Members on the Record re: President Herzog Address to Congress


Members on the Record re: President Herzog Address to Congress

Members Not Attending the session

Bowman (D-NY) 7/18/23: Twitter thread – “From Israel to India, we must hold our allies accountable when it comes to human rights violations and the abuses of far-right governments, which is why I will not be attending Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to Congress tomorrow. I’ve had the opportunity to meet President Herzog in Israel and voice my concerns and understand this pathway towards freedom and safety for Israelis and Palestinians alike. His responses to my inquiry were not aligned to moving us toward a two state solution. My decision to not attend in no way stems from a lack of support for the existence of the State of Israel. On the contrary, it is out of concern that there is no sense of urgency about ensuring the safety and security of all Israelis and Palestinians in the region and finally achieving a two-state solution. This is also an informed decision out of engagement and deep listening to President Herzog, members of parliament, Israeli and Palestinian scholars, and community members in the region who experienced settler violence and dispossession. While President Herzog has stated settlements should be frozen and claims to opposes settler violence, he has remained silent as Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government has expanded settlements that are illegal under international law and has appointed Ministers that seek the… anti-democratic annexation of the West Bank and the demise of any two state solution with the Palestinians. He was also silent and inactive during the previous administration. While I appreciate and understand that the invitation to Herzog to speak to Congress over Netanyahu is a strong statement against Netanyahu’s extremist actions, Herzog on his own must answer key questions on how we will arrive to a two state solution and ending annexation… child detention, home demolition, settler violence and the killing of American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The United States government should give this prestigious platform at times when our allies are standing as beacons and examples of our values. At this time, although Herzog is viewed as a centrist statesman, he has not yet shown the actions of pro-democracy and a pro-peace agenda. I strongly support a democratic Israel and a Palestinian state that are able to thrive with peace and security. A true two-state solution is the pathway towards peace and security for all in the region. It’s way past time that we stop using a two state solution as a talking point and actually get it done.

Tlaib (D-MI) & Bush (D-MO) joint statement 7/18/23: “Bestowing President Herzog with the rare honor of a joint address to Congress while the Israeli apartheid government continues to enable and directly support racism and brutal settler attacks is a slap in the face to victims, survivors, and their loved ones—including the families of Americans murdered by this regime like Shireen Abu Akleh and Omar Assad.  It’s contradictory to claim to support human rights when you’re arming the oppressors with billions of dollars of bullets and bombs. It is hypocritical to claim to be deeply concerned about attacks on Palestinian families, and then smile for a photo op with the president of the government enabling these human rights abuses and maintaining the status quo. The facts are clear, and the international consensus is resounding—Israel is an apartheid state. To assert otherwise in the face of the colossal body of evidence and the consensus of the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, B’Tselem—the largest human rights organization in Israel—and countless others is to deny this reality.  This year alone, the far-right Israeli government has approved the construction of over 13,000 illegal settlement units on Palestinian land—which the U.S. government has repeatedly condemned—and the Israeli army has killed at least 177 Palestinians. Members of the far-right Israeli government have made disgusting statements dehumanizing and denying the existence of Palestinians, calling for Palestinian villages to be “erased,” celebrating nationalist racists, and promising that a fully sovereign Palestinian state will not be created. This is the government that we are protesting.  Bipartisanship must not be used as a justification for apartheid. It’s important to remember that South Africa’s apartheid government also had bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress. It is shameful to deliberately ignore—and even normalize—this racist and oppressive system of apartheid by welcoming President Herzog or any member of the Israeli government to address Congress. In solidarity with the Palestinian people and all those who have been harmed by the Israeli apartheid government and their policies, we will be boycotting President Herzog’s joint address to Congress. When violence occurs at the hand of the state against marginalized communities anywhere, we speak up. We do not look the other way. Racism and oppression must not be tolerated in America or anywhere else in the world. We urge all Members of Congress who stand for human rights for all to join us in boycotting apartheid.” Also via Twitter and here

Tlaib (D-MI) 7/17/23: Tweet – “In solidarity with the Palestinian people and all those who have been harmed by Israel’s apartheid government, I will be boycotting President Herzog’s joint address to Congress. I urge all Members of Congress who stand for human rights for all to join me. #BoycottApartheid

Sanders (I-VT) 7/19/23: Quoted in the Times of Israel – “it’s no great secret that I strongly oppose the policies of Israel’s right-wing, anti-Palestinian government. We provide them with $3.8 billion in aid. We have a right to demand they respect human rights.”

Velazquez (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I support self-determination for all peoples, whether they be Israeli, Palestinian, or Puerto Rican. I believe the Israeli govt is undermining this ideal with their actions to weaken Democracy and expand settlements. That’s why I won’t be attending President Herzog’s address.” (image of full statement)


Members Attending the session but expressing concerns

Van Hollen (D-MD) and Merkley (D-OR) 7/19/23: Joint Statement in Response to President Herzog’s Address [“Let us start by being clear: We warmly welcomed the visit of President Herzog to the United States and support what he said in his Joint Session to Congress today. It is what he did not say that disappoints us. While he welcomed achieving peace with the Palestinians, he never mentioned the long-standing, bipartisan U.S. policy in support of a two-state solution, including President Biden’s call for ‘two states for two peoples’ with ‘both peoples enjoying equal measure of freedom and dignity.’ He rightly called for an end to any violence committed by Palestinians, but he did nothing to acknowledge the scourge of attacks and violence being committed by Israeli settlers against Palestinian villagers, which the heads of Israel’s security agencies have condemned as ‘terrorism.’ Nor did he address the extremist words and actions of key members of the current Israeli government. It’s plain to see that the current path threatens the future of democracy in Israel. We are at a fork in the road. Now is the time for all who care about Israel to work together on a negotiated agreement that honors the democratic traditions of Israel and respects the human rights of the Palestinian people.”]


