You can view the regularly updated tables here.
In April 2018, FMEP launched a comprehensive tracking tool to document ongoing annexation policies being advanced and/or implemented in real time by the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Israeli government. These tables provide a resource for those seeking to understand what annexation looks like in practice, i.e. not one moment when is annexation formerly announced, but a growing series of small measures that add up to the total and irreversible annexation of land in the West Bank. To receive weekly updates on settlement and annexation activity, subscribe to receive FMEP’s weekly Settlement Report (archives here), which provides a weekly, long-form, analysis of annexation policies and news.
The three distinct strands of annexation policies documented by FMEP in the linked tables are:
- The retroactive legalization of settlement construction and outposts built. This table includes the follow sub-themes:
- Israel’s seizure of privately owned Palestinian land;
- The “market regulation” principle and other legal developments allowing Israel greater ability to seize land in the West Bank;
- Attempts by the Knesset to override High Court rulings.
- The systematic application of Israeli domestic law in the West Bank (i.e. “extending Israeli sovereignty”). This table includes the follow sub-themes:
- Israeli-led land registration in the West Bank and East Jerusalem;
- Attempts to disband or severely curtail the Israeli Civil Administration, or any part of the normative framework governing the occupied Palestinian territories;
- The extension of Israeli domestic laws to the settlements.
- Unilateral annexation proposals, both in the Knesset and by the Executive.
This resource was originally published in April 2018. The tables are updated as needed.
You can view the regularly updated tables here.
Questions/comments/suggestions about these tables should be directed to Kristin McCarthy (