condemn the occupation,” writes Dov Waxman.

Exclusive: Differences over missile defense, fine print snag U.S.-Israel aid deal,

Negotiations meant to enshrine U.S. defense aid for Israel over the next decade have snagged on disputes about the size, scope and fine print of a new multibillion-dollar package, officials say.

Trump: Israel should keep building West Bank settlements,

Israel should keep building settlements in the West Bank, Republican front-runner Donald Trump said on Tuesday, linking construction to the continued rocket threat that Israel faces from the Gaza Strip and which has seen it drawn into three wars against Hamas-run Gaza in recent years.

Israeli politics

Will European pressure push Netanyahu on right track?,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces European pressure to advance talks with the Palestinians while the Likud simultaneously pushes for continued settlement expansion.

Palestinian politics

Palestinians suspend security talks with Israel, to reconsider ties,

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Tuesday that bilateral security meetings between Israel and the Palestinians have been suspended and that the nature of future ties with Israel will be reconsidered.