FMEP Legislative Round-Up July 26, 2024


1. Bills, Resolutions
2. Letters
3. Hearings
4. Israel/Palestine in 2024 Elex/Politics
5. Selected Media & Press releases/Statements

1. Bills & Resolutions

Unless you live under a rock, you know that this week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in DC and addressed a joint session of Congress. As is standard practice, this visit was marked by the tradition wherein members of Congress offer gifts to the Israeli prime minister, via the introduction of (yet more) legislation designed to make it clear to the entire world that they have only contempt for Palestinian rights and Palestinian lives, and that they are 100% with Israel in doing whatever is necessary to end the Iranian regime. This visit, such bills take on special poignancy in the context of the now 10-month-long Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, and the escalating violence against and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank – making it crystal clear that for some in Congress, the anti-Palestinian dehumanization and cruelty is – truly – the ONLY point. Add to this Congress and Bibi joining together to dehumanize and slander people in America, and especially students, who dare to protest Israeli actions and defend Palestinian rights/lives, and this week we get yet another surge in legislation targeting political free speech in the United States.




  • (TARGETING NON-US CITIZEN PROTESTERS) HR 9117 & S. 4756 (pdf): Introduced 7/24/24 in the House by Arrington (R-TX), and in the Senate by Cotton (R-AR), Budd (R-NC), Blackburn (R-TN) and Tillis (R-NC),  “To subject aliens convicted of certain crimes to expedited removal from the United States.” Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Also see Cotton’s press release – Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Sanction Non-Citizens Convicted of Crimes While Protesting [excerpt – “‘The Biden administration’s inaction against pro-Hamas mobs has only emboldened these extremists. Our legislation makes clear that a green card does not give individuals the right to break our laws in support of anti-Semitic views,’ said Senator Cotton. ‘For months, pro-Hamas rioters have terrorized communities across the U.S. without consequence. Foreigners who come here to spread antisemitism, block highways, and deface statues and other public property must be deported immediately. Senator Cotton’s and my bill would do exactly that,’ said Congressman Banks.”]
  • (TARGETING CAMPUS FREE SPEECH/PROTEST) S. 4760 (pdf): Introduced 7/24/24 by  Cassidy (R-LA) and Ernst (R-IA), the “Restoring Civility on Campus Act.” Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. While the bill (per the bill text) is ostensibly concerned with incidents of both antisemitism and Islamophobia, the press release accompanying introduction of the bill makes clear that the backers of the bill are focused exclusively in targeting antisemitism — hich in the majority of cases of late is code for free speech/protest/criticism in support of Palestinian rights and lives. Also see: Cassidy, Ernst unveil legislation forcing universities to quickly respond to religious discrimination complaints (Jewish Insider 7/24/24)
  • (TARGETING CAMPUS FREE SPEECH/PROTEST) HR 9102: Introduced 7/23/24 by Gimenez (R-FL),To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit students convicted of hate crimes for conduct that occurred during a campus protest from being eligible for student loans or loan forgiveness.” Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. Also see: GOP lawmaker cracks down on antisemitic student protesters with new bill ahead of Netanyahu address (Fox News 7/24/24)
  • (TARGETING NON-US CITIZEN STUDENT PROTESTERS) HR 9158: Introduced 7/25/24 by Langworthy (R-NY) and 3 Republican cosponsors, “To require an institution of higher education that becomes aware that a student having nonimmigrant status under subparagraph (F)(i) or (J) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) has endorsed or supported a foreign terrorist organization to notify the SEVIS, and for other purposes.” Referred to the Committees on the Judiciary, and on Education and the Workforce. Also see press release – Congressman Langworthy Introduces Legislation to Revoke Student Visas of Pro-Terrorist Protesters


  • HR 9153: Introduced by Issa (R-CA), “To provide for the addition of senior leaders of HAMAS and Palestine Islamic Jihad, United States Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, as well as affiliated terrorists to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Most Wanted terrorism list, and for other purposes.”  Referred to the Committees on the Judiciary, and on Foreign Affairs. NOTE: For the record, the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists List” page states: “The alleged terrorists on this list are charged with federal crimes in the United States, as indicated on their wanted posters. The pending charges listed on the posters allow them to be arrested and brought to justice…” [so senior leaders of Hamas and PIJ would not appear to qualify to be added to this list unless/until they are chared with federal crimes in the U.S.]



(Senate NDAA) S. 4638: Introduced 7/8/24 by Reed (D-RI), the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025.” This is the bill that will have to be reconciled, eventually, with the version passed by the House 6/14/24 HR 8070, covered in excruciating detail in the 6/14/24 edition of the Round-Up, and in the accompany special Round-Up analysis, Middle East provisions in the House version of the FY25 NDAA. NOTE: JINSA has produced a super useful analysis, A Long, Hot Summer for National Defense Authorization Act Negotiations Begins, which includes a detailed inventory/comparison of Middle East-related provisions in both the House and Senate bills. Last week’s Round-Up included an inventory of Middle East-related amendments introduced thus far. Below are additi0nal amendments offered this week.