Members Attending the session & Using the Opportunity to Express Love/Unconditional Support/etc for Israel (and for many Republicans, to take shots at Democrats)

Allen (R-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I look forward to hearing from President @Isaac_Herzog at today’s Joint Meeting of Congress. @HouseGOP will always #StandWithIsrael as we continue to bolster our partnership now and in the future!”

Allred (D-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today Congress welcomed Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to a joint session. As the only democracy in the region, Israel is a critical ally. That’s why we must continue to strengthen the economic, security and diplomatic ties between our nations.

Auchincloss (D-MA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “The Israeli President was clear in his address to a joint session of Congress that he will defend the Jewish people’s right to their own democratic state & I remain as committed as ever to strong bilateral ties between the U.S. & Israel.” (with video)

Babin (R-TX) 7/19/23 Tweet – “Today, the House GOP reaffirmed that America stands with Israel and repeatedly condemned the anti-Semitism that continues to flood through the Democrat Party.   Proud to support our most critical ally in the Middle East.

Bacon (R-NE) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Two of my friends, Rabbi Mendel Katzman and Bruce Friedlander were able to join me in Washington D.C. to attend @Isaac_Herzog‘s address to Congress.

Bacon (R-NE) 7/19/23: Tweet – “We extend a warm welcome to Israeli President Isaac Herzog for an address to the joint session of Congress to commemorate 75 years of Israel’s statehood.

Bean (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to welcome Israeli Pres. @Isaac_Herzog to the U.S. Capitol. Israel is our closest & most strategic ally in the Middle East. I look forward to strengthening our special bond to ensure Israel is a strong, vigorous, & growing nation tomorrow as it is today.

Beatty (D-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I was honored to have Robert H. Schottenstein as my guest during today’s joint session of Congress welcoming Israeli President @isaac_herzog on the House Floor. We are proud to celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary and strengthen the ironclad relationship between the U.S. & Israel.”

Bice (R-OK) 7/20/23: Tweet –Yesterday, Israeli President Herzog addressed a joint meeting of Congress, where I had the honor of attending the event with Rabbi Goldman and Edie Rodman. Always great to see @SenatorLankford too.”

Blackburn (R-TN) 7/19/23: Tweet – Today I was joined by Rabbi Mark Schiftan during Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address before Congress. It was an honor to have one of Nashville’s longest serving rabbis and a leader within the Jewish community in our nation’s Capitol for such a profound moment.

Blackburn (R-TN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Unlike the antisemitic Left, I’m excited to welcome Israeli President Isaac Herzog to Capitol Hill. Today’s joint session of Congress is a celebration of the incredible relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

Boebert (R-CO) 7/19/23: Tweet – When American is strong, Israel is strong. When Israel is strong, America is more secure.

Britt (R-AL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “In the Senate, I’ll always stand with Israel, and carry on Alabama’s strong tradition of supporting our closest ally. See my full reaction to President Herzog’s speech to Congress

Britt (R-AL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Look forward to joining my colleagues for President Herzog’s address and to show our continued support for a strong American partnership with Israel.

Brown (D-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “75 years ago, President Truman became the first world leader to recognize the State of Israel, and they’ve been one of our closest allies ever since. It was a privilege to attend President Herzog’s address & show my support for the U.S. and Israel’s shared democratic values.”

Brown (D-OH) 7/18/23: Tweet – “It is an honor to have Israel’s head of state, President Isaac Herzog, in Washington this week. This evening, the House will vote to express our support for the U.S.-Israel alliance and condemn all forms of antisemitism. My statement link:” – [It is an honor to have Israel’s head of state, President Isaac Herzog, in Washington this week, and I am eager to attend his address to Congress. Israel and the United States have an unbreakable bond rooted in our shared democratic values and our common cultural, religious, and community ties. I am especially grateful to President Herzog for visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture, at a time when far too many want to erase Black history and the experiences of other communities that face oppression, including the Jewish community. I am deeply disappointed that President Herzog’s visit has coincided with unacceptable antisemitic remarks that crossed a line. While I appreciate my colleague’s clarification, at a time of rising antisemitism in Ohio and nationwide, this kind of inflammatory rhetoric is dangerous. Along with the overwhelming majority of the Democratic caucus, I will continue to stand for a strong, bipartisan U.S.-Israel relationship.”]

Budd (R-NC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I was proud to attend Israeli President Herzog’s address today. We must always stand with Israel, and fight back against antisemitism.

Cammack (R-FL) 7/17/23: via Newsmax – “.@RepKatCammack reacts to Rep. Jayapal’s comments on Israel: ‘I’m very disgusted by the fact that this was said. I’ve been concerned about the rhetoric coming out of the more progressive liberal wing of the Democratic Caucus for some time.

Cardin (D-MD) 7/17/23: Twitter thread – “. @Isaac_Herzog has been a champion for democracy in Israel and I look forward to welcoming him during his address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday. For 75 years, the United States has been a friend and ally of the State of Israel. We are united by our shared commitment to democracy and regional security - our partnership has never been stronger.”

Carey (R-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – I applaud Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog for his address to Congress. The relationship between the U.S. and Israel is special and we shouldn’t be afraid to stand with our ally.

Calvert (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to hear from Israel’s President, Isaac Herzog. I stand with Israel in the defense of their nation against threats from Iran, Hezbollah & Hamas; their absolute right to exist; & their constant struggle to combat antisemitism. God Bless America & God Bless Israel!

Capito (R-VA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “As we mark the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel and our bilateral partnership, it was a pleasure to welcome Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to the Capitol. Israel is a steadfast friend of the United States and I look forward to deepening our many areas of cooperation.”

Cardin (D-MD) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Very encouraged by what I heard from President @Isaac_Herzog today during our joint session of Congress   Democracy is resilient, and with our continued partnership, both Israel and the United States will prosper.”

