What Israel-Turkey reconciliation means for Gaza

What We’re Reading


Gaza's Palestinians divided over Israel-Turkey deal,

Palestinians in Gaza are sharply divided over the reconciliatory deal signed between Israel and Turkey on Tuesday. While some, including Hamas officials, have described the deal as an opportunity for “a Turkish role to end the siege on Gaza”, others said it was unlikely that the deal would have a profound impact on ending the siege.

The longest wait: my journey out of Gaza,

Al-Monitor’s correspondent documented her own journey from Gaza into Egypt during the Rafah crossing’s brief opening in early June.

Occupation/Human rights

Israel demolishes Bedouin village al-Araqib for 100th time,

Al-Araqib is one of 35 ‘unrecognized’ villages in Israel that authorities refuse to provide with water, electricity or basic infrastructure.

Israel’s ‘non-lethal’ sponge-tipped bullets cause serious harm to Palestinians,

While not designed to be lethal, the sponge-tipped bullet’s ability to inflict heavy damage has raised concern. Israeli police regularly use such bullets during clashes in mainly Palestinian east Jerusalem.

UN chief meets Abbas, urges ‘courageous steps’ from Israel, slams blockade,

UN chief Ban Ki-Moon met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on Tuesday, hours after he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as part of a official visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Palestinian politics

UAE faces off against Palestinian Authority, again,

The latent crisis between the UAE and the Palestinian Authority emerged again recently, after an article was published quoting an Emirati leader who described the PA as a failed and a corrupt entity.

Israeli politics

Opinion: Why Israeli president is no partner for peace with Palestinians,

“President Reuven Rivlin, who devotes himself tirelessly to the preservation of Israeli democracy, is lending his image to the perpetuation of Israeli rule over millions of people under occupation,” writes Akiva Eldar.

Odeh: Netanyahu’s clinging to power harms Arab citizens,

Netanyahu is not trustworthy and has harmed the Arab community in Israel on numerous occasions, Joint List leader Ayman Odeh said in an exclusive meeting with The Jerusalem Post editorial staff.