  • [TARGETING IRAN] S. Amdt. 3053: Offered by Cotton (R-AR), to attach to the NDAA a piece of legislation entitled the “No ICBMs for Iran Act of 2024,” imposing far-reaching new Iran sanctions and expanding existing sanctions. [also intro’d by Cotton as S. Amdt. 2204]
  • [TARGETING IRAN/VENEZUELA FUEL EXPORTS] S. Amdt. 3047: : Offered by Rubio (R-FL), to impose a prohibition on the importation of crude oil, petroleum, petroleum products, and liquefied natural gas from Venezuela and Iran.
  • [US-JORDAN DEFENSE COOPERATION] S. Amdt. 3045: Offered by Rubio (R-FL), to attach to the NDAA the “United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2024′
  • [NO SAUDI WMD] S. Amdt. 3039 : Offered by Markey (D-MA), to attach to the NDAA a piece of legislation entitled, “Stopping Activities Underpinning Development In Weapons of Mass Destruction Act” aka the “SAUDI WMD Act
  • *****[SOFTENING UP THE LEAHY LAW! (I WONDER WHY???)] S. Amdt. 2988: Offered by Cornyn (R-TX), to amend current law (the Leahy Law), which requires the suspension of US provision of “any training, equipment, or other assistance for a unit of a foreign security force if the Secretary of Defense has credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights.” Cornyn’s amendment would soften the requirement under that law that says that the resumption of provision of all these things is conditioned on a determination that the government in question “has taken all necessary corrective steps,” changing it to requiring that said government “is taking effective steps to bring the responsible members of the security forces unit to justice.”*****
  • [TARGETING IRAN] S. Amdt. 2977: Offered by Ernst (R-IA) , to attach to the NDAA a piece of legislation entitled, the “Iran Sanctions Act” (similar to HR 6201)
  • [TARGETING IRAN] S. Amdt. 2976: Offered by Ernst (R-IA), to attach to the NDAA a long piece of legislation entitled the  “Preventing Underhanded and Nefarious Iranian Supported Homicides Act of 2024” aka the “PUNISH Act of 2024” (previously introduced by Ernst as S. 3028.  This legislation would, in effect, wipe out all presidential waiver authority for all Iran sanctions, and impose an across-the-board ban on waiving/removing any sanctions.


(SENATE SFOPS APPROPS) S. 4797: On 7/25/24, the Senate Appropriations Committee marked up and passed/reported out of Committee the Senate’s version of the FY25 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Act. Also see: bill text (pre-mark-up); committee report (pre-mark-up); amendments adopted in committee; committee announcement of passage of the bill (minority). As always, the SFOPS bill includes tons of provisions related to Israel and the Middle East – and as always, it lays out conditions, restrictions, vetting, oversight requirements, and bans on aid related to the Palestinians more far-reaching than on any other U.S. aid program anywhere in the world (notwithstanding the fact that the US provides very little funding to the Palestinians). State tuned for next week’s Round-Up for a run-down of all of these provisions in S. 4797.

  • As a preview, note that a key battle over this bill in committee centered on UNRWA – see: X-thread 7/25/24, from the Center for Middle East Peace’s Joel Braunold running down the debate in committee around UNRWA, and his follow-up X-post 7/26/24: “Confirmation of yesterday the Collins Graham amendment that passed is a perm ban for UNRWA (once in base sfops never comes out) and also the Coons conditions that are a dead letter at this point given the previous adopted amendment“.
  • Also see X-thread from MEDC’s Seth Binder 7/25/24, opening with: “Yesterday, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed its foreign aid bill for fiscal year 2025. As expected, its markedly different than the House version. A non-exhaustive thread on some of the key provisions included by Senate appropriators for the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Also see McConnell statement 7/25/24: McConnell: We Will Not Fund UNRWA:

The legislation reported favorably by the Appropriations Committee today is the product of diligent efforts by Vice Chair Collins and Ranking Member Graham to meet an increasingly dangerous world with necessary investments in American leadership and support to critical partners.  Just as important is our colleagues’ focus on the places SFOPS appropriations must not go. In both the national security supplemental and FY 2024 appropriations, Senate Republicans ensured that no taxpayer dollars would go to a corrupted international agency – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) – whose staff aid and abet Iran-backed terror. More than a dozen UNRWA staff participated in the horrific attacks of October 7th, and many more have been traced to Hamas affiliations.  In the absence of substantive reforms at UNRWA, it is clear that the prohibitions protecting American taxpayers from underwriting terrorist savagery must be extended. Unfortunately, as demonstrated by a partisan amendment today, it is also clear that a number of Senate Democrats would rather weaken what must remain a bold red line of U.S. policy.  Here are the facts: An extension of the prohibition on UNRWA funding received bipartisan support. It comports with the House’s clear position and companion bill, which cannot be said of other provisions adopted today by the Committee. And any further insistence that taxpayers fund this discredited and corrupt agency will place the rest of the Committee’s enormously important efforts to fund critical State and foreign operations in jeopardy.”