Carter (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I welcomed Ari Hoffman from Cedar Park as my guest for the Joint Meeting of Congress to hear from President Isaac Herzog of Israel. Today is a testament to the strong partnership, shared values and deep friendship between the United States and Israel.

Castor (D-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I was happy to welcome Tampa resident & leading voice in the local Jewish community Shelly Walk for President @Isaac_Herzog‘s address to Congress! Shelly is a passionate volunteer, lawyer & businesswoman who has helped strengthen Tampa’s Jewish community with the @jewishtampa” Also see: U.S. Rep. Castor Attends Israeli President’s Address to U.S. Congress with Special Guest

Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to attend President @Isaac_Herzog‘s speech to a joint session of Congress today alongside my guest Jeremy Rozansky, who grew up in Lake Oswego. For decades, Israel has been an important friend and ally to the U.S. I’m proud to stand with the people of Israel”

Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to attend @IsraelPresident Herzog’s address to Congress. I’m proud to stand with Israel and remain firmly committed to strengthening our ironclad bipartisan relationship.

Ciscomani (R-AZ) 7/20/23: Tweet – “I was honored to attend President Herzog’s address to Congress this week. The United States will always stand firmly with our friends in Israel!

Cleaver (D-MO) 7/20/23: Tweet – “This week, I was honored to attend Israel President Herzog’s address to Congress. Based on our shared democratic values and steadfast support for freedom and peace, America’s bond with one of our oldest, greatest allies remains ironclad.

Clyburn (D-SC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I was pleased to attend Israeli President Herzog’s address to Congress. Our countries have a deep bond grounded in our commitment to democracy. I appreciated him expressing his yearning for peace with the Palestinians. A two-state solution is necessary to achieve that vital goal.

Cole (R-OK) 7/19/23: statement – Cole Applauds Israeli President Isaac Herzog for His Address to Congress (tweet)

Collins (R-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “The U.S. and Israel have a strong partnership that goes back more than 75 years. I was proud to vote in support of this resolution yesterday which condemned antisemitism and reiterated our support for Israel.

Collins (R-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – I look forward to hearing this morning’s Joint Session of Congress with Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, in honor of the 75th Anniversary of Israel’s statehood.

Collins (R-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I look forward to hearing this morning’s Joint Session of Congress with Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, in honor of the 75th Anniversary of Israel’s statehood.

Coons (D-DE) 7/19/23: press release – Senator Coons statement on Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to Congress [TweetAs today’s dozens of standing ovations showed, support for the U.S.-Israel alliance continues to be bipartisan and based on a shared commitment to democratic values.“]

Cortez Mastro (D-NV) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Honored to welcome Israel’s President @Isaac_Herzog to our nation’s capital this morning with @SenDuckworth. I will always proudly support Israel and the strong alliance between our two countries.”

Costa (D-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Looking forward to hearing from President Isaac Herzog during his Joint Address to Congress and how we can continue to strengthen U.S.-Israel Relations. Watch

Cramer (R-SD) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I thank President @Isaac_Herzog for addressing Congress today and reiterating the importance of the bilateral relationship between our two democracies. When America is strong, Israel is stronger, and when Israel is strong, America is even more secure.

Craig (D-MN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “So great to have Jon from Mendota Heights join me in DC today to hear Israel President @Isaac_Herzog’s address to Congress.

Craig (D-MN) 7/17/23: Tweet – “Hell YES I will attend President Herzog’s address to Congress this Wednesday.   I will continue to work with Democrats and Republicans to strengthen our relationship with Israel.

Crow (R-CO) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Israel has been and continues to be one of America’s most important allies. It was wonderful to welcome @Isaac_Herzog to Washington and Congress this week. The bond between our two nations is strong and enduring.”

Custer (D-NH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was wonderful to see Concord’s own Rabbi Robin Nafshi in Congress today for the joint address from Israeli President Herzog! The United States remains a committed partner of Israel.

Daines (R-MT) 7/19/23: Tweet – Thank you to Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog for joining us today and speaking to the important relationship our nations have shared for over 75 years. We must ensure this relationship stays strong as we work together to counter Iran’s malign influence throughout the Middle East.

Davids (D-KS) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was great being joined by Gavriela Geller, Executive Director of @JCRBAJC in Overland Park, for Israeli President Herzog’s address to Congress. Gavriela and her team are doing great work advocating for Jewish communities in #KS03.”

Davidson (R-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “As a close friend of Israel, our role must be to provide Israel with the time it needs to resolve its own affairs. My colleagues @RepDLamborn @RepAndyHarrisMD and I welcome President Herzog to Congress today.” – linked to their joint op-ed in the Jerusalem Post 7/19/23, Washington stands with Israel: Strengthening the alliance amidst regional challenges – opinion; also see Harris (R-MD) tweet – “When Israel’s most dangerous foes doubt our resolve and unity, it is up to us to make crystal clear that we stand behind Israel.” Proud to join @RepDLamborn and @WarrenDavidson in a  @Jerusalem_Post ep-ed outlining our continued and unwavering support for our loyal ally Israel. #IstandwithIsrael“; and Lamborn (R-CO) tweet – “The Biden administration and House Democrats continue to disparage America’s friendship with Israel – allowing Israel’s most dangerous foes to doubt our unity. Now more than ever we must stand with our greatest ally in the Middle East.”

D’Esposito (R-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Earlier this year, I met with President @Isaac_Herzog as part of a bipartisan co-del to Israel. I look forward to his speech on the House Floor today and reaffirming our strong relationship with Israel.

Deluzio (D-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Heading into the House Chamber to hear a Joint Address to Congress from one of our most important allies, Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

DeSaulnier (D-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was wonderful to have Walnut Creek City Councilman Kevin Wilk join me as my guest to see Israeli President Herzog address a Joint Meeting of Congress. We stand together against antisemitism and hate of any kind.

