A Look From the Radical Israeli Left: A Multi-Front Battle Against Fascism & Jewish Supremacy


In this episode of “Occupied Thoughts,” FMEP non-resident fellow Peter Beinart speaks with Sapir Sluzker Amran about her identity as a Mizrachi, queer activist – and her recent action to document and disrupt right-wing Israeli settlers attacking a convoy of aid at the Gaza barrier.

Occupied Thoughts by FMEP · A Look From the Radical Israeli Left: A Multi-Front Battle Against Fascism & Jewish Supremacy

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Recorded on May 21, 2024

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Sapir Sluzker Amran is a radical human rights lawyer, a social and political activist and community organizer. Adv. Sluzker Amran is the founder of “Archi-Parchi: The Activism Archive for Social Movements” in Israel. During the last year, Sapir is founded “Breaking Walls”, a new civic and feminist grassroots movement. Sluzker Amran is a fervent advocate and campaigner for poverty and underprivileged populations and leads numerous grassroots struggles to promote these causes. She is also the founder of The DocuRights Project, established to document and protect freedom of expression and protest in Israel. She is Mizrachi, queer, Jewish.

Peter Beinart is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Foundation for Middle East Peace. He is also a Professor of Journalism and Political Science at the City University of New York, a Contributing opinion writer at the New York Times, an Editor-at-Large at Jewish Currents, and an MSNBC Political Commentator.