2. Letters

Concern for Palestinians

Concern for Biden’s Legacy

Bibi’s Speech

Targeting Free Speech/Protest in Support of Palestinian Lives/Rights

Standing with Israeli Military Actions

Targeting Iran

3. Hearings & Markups

July 23, 2024: The House Ways and Means Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing entitled, Fueling Chaos: Tracing the Flow of Tax-Exempt Dollars to Antisemitism. Witnesses were: Lara Burns, GW University (statement); Oren Segal, ADL (statement – including pitch to pass HR 7921, “the Countering Antisemitism Act” and HR 6408, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to terminate the tax-exempt status of terrorist supporting organizations“); and Charles Small, ISGAP (statement – focused on alleging nefarious, largely undisclosed influence of Arab funding of US academia (Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar, at various universitieus and with respect to SJP). Reminder re ISGAP and undisclosed foreign funding: Think tank failed to disclose six-figure grant from Israeli government (The Forward 8/31/20] — reporting how Israeli government documents show that ISGAP “…received $445,000 from the Israeli government in 2018. That value equals nearly 80% of its reported revenue that year. A separate ministry document said the grant was for the institute’s annual seminar at Oxford University that trains professors to teach about antisemitism, as well as ‘conducting research in the field of antisemitism and delegitimization against Israel.’”].

Also see:

July 23, 2024: The House Foreign Affairs Committee held an HFAC Member Roundtable with Families of U.S. Hostages Held by Hamas. Also see HFAC media advisory; McCaul (R-TX) statement 7/23/24: Chairman McCaul Delivers Statement at Roundtable with Families of Americans Held Hostage by Hamas; Hostage’s brother tells US lawmakers Netanyahu blind to urgency of reaching deal (Times of Israel 7/24/24)

July 25, 2024: The Senate Appropriations Committee held a mark-up of the Senate’s version of the FY25 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill (video). Also see: the committee’s summary of its FY25 SFOPS. The committee passed the bill, with amendments, by a vote of 24-5. Also see: bill text (pre-mark-up); amendments adopted in committee; committee report

July 25, 2024: Per Jewish Insider, Sens. Rosen (D-NV) and Lankford (R-OK) hosted a Senate roundtable on campus antisemitism

4. Israel/Palestine in 2024 Politics/Elex

VP Kamala Harris



  • Jewish News Sydicate 7/25/24: RJC endorses Joe Fraser in Minnesota Senate race [“RJC cited Fraser’s statement that he would ‘always be a champion for the Jewish people and a supporter of the State of Israel,’ and pointed to problems with his primary opponent.”]

5. Selected Media & Press releases/Statements

The big news this week was the address to a joint session of Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Pretty much all Republicans (except for Massie, R-KY) and a large number of Democrats attended, applauded, and over and over gave Netanyahu standing ovations as he delivered a speech that felt like nothing so much as a cult leader addressing his acolytes & worshipful followers, with the Democratic side interspersed with the faces of fellow members who looked appalled/angry/scared/sad – whether at Bibi’s flying-in-the-face-of reality/facts/international law speech, wreaking of militarism, racial/ethnic/religious supremacism, and illiberal themes including targeting free speech and free thought/academia; the spectacle of fellow members of Congress all but dancing/genuflecting in ecstasy over Bibi’s illiberal utterances; the political realities that in some cases forced them to attend; Leader Johnson’s threat that anyone who “disturbed” the speech would be arrested; or maybe something else. Notable among them was Rep. Tlaib (D-MI), who sat through the entire speech holding up a sign reading on one side, ‘GUILTY OF GENOCIDE” and on the other “WAR CRIMINAL.”

This Round-Up’s coverage of members’ statements/X-posts regarding Bibi and his speech to Congress is NOT comprehensive. It includes a selection of statements from members critical of or boycotting the Bibi speech. It does not include any of the many, many, many statements/X-post supporting/celebrating Bibi and his speech (it’s just too many people saying versions of the same thing). Bottom line: if you want to see what a specific members said, check their website, X-account, or the Congressional Record. Also check out this useful thread tracking members who publicly said they would not attend; this X-post from an Axios journalist who was in the chamber during Bibi’s speech – “By my count, roughly 100 of the 212 House Democrats and 27 of 51 Senate Democrats (and Dem-caucusing independents) are in the chamber for Netanyahu’s speech. That’s around half of each caucus absent.

Bibi on the Hill – Members on the Record re: Criticizing and/or boycotting, or responding to the speech (in alphabetical order)