Diaz-Balart (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to his Excellency @Isaac_Herzog of Israel as he addresses our Congress. The unwavering support for our democratic ally, Israel, is indispensable to our national security. The House State and Foreign Operations bill is packed with robust provisions aimed at bolstering this vital partnership. Together, we celebrate Israel’s enduring friendship and look forward to a thriving Israel for many more decades to come. God bless the state of Israel and the United States of America.”

Doggett (D-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Most pleased to have Rabbi Neil Blumofe from Agudas Achim in Austin as my guest for the impressive speech of Israeli President Isaac Herzog. Rabbi Blumofe is an important voice for good in our community and interfaith understanding — not to mention, quite a jazz performer.

Donalds (R-FL) 7/18/23: Tweet – “I miss having a president that unequivocally supported the Nation of Israel and welcomed @netanyahu  with open arms. The U.S. – Israel relationship was much stronger under President Trump. It’s a shame President Biden is prioritizing politics over our prized partnership.

Duarte (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Excited to welcome President @Isaac_Herzog  to our Nation’s Capitol! Here’s to 75 more years of friendship and solidarity

Duncan (R-SC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Grateful to be able to hear from Israeli President Herzog as he addressed Congress this morning. I will always stand with and support Israel, our friend, ally, and beacon of freedom in the Middle East.

Duckworth (D-IL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Good to hear from Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog as we celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary. The U.S. remains Israel’s strongest ally—and I look forward to building on our relationship that is rooted in shared values of democracy and hopes for a more peaceful Middle East.”

Dunn (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I want to extend a warm welcome to Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who is joining Congress today in celebrating 75 years of Israeli statehood & our long-standing friendship. Our relationship with #Israel is invaluable & we must continue to support this nation. #FL02

Durbin (D-IL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “This year marks 75 years of Israeli independence. During today’s Joint Session, Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog reaffirmed his dedication to political moderation, democracy, and establishing a peace agreement with the Palestinians—an important goal that must not be abandoned.

Durbin (D-IL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Thanks to Peter Kovler, who has dedicated his time to helping survivors of torture overcome trauma, for joining me at today’s Joint Session of Congress with Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog. We were reminded of our promise and duty to uphold democratic ideals here at home.”

Emmer (R-MN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today, President Herzog of Israel delivered a powerful address to Congress, and it was my honor to have Pastor Hagee as my guest. His strong leadership and commitment to @CUFI continues to inspire me and countless Americans every day!”

Emmer (R-MN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “For 75 years, Israel has been and will continue to be our strongest ally in the Middle East. It’s past time for the Biden White House and his fellow Democrats to start acting like it. (with video)”

Ernst (R-IA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Israel is under attack from Iran, their proxies, and even from within the halls of Congress. Now more than ever, we must stand with our ally Israel. (with video)” Also see – Ernst: Now more than ever, we must support Israel

Ernst (R-IA) 7/19/23: Tweet –As the co-chair of the Abraham Accords Caucus, I’m honored to welcome President @Isaac_Herzog to our nation’s capitol today. The U.S. must always have Israel’s back!

Ernst (R-IA) 7/18/23: Tweet – “Tomorrow when I meet with President @Isaac_Herzog, I will reiterate my message of strong support for Israel, and the people our great ally represents. #CUFISummit2023

Escobar (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – It was so wonderful to have Rabbi Ben Zeidman as my guest for today’s joint address of Congress by President Herzog of Israel. For almost a decade, Rabbi Zeidman has been a leading voice on social justice and equity in our community. I’m glad he could join!

Espaillat (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Honored to welcome education advocate, John Petry, as my guest during today’s joint address from Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to Congress.”

Espaillat (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Honored to welcome education advocate, John Petry, as my guest during today’s joint address from Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to Congress.”

Espaillat (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I look forward to hearing from Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog today during his joint address to Congress and look forward to continuing my work to further strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance.

Estes (R-KS) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to hear from Israeli president @Isaac_Herzog and recognize the longstanding friendship that exists between the U.S. and Israel – a key democratic ally in a region crowded with autocrats. The United States will continue to stand with and defend Israel.

Estes (R-KS) 7/17/23: Tweet – “Glad to see some of my Democrat colleagues push back against the vitriolic, antisemitic comments from members of their caucus – Israel is a key and longstanding ally of the United States, and I look forward to welcoming @Isaac_Herzog to our nation’s capitol on Wednesday.

Ferguson (R-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – Israel has long been one of our staunchest allies as the only democracy in the Middle East. Thank you President Herzog for speaking to Congress and commemorating the 75th year of Israel’s statehood. I will always stand with Israel.

Fitzpatrick (R-PA) 7/19/23: Twitter thread – “The longstanding United States-Israel relationship is critical, and must be protected and cultivated. As co-chair for the task force on Combatting Anti-Semitism, I’ve proudly partnered with groups like @AIPAC to strengthen our alliance with Israel and fight anti-semitism domestically and on the world stage. I am thrilled to welcome President Herzog to Washington to celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary and proud to have my friend Rob Bassin as my guest.” [reminder: Rob Bassin is the head of the “United Democracy Project” – the new AIPAC PAC that in the primaries of the last midterm elections targeted progressive Democrats, spending millions of dollars to defeat them]

Fitzgerald (R-WI) 7/19/23: Tweet – “What an honor to have @Isaac_Herzog here on Capitol Hill today to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood, and to reaffirm the U.S.-Israeli relationship. The U.S. stands strong with our friends in Israel.

Fleischmann (R-TN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “America will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel. I’m proud to attend President Herzog’s address to a joint session of Congress. As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s Statehood, we reaffirm the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel.