  • Bera (D-CA) 7/23/24: Rep. Ami Bera on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Joint Address to Congress
  • Booker (D-NJ) 7/24/24: Booker Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Joint Address to Congress [excerpt: “Prime Minister Netanyahu will perhaps be remembered as one of the worst leaders in Israel’s history. I’ve long had serious disagreements with his actions and those of his ultra-right wing governing coalition — from their actions to erode Israel’s democratic institutions, to their allowance of illegal settlement expansion in the West Bank and lack of accountability for extremist settler violence, to their undermining of the Palestinian Authority — all of which threaten Israel’s security and the prospects for a two-state solution. Furthermore, when Israel needed clear-eyed leadership in the wake of the horrific October 7 terror attacks, Prime Minister Netanyahu responded by prioritizing his own political survival over the security of Israelis and the safe return of the hostages held by Hamas – including eight American citizens. Many other Israeli leaders were willing to step up and accept responsibility for their failures; Prime Minister Netanyahu instead pointed fingers of blame. I believe his leadership has led to a prolonged military conflict between Israel and Hamas and horrific levels of death and suffering of civilians in Gaza. His actions have made ensuring true Israeli security, ending the conflict, and establishing a lasting and just peace more difficult…“]
  • Bowman (D-NY) 7/24/24: X-post – “We should never platform or give political cover to war criminals. It’s our responsibility to uplift the shared humanity of all people and work together toward peace.
  • Bush (D-MO) 7/23/24: statement – “For lawmakers who genuinely care about democracy and freedom, standing up for human rights is not just a talking point. It’s not conditional. It’s an active choice we make every day. Days like tomorrow are crucial moments where we must show that we support the dignity and humanity of all people without exception. In solidarity with the Palestinian people and all oppressed people across the world, I will be boycotting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress. By bestowing Prime Minister Netanyahu with a joint address, Congress is not only continuing to green-light genocide; it is actively celebrating the man at the forefront of that genocide. Instead of platforming a war criminal, Congress should be imposing an arms embargo and using its leverage to force Netanyahu to end the bombing and bloodshed that has already killed over 39,000 Palestinians and failed to ensure the safe release of the vast majority of hostages, all while decimating schools, hospitals, homes, and humanitarian convoys. Since day one, I have been advocating for a permanent ceasefire and the safe release of hostages and those arbitrarily detained. That is what I will keep pushing for until our pro-peace, pro-humanity movement wins. I urge my colleagues to boycott this war criminal and join us in the fight for a just and lasting peace that protects the right to self-determination for Palestinians and Israelis alike.”
  • Carbajal (D-CA) 7/24/24: Rep. Carbajal Statement on Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Address to U.S. Congress [“Carbajal: ‘I remain deeply concerned that [the Prime Minister’s] bravado threatens to plunge his country and the region into larger and longer conflict.'”]
  • Castro (D-TX) 7/24/24: Statement from Congressman Castro on Benjamin Netanyahu’s Address to Congress [“Over the last nine months, Benjamin Netanyahu has prosecuted Israel’s war in Gaza with contempt for human life. Under his command, Israeli troops have bombed hospitals, ambulances, and schools, killing nearly 40,000 people, most of whom are civilians, and leaving millions homeless. He has failed to prioritize the rescue of hostages and has pursued mass destruction of Palestinian society instead of accountability for the Hamas terrorists who carried out the October 7 attacks. Netanyahu clearly cares about nothing but his own political survival. I have no confidence that he is willing or able to negotiate the ceasefire and hostage deal that Israelis and Palestinians desperately need. The opportunity to address a joint session is an honor that should be reserved for the most distinguished world leaders. Netanyahu should be standing in front of a criminal tribunal — not the U.S. Congress.”]
  • Chu (D-CA) 7/24/24: Rep. Chu Declines to Attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Joint Session of Congress
  • DeLauro (D-CT) 7/24/24: DeLauro Statement on Decision Not to Attend Speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
  • Durbin (D-IL) 7/24/24: Durbin Delivers Floor Speech Ahead Of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Joint Address To Congress
  • Durbin (D-IL) 7/23/24: statement – “I am committed to Israel and its right to defend its people. The Hamas attack on October 7 was unprovoked and cowardly, and its continued holding of hostages unconscionable. However, Israel’s execution of its war in Gaza under the direction of Prime Minister Netanyahu with 39,000 Palestinians dead and 90,000 injured is a brutal strategy beyond any acceptable level of self-defense. And Netanyahu’s refusal to consider any peace plan that gives both Israelis and Palestinians a guarantee of security is inconsistent with a peaceful conclusion to this age-old conflict. I will stand by Israel, but I will not stand and cheer its current Prime Minister at tomorrow’s Joint Session.
  • Escobar (D-TX) 7/24/24: Congresswoman Escobar Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu Address [“An invitation to address a Joint Session of Congress is among the highest honors our government can grant a foreign leader. It is a privilege to speak directly to the American public and the world. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unworthy of this invitation. His reckless execution of the war in Gaza demonstrates his disinterest in mitigating the loss of civilian life, abiding by international law, or prioritizing the return of hostages – whose families I will meet with today. One can support Israel’s right to self-defense without the unconditional support for its current government that some demand. I will not be in attendance.”]
  • Eshoo (D-CA) 7/24/24: Eshoo Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress [excerpt, “As a longtime friend of Israel, I made the difficult decision not to attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress because I cannot in good conscience applaud a man who has cynically pursued his political interests at the expense of Israelis and Palestinians alike.”]
  • Foster (D-IL) 7/24/24: Foster Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress
  • Gomez (D-CA) 7/24/24: Gomez Calls on Netanyahu to Resign, Reiterates Support for Ceasefire
  • Green (D-TX) 7/24/24: Congressman Al Green’s Statement on His Not Attending Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress
  • Jacobs (D-CA) 7/24/24: Rep. Sara Jacobs Pens MSNBC Op-Ed on Why She Won’t Attend PM Netanyahu’s Address to Congress [also see her op-ed – excerpt: “It’s never easy being Jewish in today’s world, but the past 10 months have been especially excruciating. Like millions of Jews around the world, I’m still grappling with the aftermath of Hamas’ horrific attack on Oct. 7 and the sharp rise in antisemitism that we’ve seen since. And I’ve also been deeply alarmed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brutal, unrelenting military operation that has reportedly left more than 39,000 Palestinians dead. This response hasn’t been proportional, strategic or effective — and I can’t in good conscience condone it by attending Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress.”]
  • Jayapal (D-WA) 7/24/24: Jayapal Statement on Netanyahu Address [“Prime Minister Netanyahu should not have been invited to come and speak to the U.S. Congress. I cannot in good conscience sit and listen to him speak as Palestinian people starve and hostages, including Israelis and Americans, remain in captivity. He has used US taxpayer dollars for a horrific assault on Gaza and the Palestinian people and continued to flout both international humanitarian law and our own US domestic law in denying humanitarian assistance to Gaza and launching indiscriminate attacks that have killed over 38,000 Palestinians and injured over 88,000…Tomorrow morning, I will join my colleagues in meeting with the families of hostages taken in the horrific October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel, to listen to and strategize on their efforts to bring their loved ones home and to give witness to their pain and suffering. And then, instead of attending Netanyahu’s address, I will attend a panel discussion led by the Center for American Progress and other organizations on the path to peace. This event will feature a Palestinian leader, an Jewish Israeli leader, and a former IDF soldier – all of whom are dedicated to finding a path toward peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians. I am committed to working toward peace, security, and safety in the region for all people. That is not the path of the Netanyahu government.”]
  • Kaine (D-VA) 7/23/24: Kaine Statement on Upcoming Speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [“Due to a previously scheduled commitment in Virginia, I am not able to attend this Wednesday’s speech. But it remains clear that the security of Israel and U.S. servicemembers in the region are immediately dependent on steps toward a deal to release hostages held by Hamas, establish a durable ceasefire, and increase humanitarian aid into Gaza. I would expect any leader in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s position to use this speech as an opportunity to provide an update on those matters.”]
  • King (I-ME) 7/24/24: King Releases Statement on Decision to Not Attend Netanyahu Speech to Joint Session of Congress [excerpt: “While I am and always have been an unwavering supporter of Israel — and Israel’s right to defend itself and defeat Hamas after October 7 — I strongly disagree with the Netanyahu government’s initial conduct of the war and, especially, its current lack of postwar planning for Gaza and the risks that poses to long-term regional stability. For this reason I have made the decision to not attend today’s Joint Session of Congress...”]
  • Lofgren (D-CA) 7/24/24: Rep. Lofgren: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Address to Congress Became Political Instead of Productive
  • McCollum (D-MN) 7/23/24: Congresswoman McCollum Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu Speech to Congress [“I plan to listen to the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech from my office. The Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7, 2023, were a heinous act that cannot ever be excused. Israel has the right to self-defense.  However, this speech is not about the survival of Israel, it’s about Prime Minister Netanyahu’s domestic political survival...”]
  • McCollum (D-MN) 7/24/24: Congresswoman McCollum Statement following Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress [“Today’s speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was outrageous.  He disrespected his role as a foreign leader speaking before a joint session of Congress. He used the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to make blatantly political attacks on American citizens who disagree with his policies. He also made a full endorsement of former President Trump. One wonders if the Prime Minister’s attacks were an attempt to salvage his own political survival in Israel by making it appear that he has the full support of the American people, which he does not.  This was a disturbing day for many Americans and a tragic day for Israelis and Palestinians who are desperately looking for leadership – not political grandstanding. What the American people want, and what Prime Minister Netanyahu failed to deliver, was a clear plan to end the violence and bring about a lasting two state solution in the region.”]
  • Massie (R-KY) 7/24/24: X-post – “Today Congress will undertake political theater on behalf of the State Department. The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int’l opposition to his war. I don’t feel like being a prop so I won’t be attending.
  • Merkley (D-OR) 7/24/24: Merkley Statement on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress [“I did not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress.  I was horrified by Hamas’ horrific terrorist attack on October 7th and fully support Israel’s right to go after Hamas. But how they do so matters. Netanyahu’s war strategy in Gaza is at odds with American values and law. His government’s campaign of indiscriminate bombing has driven 1.9 million people from their homes and killed nearly 40,000 Palestinians—tens of thousands of whom are women and children. In addition, his government’s restrictions on humanitarian aid have brought Gaza to the brink of famine. This continues to drive further cycles of violence, radicalization, and instability. Netanyahu’s strategy has been to prioritize his political survival over peace and the return of hostages. A permanent ceasefire remains the only path to an end of war including the release of all remaining hostages, delivery of massive amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza, and the creation of conditions for lasting peace.”]
  • Merkley (D-OR) 7/22/24: X-post – “I will not attend Netanyahu’s speech. Following Hamas’ horrific attack, Netanyahu’s war strategy killed 12,000+ women and children, inflicted widespread starvation, and prioritized his political survival over the release of hostages. He should not have a platform before Congress.
  • Moore (D-WI) 7/24/24: Moore Statement on Not Attending Prime Minister Netanyahu Address to Congress [“I continue to stand with the people of Israel, which is why I strongly support the ongoing efforts of President Biden and his Administration to support them and innocent Palestinians by working to reach a ceasefire deal that will ensure the remaining hostages are released, end current fighting and supply more aid to address the humanitarian crisis facing Palestinians, while setting up a path to end violence long term and work toward a two-state solution. The Prime Minister’s speech will not bring us any closer to achieving those goals given his record of publicly snubbing President Biden’s efforts to advance peace, dismissing the two-state solution, and failing to reign in the extremists in his coalition. What Israel and the Palestinians need is a new direction in this conflict, not another speech in the well of the House.”]