Frankel (D-FL) 7/19/23: Tweets – “Today, I was proud to attend Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to a Joint Session of Congress where he was welcomed with enthusiasm by the bipartisan, bicameral audience. He received generous standing ovations as he discussed the importance of the bonds between the United States and Israel. I joined my colleagues in resounding applause as Mr. Herzog declared Israel’s right to exist as a nation and, called on us to reject all forms of antisemitism.

Frankel (D-FL) 7/17/23: Tweet – “Hell YES will I be attending President Herzog’s address this week. I look forward to hearing his thoughts on how we can strengthen our partnership and deepen our alliance with Israel, our great friend in the Middle East.

Franklin (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today, Congress welcomed President @Isaac_Herzog of Israel to address the American People. I’m proud to reaffirm our strong relationship with our dear friend and ally.

Garabino (R-NY) 7/20/23: Tweet – “Earlier this year I was honored to meet President @Isaac_Herzog during a Congressional delegation trip to Israel, and yesterday I had the privilege of serving on the escort committee to welcome him to address a joint session of Congress.”

Garabino (R-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Welcome, President @Isaac_Herzog! Congress stands proudly with our friend and ally, Israel.”

Garcia (D-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Glad to hear President Herzog today in the chamber recognize LGBTQ+ Pride in Israel and it’s importance in the region. We must continue to expand civil rights for gay and queer people across the world.

Gillibrand (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to welcome @Isaac_Herzog to the U.S. Capitol today and to reaffirm the strength of our friendship and bond with Israel.”

Gimenez (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – It’s a privilege to welcome the President of the democratic, Jewish State of Israel during this Joint Session of Congress! The U.S. Congress proudly stands with our dear friend and ally.

Gonzalez (R-PR) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I had the honor to invite Diego Mendelbaum, Director at the Jewish Community Center of Puerto Rico to be my special guest at today’s Joint Meeting with His Excellency Isaac Herzog, President of the State of #Israel.

Gonzalez (R-PR) 7/19/23: Tweet – “For more than 60 years, the Jewish State of #Israel has been our close strategic ally, sharing strong bonds in promoting democratic values and countering #Iran and other regional threats.

Good (R-VA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to hear from Israel’s President Isaac Herzog this morning as Congress reaffirms America’s commitment to supporting our greatest ally in the Middle East and standing up against anti-Semitism.

Gottheimer (D-NJ) 7/19/23: Tweets – “I proudly welcomed Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog as part of the Escort Committee at today’s historic Joint Session of Congress. The U.S-Israel relationship is bipartisan and unbreakable. Israel is celebrating their 75th birthday this year! Israel is America’s most important democratic ally in the Middle East. Our relationship is critical to protecting our national security, fighting terror, and intelligence collaboration.”

Gottheimer (D-NJ) 7/19/23: Tweet – “This is Israeli democracy. “When the sound of the muezzin calling to prayer blends with the siren announcing the Sabbath in Jerusalem, while one of the largest & most impressive LGBTQ pride parades in the world is going on in Tel Aviv.” – Israeli Pres. @Isaac_Herzog to Congress”

Graham (R-SC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I just attended Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog’s address to a Joint Session of Congress, commemorating the 75th anniversary of Israel. It was a moving moment.” with video

Grassley (R-IA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to welcome President Herzog of Israel to Congress & escort him to the well for his address to a Joint Session of Congress. He is widely respected & Israel is our close ally

Higgins (R-NY) 7/18/23: press release – Congressman Higgins Welcomes Peter Weinmann as Guest During President Herzog’s Address

Hinson (R-IA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Israel is our most important and closest ally in the Middle East. It was an honor to hear from Israel’s president, @Isaac_Herzog, about the enduring bond between our two nations and our shared commitment to expanding trade, technology, and security ties.

Hill (R-AR) 7/19/23: statement – “For 75 years, the United States and Israel have consistently forged new paths together with the U.S. being the first to recognize Israel as a state in 1948. A year later, former U.S. President Harry S. Truman met Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s grandfather, Yitzhak Halevi Herzog, at the White House. President Herzog’s father, former Israeli President Chaim Herzog, addressed Congress in a joint meeting in 1987. This amazing generational leadership is tied to Israel’s incredible life as a nation for over seven decades. Today, President Isaac Herzog delivered a joint address to Congress to commemorate the strong relationship between our two nations. Throughout this long-standing relationship, the United States and Israel have worked together to strengthen economic growth and counter regional security threats. As the nations with the two largest Jewish populations in the world, we share a long cultural relationship. I look forward to the continued partnership of our nations as we endeavor to promote democracy, economic prosperity, and security around the world.”

Horsford (D-NV) 7/19/23: Congressman Horsford Meets with Israeli President Herzog Ahead of Joint Address

Houchin (R-IN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I’m proud to stand with our friend and partner Israel — both on the @HouseFloor yesterday and the Joint Meeting of Congress with President @Isaac_Herzog  today.

House Republicans 7/19/23: Tweet – I think we need to see stronger leadership from this president, standing up against Iran’s efforts to get a nuclear weapon. It’s a threat to America, it’s a threat to Israel, it’s a threat to anybody who seeks freedom around the world. @SteveScalise (with video)”

Hoyer (D-MD) 7/19/23: Hoyer Statement on Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s  Joint Address to Congress

Hudson (R-NC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today and everyday, I am proud to stand with the people of Israel. The US & Israel have always been united by common values, & today’s joint session with President Herzog will further commemorate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood & reaffirm our special relationship.

Jackson (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Thank you President Herzog for addressing Congress today and commemorating the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood and our continued friendship. I will ALWAYS be committed to a strong partnership between the US and Israel!

Jackson Lee (D-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Important to be present at this historic speech from the President of Israel before the Joint Session of Congress where he calls for peace in the region and peace with the Palestinians. Let America and Israel work together for peace as the President asked for!

Joyce (R-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today, Israeli President Isaac Herzog spoke to a joint meeting of Congress to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood. As our most reliable ally in the Middle East, we must continue to strengthen and safeguard the U.S.-Israeli relationship.