  • Murphy (D-CT) 7/24/24: Murphy Statement On Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address To Congress [excerpt, “…today’s speech was a setback for both the U.S.-Israel relationship and the fight against Hamas. Rather than lay out a path for achieving the peace agreement President Biden outlined two months ago to secure the long-term security of Israelis and Palestinians, Prime Minister Netanyahu used this speech as an opportunity to insert himself into American politics. His insistence on downplaying the humanitarian crisis in Gaza was astonishing to hear, and the suggestion that any American who objects to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Gazans is a Hamas sympathizer was way out of bounds. The truth is that the civilian deaths in Gaza will be bulletin board recruiting material for terrorists for years to come, increasing threats to both the U.S. and Israel. This was a speech designed to bolster Prime Minister Netanyahu’s political standing and Republican messaging. His time would have been better spent in Israel finalizing a deal to end the war and bring the hostages home.”]
  • Nadler (D-NY) 7/23/24: Nadler on PM Netanyahu Joint Address [excerpt: “Benjamin Netanyahu is the worst leader in Jewish history since the Maccabean king who invited the Romans into Jerusalem over 2100 years ago. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress is not in service of furthering the deep ties that bind the United States and Israel together, but rather is a cynical stunt aimed at aiding his own desperate political standing at home and meddling in domestic American politics only months before a highly consequential election. Prime Minister Netanyahu and his American allies are seeking to use the United States Congress, the greatest legislative body in the world, as the set for their next partisan advertisement, casting elected Members of Congress as glorified extras. There is no question in my mind that tomorrow’s speech should not be happening.“]. Also see Nadler X-post 7/24/24 just before Bibi’s address – “Getting ready for today’s speech with some essential history reading of @BenCaspit’s “The Netanyahu Years.” A very interesting read.
  • Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) 7/23/24: X-post – “It is a dark day in US history when an authoritarian with warrant requests from the International Criminal Court is allowed to address a joint session of Congress. 40k Palestinians are dead. Hostages aren’t home. Netanyahu is a war criminal. I will be boycotting his address.
  • Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) 7/23/24: X-postIt is a dark day in US history when an authoritarian with warrant requests from the International Criminal Court is allowed to address a joint session of Congress. 40k Palestinians are dead. Hostages aren’t home. Netanyahu is a war criminal. I will be boycotting his address.
  • Omar (D-MN) 7/24/24: Rep. Omar’s Statement on Benjamin Netanyahu’s Address to Congress
  • Pelosi (D-CA) 7/24/24: X-post – “Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States. Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings.  These families are asking for a ceasefire deal that will bring the hostages home – and we hope the Prime Minister would spend his time achieving that goal.
  • Pingree (D-ME) 7/24/24: Pingree to Skip Netanyahu Address, Citing the Appalling Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza and Long History of Failed Leadership [“Rather than support Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu’s misuse of a Congressional platform, this morning Pingree joined her Congressional colleagues for a meeting with the families of innocent Israeli hostages”]
  • Pocan (D-WI) 7/24/24: Pocan to Boycott Netanyahu Congressional Address [“For nearly 10 months, Netanyahu has waged a deadly and excessive response that has targeted Gazan civilians. It is wildly inappropriate to give the distinct honor of addressing Congress to a man who has violated international human rights law so severely that an arrest warrant for war crimes has been recommended by the International Criminal Court. I regret that one has not been issued yet, as I would have gladly served it to him on the House floor. Additionally, he’s failed to rescue or secure the release of the more than 100 of his citizens who remain hostages of Hamas, while ignoring the pleas of their family members to bring them home. It’s time for Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire now and get the hostages back.”]
  • Pressley (D-MA) 7/24/24: Rep. Pressley’s Statement on Netanyahu Visit to Congress [“Congresswoman Will Not Attend Speech, Will Spend Day Centering Families Impacted by Horrific War”]
  • Raskin (D-MD) 7/24/24: Representative Raskin to Highlight Families of Hostages at Netanyahu Address Jayapal (D-WA) 7/24/24: X-postPrime Minister Netanyahu should not have been invited to speak to Congress. Today, instead of listening to his address, I joined an event with @amprog that brought together Palestinian and Israeli activists to engage in a real discussion about how we end this conflict.
  • Ramirez (D-IL) 7/23/24: X-post (with video of her speech on the House floor) – “Tomorrow, Congress will host an International Court-accused war criminal. We cannot work towards peace while giving Netanyahu the floor. We must listen to the American people and subject matter experts, like Major Harrison Mann, and demand an end to the atrocities. Not one more cent, not one more bomb, not one more excuse!
  • Sánchez (D-CA) 7/24/24: Sánchez condemns Netanyahu’s speech [“I attended Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech in hopes of hearing some path forward to peace. Instead, all Congress got was more justification for his administration’s disproportional response in Gaza. Netanyahu continues to use the atrocities of October 7th to wage a war that has resulted in the mass casualty of Palestinian civilians, jeopardizing the two-state solution and any chance for lasting peace. I remain committed to a ceasefire and call on Hamas to release the remaining hostages. But that will only happen through meaningful dialogue and diplomacy, not more fiery rhetoric like we heard today.”]
  • Sanders (I-VT) 7/23/24: PREPARED REMARKS: Sanders on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Upcoming Speech [“We Should Not Invite a War Criminal to Address Congress”]
  • Sanders (I-VT) 7/22/24: X-post – “No, Netanyahu should not be welcomed into the U.S. Congress. On the contrary, his policies in Gaza and the West Bank and his refusal to support a two-state solution should be roundly condemned. As I stated last month, I will not be attending his address.
  • Schakowsky (D-IL) 7/24/24: Schakowsky Statement on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Joint Address to Congress
  • Schatz (D-HI) 7/19/24: statement – “Nine months after the atrocities of October 7 and the ensuing conflict, negotiations for a ceasefire and the release of all hostages are ongoing – and that should be the focus. Instead, Prime Minister Netanyahu is set to deliver what is clearly a partisan address to Congress just months ahead of our elections. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I welcome a substantive discussion about the future, not political rhetoric that will do nothing to bring peace in the region. I therefore will not attend Wednesday’s address.
  • Takano (D-CA) 7/23/24: Rep. Takano Statement on Not Attending Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Joint Address to Congress [“For weeks I have wrestled with whether or not to attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address before Congress. In recent months, I’ve grown increasingly troubled by Mr. Netanyahu’s actions, which have sought to further his own political survival rather than securing the return of hostages and a much-needed ceasefire. As someone who cares deeply about Israel, I recognize that any path towards a permanent peace must begin with a bilateral ceasefire. Mr. Netanyahu has consistently demonstrated that he is an obstacle to the peace that both Israelis and Palestinians alike deserve. It is apparent Republican leadership have given this platform to the Prime Minister in order to sow division amongst Members of Congress during this precarious time. Rather than engage in political games, I plan to meet with Israeli citizens during the morning of the address to support families that have suffered in the wake of the October 7th attack. It is critical to elevate the stories of those who were directly affected by the initial attack and who have further suffered due to Netanyahu’s indifference to securing the return of hostages still held by Hamas. The Prime Minister has shown us time and time again his disinterest in achieving a peace that would bring safety and security to Israelis and Palestinians. He has prolonged the conflict that arose after Hamas’s unprovoked attack, has ignored the pleas of Israeli citizens to focus on bringing home the remaining hostages, and has rebuffed concerns from Israel’s allies about the growing humanitarian cost this war is placing on innocent Palestinians. For those reasons I will not be attending the joint address.“]
  • Tonko (D-NY) 7/24/24: Tonko Statement on Netanyahu Address [“I, many of my constituents, and countless more across the globe have stood united in an urgent call for a ceasefire. A ceasefire is the only path forward that will put an end to the violence in Gaza, bring the remaining Israeli hostages home and deliver essential humanitarian aid. I am more than ready to have meaningful discussions about how to end the violence and bring lasting peace to the region. But—through his words and actions—Prime Minister Netanyahu has made clear he has no intention to do that with his address. For that reason, I will not attend. I will be spending today, and the days that follow, conferring and standing with members of Congress, families of hostages, and Palestinian and Israeli leaders who are pursuing a path towards peace.“]
  • Tlaib (D-MI) 7/24/24: X-post – “I will never back down in speaking truth to power. The apartheid government of Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians. Palestinians will not be erased. Solidarity with all those outside of these walls in the streets protesting and exercising their right to dissent.
  • Tlaib (D-MI) 7/24/24: X-thread – “Joining me in the chamber today is Hani Almadhoun, who has lost over 150 members of his extended family in Netanyahu’s genocide. After witnessing his sister forced to eat animal feed, he and his family were determined to start a soup kitchen to feed their starving neighbors. The Israeli apartheid regime is using starvation as a weapon of war, a war crime. They will not erase us. Palestinians exist and we deserve to live. Our presence today will be a reminder that we aren’t going anywhere.
  • Tlaib (D-MI) 7/23/24: Tlaib Statement on War Criminal Netanyahu’s Address to Congress [“Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Palestinian people. It is utterly disgraceful that leaders from both parties have invited him to address Congress. He should be arrested and sent to the International Criminal Court…Make no mistake: this event is a celebration of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. It is a sad day for our democracy when my colleagues will smile for a photo op with a man who is actively committing genocide. It is hypocritical to claim to be concerned about the massive death toll of innocent civilians, and then turn around and welcome the person responsible for these war crimes to our Capitol. Their silence is betrayal, and history will remember them accordingly. Our government must stop supporting and funding this genocide now.”]
  • Van Hollen (D-MD) 7/24/24: Van Hollen Floor Speech on Decision Not to Attend Netanyahu Address [WORTH READING IN FULL! excerpt: “…I will not be party to a spectacle that will inevitably be used to create the illusion that Prime Minister Netanyahu is the protector of the U.S.-Israel relationship. He is not. As many hostages’ families have said, it would be better for him to have stayed home and prioritized the release of their loved ones. Those who really care about the relationship will work to ensure that it’s based on our shared values, and as the points I made today reveal, that is not happening right now. The Prime Minister and his extremist partners are undermining those shared values. So, Mr. President, while I will continue to fight for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship based on shared values, I will not attend the joint session with Prime Minister Netanyahu tomorrow.”]
  • Watson Coleman (D-NJ) 7/23/24: Rep. Watson Coleman Will Not Attend Netanyahu AddressI am deeply disappointed that Prime Minister Netanyahu will be addressing Congress tomorrow. A foreign head of government speaking directly to the legislative branch is a distinct honor that should be reserved for revered world leaders. Prime Minister Netanyahu has shown himself to be nothing of the sort. He has shown himself to be a war criminal. What began as a defensive operation in the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7th quickly turned into a campaign of total destruction. Over the past 9 months, over 40,000 Palestinians have been killed – most of whom are women and children. Roughly 1.1 million Palestinians are facing starvation – half the population of Gaza. Schools, homes, hospitals, mosques, all have been destroyed and 85 percent of the population has been displaced. Prime Minister Netanyahu has at every turn disregarded the safety of the Palestinian and Israeli people and ignored the reasonable requests of the United States. He has abandoned a two-state solution, the only viable option for an enduring peace. Time and again he has thumbed his nose at our country. His conduct has been both inhumane and disrespectful. I will not be attending his address.”
  • Welch (D-VT) 7/23/24: Welch on Senate Floor: I will not be attending Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address tomorrow. [excerpt: “…While I welcome a constructive discussion on how to end this conflict and achieve lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians, I am not interested in participating in a political stunt. We, the United States, have a moral responsibility to do everything we can to help end this war and prevent further loss of innocent lives. That includes holding our allies and partners to the same standards that we expect of ourselves, and the rest of the world.”]