Kean (R-NJ) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today we will welcome his excellency, Issac Herzog, President of the State of Israel, to address a Joint Session of Congress in Washington, DC. The United States is grateful for our unbreakable relationship that has made both of our countries safer and stronger.

Khanna (D-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I had the opportunity to speak with President @Isaac_Herzog today. His speech affirmed the historic economic, cultural & security bond between the US & Israel. We spoke about Heschel who believed that no religion has a monopoly on the truth as informing for pluralistic democracy.

Kiggans (R-VA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Thank you President @Isaac_Herzog for addressing Congress today! It was an honor to hear your remarks. To use your words, “The United States is irreplaceable to Israel & Israel is irreplaceable to the United States!” I will always support our democratic ally in the Middle East!”

Kildee (R-MI) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Thrilled to welcome Grand Blanc resident & @FlintJewFed board member Diane Lindholm to D.C. today for Israeli President Herzog’s Joint Address to Congress. Israel is a close ally and friend of the U.S. I’ll keep working to strengthen the relationship between our two democracies.

Kiley (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “@Isaac_Herzog I am honored to welcome Israeli President to speak before a Joint Session of Congress and to celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary. Israel has stood as a sanctuary for the Jewish people and as a beacon of freedom, democracy, and human rights in the region.”

Kim (D-NJ) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Congressman Kim welcomed Rabbi Perice to Washington today as his guest to President Herzog’s address to Congress. It is a pleasure to have Cinnaminson’s Temple Sinai represented for this special occasion honoring the unique and cherished relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

Kim (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I look forward to welcoming President of the State of Israel Isaac Herzog to Washington for a Joint Meeting of Congress. Israel is one our strongest allies, and I am working in Congress to strengthen our security and economic partnership.

Kustoff (R-TN) 7/20/23: Tweet – “I was honored to escort Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog onto the House floor to address a Joint Session of Congress. As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s independence, the U.S. remains committed to supporting the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.”

LaHood (R-IL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Israel is one of America’s strongest allies in the Middle East and we share an unbreakable bond. I look forward to welcoming Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to the Capitol today for a Joint Meeting of Congress and reaffirming our strong partnership.”

LaLota (R-NY) 7/19/23: LaLota Escorts Israeli President Isaac Herzog for Address to Congress – Also see tweet – “(1/2) Huge honor to be on the escort committee to welcome President Herzog to the House Floor for a joint session of Congress. #NY01 (2/2) With the current rise in anti-semitism & hateful rhetoric, we must continue to condemn racist actions & reaffirm our commitment to Israel. I will always strongly support Israel’s sovereignty & work to ensure they are able to defend themselves. #NY01

LaMalfa (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – Today is the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood. House Republicans welcome President Isaac Herzog to our nation’s capital to speak to a joint session of Congress and reaffirm the special relationship between our two nations.” Also see statement in the record: 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL

Langworthy (R-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – It was an honor to attend Israeli President Isaac Herzog address to Congress today. NY proudly is home to the largest Jewish population in the US and I will always be a voice to continue our special relationship with Israel in Congress.

Lamborn (R-CO) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today Pres. Herzog noted the PA’s horrid practice of financially rewarding terrorists for their crimes against Israel. My bill, the Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act, would prohibit financial institutions from dealing with entities that allow ‘pay-to-slay’ transactions.”

Landesman (R-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Welcome to the United States, President Herzog! We’re thrilled to have you, and eager to hear your remarks today. May this visit only serve to strengthen the special bond between the U.S. and #Israel as we work together to promote peace and prosperity around the world.

Landsman (D-OH) 7/18/23: Twitter thread – “Israeli President Isaac Herzog will address a joint session of Congress this week. Israel is a critical partner of ours, and essential to our national security. 1/6 It’s also one of the more inclusive and progressive democracies in the world with high voter turnout, a diverse legislature, and Pride in Tel Aviv is one of the biggest LGBTQ events in the world. We have and must continue to have a unique & special relationship with Israel. 2/6 I am excited to welcome President Herzog to the Capitol, and eager to hear from him again on our unique partnership, security in Israel and the region, and the path towards peace and better lives for both Israelis and Palestinians. 3/6 The path to peace, security, & a two-state outcome, will be a strong governing authority in the West Bank, then Gaza. This will help get the mostly Iranian-backed terror groups out of West Bank. The key will be the EU & Arab nations helping establish this governing authority. 4/6 Iran is funding terrorism in the West Bank. When every other nation in the region stands up to Iran, and helps the Palestinians keep these terrorists out of their communities, things will get better. 5/6 With this, we’ll be on a historic path towards peace and better lives for both Israeli’s and Palestinians. 6/6” Also see statement in the Record, WELCOMING PRESIDENT HERZOG OF ISRAEL

LaMalfa (R-CA) 7/17/23: Statement in the record celebrating “the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel and its recreation after World War II when many countries around the world got together and decided indeed there should be a current Jewish state. Now, their day of independence, known as Yom Haatzmaut, occurred this year on April 25. It moves around in order to not conflict with the Sabbath. On the day after Israel officially declared independence back in 1948, they were attacked immediately by five surrounding Arab countries. We see that Israel’s existence is not an easy one. It is one that requires our alliance, as they are a loyal friend to this country as we are to them. It is my understanding that President Issac Herzog is actually the first native-born Israeli President since the creation of the State, so it is only fitting that we welcome his address to the House this week.”

Lankford (R-OK) 7/19/23: Tweet – “As Israel celebrates 75 years of independence, America welcomes President Herzog to address our nation. The United States of America and Israel are friends, allies and partners for peace. Peace starts with strength and the continuing work of the Abraham Accords in the Middle East” Also see: Lankford, Rosen Lead Bipartisan Senate and House Abraham Accords Caucuses Meeting with Israeli President Herzog

Larsen (D-WA) 7/18/23: Tweet – “Tomorrow, I will attend Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog‘s address to a joint session of Congress & I look forward to hearing what he has to say. The United States & Israel share a unique bond based on democratic principles, common values & mutual strategic interests.”