Greater WRATH over anti-Bibi Protests that over Actual Genocide 

Bibi on the Hill – media re: attendance

Bibi on the Hill – media re: the speech/message

Bibi on the Hill:  analyses of the speech/appearance

Bibi on the Hill: Bibi’s Fellow Travelers

  • Jewish Insider 7/26/24: Sen. Mitch McConnell in conversation with Jewish Insider [“McConnell sat down with JI to discuss rising antisemitism and Israel opposition after Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress”]
  • The Intercept 7/24/24: Netanyahu Insulted and Smeared the Pro-Palestine Protest Movement. Congress Clapped. [“Organizers say attacks from the Israeli prime minister, who faces charges of war crimes, showed the strength of their movement.“]
  • Foxx (R-NC) 7/24/24: Chair Foxx: College Students, Stop Being “Iran’s Useful Idiots” [““Prime Minister Netanyahu laid out the clearest case yet as to why it’s vital to root out antisemitism here in America: not only is it a matter of right versus wrong, but it also emboldens our adversaries. That’s why the Committee’s investigation into antisemitism will and must continue. To those who participated in illegal encampments, harassed Jewish peers, and chanted ‘from the river to the sea’ on college campuses: stop being ‘Iran’s useful idiots.’ Stand with our ally Israel and stand for the democratic values that make our two nations great.”]
  • Free Beacon 7/24/24: WATCH: Netanyahu Praises UNC Frat Bros, Republicans Chant ‘USA’ While Democrats Pout
  • Jewish News Syndicate 7/24/24: Netanyahu meets evangelical leaders ahead of Congress address
  • Foxx (R-NC) 7/23/24: floor speech — Freedom’s Threat: Antisemitism [“I rise today to support Prime Minister Netanyahu in the just cause of eliminating Hamas. Soon, the Prime Minister will address the People’s House. As he speaks, we will be reminded of the mounting peril facing America and our allies around the world. In the struggle for freedom and democracy against antisemitism and terror, the Committee on Education and the Workforce is proud to do its part. We’ve held countless hearings exposing the roots of antisemitism on the home front and will continue to do so. The success of this vital mission will help decide whether America remains safe for the Jewish people. As Ronald Reagan once said: ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.’  His words ring especially true today—not since WWII have the stakes felt so high.”]

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