Latta (R-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was a privilege to hear from the President of Israel, @Isaac_Herzog, as he addressed a joint session of Congress. His visit to the U.S. reaffirmed the strong partnership between our nations. We will never back down in supporting our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel.”

Lawler (R-NY) 7/19/23: Tweets – “After President Herzog’s address to Congress I met with @giladerdan1, Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN. As the first nation to recognize Israel, 11 minutes after its founding, the US has a longstanding commitment to Israel’s security & standing in the global community. I will continue working with my colleagues in Washington and our partners abroad to protect Israel’s right to defend itself, build on the diplomatic breakthrough of the Abraham Accords, and work toward our shared goals of peace and prosperity across the region.

Lawler (R-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “After Pres. @Isaac_Herzog’s address, I joined Leader @SteveScalise, @GOPMajorityWhip Tom Emmer, Conference Chair @RepStefanik, @HouseForeignGOP Chair @RepMcCaul, and other colleagues for a press conference. We are united in our support for Israel and stand with our closest ally.”

Lawler (R-NY) 7/14/23: Tweet – The act of burning a Torah and Bible outside the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm is clearly meant to intimidate those gathered inside and should be condemned as the burning of a Quran outside of a Stockholm mosque last month was by the Israeli President. I look forward to President Herzog’s visit to Washington next week and stand with our closest ally Israel in condemning the actions of those who would do her harm or deny her very right to exist.

Lee (D-TX) 7/20/23: Tweet – Introducing President Herzog to the Mickey Leland Kibbutz program we have here in Houston where local inner city high school kids travel to Israel; a program I have helped for the past 28 years. Looking forward to our kids having the opportunity to meet with him in the future.”

Lee (D-NV) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Israel is one of our nation’s strongest allies, and I was happy to welcome President @Isaac_Herzog for a joint address to Congress. I look forward to many more years of U.S.-Israel cooperation as we continue working to advance peace and stability across the Middle East.”

Lee (R-UT) 7/19/23: Tweet – “‘God bless the State of Israel, and God bless the United States of America.’ Thank you, President @Isaac_Herzog. America remains committed to its enduring friendship and alliance with Israel.”

Leutkemeyer (R-MO) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Proud to vote in support of our friend & steadfast ally, Israel last night on the House floor & welcome President Herzog to the U.S. Capitol today. I will always stand with #Israel & the Jewish community.

Magaziner (D-RI) 7/19/23: Tweet – Today, President Herzog addressed a Joint Session of Congress. Israel is a vital ally of the United States — and I look forward to the continued partnership between our countries.

Malliotakis (R-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “This morning I will have the honor of escorting Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog into the House Chamber for his historic address to Congress in honor of the 75th anniversary of Israel

Manning (D-NC) 7/18/23: Tweet – I’m proud to share that tomorrow, I will be serving on the official committee to escort @Isaac_Herzog, President of the State of Israel & my dear friend of many years, into the House Chamber to address a Joint Meeting of Congress. I’m looking forward to this special honor.

Marshall (R-KS) 7/19/23: Tweet – Welcome to the President of Israel, @Isaac_Herzog! The strong American- Israel alliance is one I am very proud of and am looking forward to continuing to deepen. I will always stand up in support of our ally, Israel.”

Mast (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “.@IsraelPresident: ‘When the United States is strong, Israel is stronger, and when Israel is strong, the United States is more secure.’ Israel is an essential ally and we must work together.”

Mast (R-FL) 7/18/23: Tweet –Tomorrow, Congress will welcome Israeli President Isaac Herzog to the United States Capitol. Despite the lies and hatred coming from the Left, Israel and America’s partnership remains strong and we’ll continue to stand against any form of anti-Semitism or xenophobia.”

McCarthy (D-CA) 7/20/23: Tweet – “RT to agree → The United States must always stand with Israel in defense of freedom.

McCarthy (R-CA) 7/19/23: Speaker McCarthy Welcomes Israeli President Herzog to Congress

McCarthy (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “The United States and Israel must always remain at each other’s side—strengthening our friendship—so that together, we can forge an even brighter future. That is America’s commitment to Israel, and we will not flinch from it.” with pix from the House floor

McCarthy (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It is a privilege to welcome President @Isaac_Herzog to the U.S. Capitol to reaffirm the unbreakable bond between our two democracies. Today is particularly special because he is following in his father’s footsteps—becoming the 2nd President of Israel to address Congress.

McCarthy (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today’s Joint Meeting of Congress with President @Isaac_Herzog is a testament to the strong partnership, shared values, and deep friendship that have connected the United States and Israel for more than 75 years. Tune in today at 11am ET:”

McCaul (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “CHM @RepMcCaul: “Appreciated meeting with Leah Goldin today, who traveled to the US with Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog. Her son Hadar was killed by Hamas terrorists while serving in the IDF. Hamas must return his remains now.

McCaul (R-TX) 7/19/23: press release – Chairman McCaul Delivers Remarks at House GOP Stand with Israel Press Conference

McCaul (R-TX) 7/18/23: Tweet – “The United States welcomes President @Isaac_Herzog and stands by Israel, our ally and friend. I strongly reject progressive Democrats’ boycotts of his speech. America is safer because of our special relationship with Israel.

McClain (R-MI) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor and privilege to welcome Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to Congress this morning. I have always, and will always, stand with Israel.

McClellan (D-VA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I’m here on the House floor with @RepTerriSewell, @RepAdams, @RepEmiliaSykes, @RepJahanaHayes, @ValerieFoushee, @CongresswomanSC, & @RepJasmine for a Joint Meeting of Congress with Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog.”

McConnell (R-KY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Glad to meet this morning with President Isaac Herzog of Israel. The growing threats facing our two nations’ shared interests in the Middle East make U.S.-Israel friendship and cooperation as important as ever.

McCormick (R-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Great to meet President Isaac Herzog of Israel. I believe we share a vision of peace, prosperity, and freedom for the Middle East. Governments may come and go, but the friendship of our peoples is lasting.

McHenry (R-TN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “As we welcomed President Herzog today for a joint address to Congress, I am proud that @HouseGOP remain united in our support for our sacred ally, Israel. It is vital that we support the people of Israel and condemn antisemitic rhetoric.”

McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) 7/19/23: McMorris Rodgers, Bipartisan House and Senate Accords Caucuses Statement on Israeli President Herzog Address to Congress

McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) 7/19/23: press release – The United States Stands With Israel

Menendez Jr (D-NJ) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Incredible address by @IsraelPresident to a joint session of Congress. I met President Herzog during my visit to Israel + it was an honor to have him here in DC. Today’s speech was an affirmation of our deep + mutually beneficial friendship with the State of Israel + its people.”

Menendez (D-NJ) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Incredibly proud to be part of this full Congressional Chamber as we warmly welcome Israel’s President Isaac Herzog. The indelible ties between our people have never been stronger or more critical to our shared interests.

Meuser (R-PA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “This afternoon, I heard from Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog as he addressed a joint session of Congress. He discussed the longstanding partnership between our two nations and the importance of keeping our relationship strong. We must stand with our great ally Israel.”

Miller (R-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to have Rabbi Rosie Haim and Regina Eisenberg join me as my guests at President @Isaac_Herzog’s speech to today’s Joint Meeting of Congress. I am grateful for their leadership across #Ohio and their steadfast support for #Israel.”

Miller (R-WV) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It’s an honor to welcome His Excellency, President @Isaac_Herzog of Israel for a joint session with Congress. Our bilateral relationship has grown stronger & will continue to do so through our commitment to democracy & economic prosperity. America will always stand with Israel!”

Miller (R-OH) 7/18/23: Tweet – “Tomorrow, Congress will welcome Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to the United States Capitol. Despite hatred & bigotry from some, the friendship of #Israel & America endures. I am pleased that the House adopted the resolution I co-sponsored with @RepPfluger & @RepDavidKustoff.”

Miller-Meeks (R-IA) 7/19/23: Tweet – It was an honor and a privilege to welcome Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to Congress and to have Josh and Samuel Lederman from Le Claire, Iowa in attendance as my guests. President Herzog, I look forward to continuing our enduring U.S.-Israel partnership.”

Miller-Meeks (R-IA) 7/18/23: Tweet – “This week as Congress prepares to welcome Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog  may we always remember that Israel is an important American ally and a global partner in diplomacy.”

Molinaro (R-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Such an honor to be chosen to be in @Isaac_Herzog’s escort committee for his speech to Congress. I’m committed to strengthening America’s relationship with Israel and ensuring our two democracies remain vibrant.”

Moolenar (R-MI) 7/19/23: Moolenaar Applauds Israeli President Herzog’s Address to Congress

Moran (R-KS) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Following Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s joint address to Congress today, I spoke on the U.S. Senate floor to remind my colleagues of the growing threat posed by Iran to peace in the Middle East and beyond” (with video clip)

Moran (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “The bond between the U.S. and Israel is stronger than ever. It was an honor to hear from President Herzog at the Capitol to mark the 75th anniversary of Israel’s independence. I will continue to support Israel and advocate for policies that strengthen our nations’ partnership.

Morelle (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor and a privilege to attend Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to Congress. His remarks commemorated Israel’s 75th anniversary and highlighted the enduring relationship between our two nations, which I’m always working to preserve and strengthen.

Moskowitz (D-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – It was a great honor to welcome and escort President Herzog to the House Floor for his address to Congress. Shared in democratic values and strategic interest, the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel will always remain strong and long-lasting.

Mullin (R-OK) 7/21/23: Tweet – “Despite boycotts by some on the far-Left, @SenateGOP will always stand with Israel. #WeeklyWrapUp” (with video citing the Bible as the source of support for Israel)

Mullin (R-OK) 7/19/23: Tweet – “As Israel celebrates 75 years of independence this year, I applaud President @Isaac_Herzog‘s address to Congress and for his steadfast support of our nations’ important strategic partnership. America will always continue to stand with our greatest ally in the Middle East.”

Murphy (D-CT) 7/19/23: CT Resident to Accompany Murphy to President of Israel’s Address to Congress

Murphy (R-ND) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today, Israeli President Isaac Herzog is addressing Congress…I’m looking forward to his visit and want to share a few thoughts:” (with video remarks)

Nadler (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I was pleased to attend Pres. Herzog’s address to Congress.   I appreciate his commitment to preserving Israel’s democratic traditions and values, including an independent judiciary and protection of minority rights. Despite challenges, the US-Israel relationship remains strong.

Nadler (D-NY) 7/17/23: Tweet – “As the most senior Jewish Member of Congress, I look forward to President Herzog’s visit to Washington, particularly his address to Congress, where I’m eager to hear his perspectives on strengthening the US-Israel relationship and how Congress can best support a democratic Israel

Newhouse (R-WA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I look forward to hearing from President @Isaac_Herzog in our nation’s capital today to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood. Israel is a strong ally in the Middle East, and this is a great opportunity to reaffirm the friendship between our two nations.”

Nickel (D-NC) 7/20/23: Tweet – “Great to hear from Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog during today’s Joint Session of Congress to commemorate the enduring bond between the  and . I’ll always stand with our ally Israel and work in a bipartisan way to strengthen the relationship between our two countries.”

Nickel (D-NC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Great to hear from Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog during today’s Joint Session of Congress to commemorate the enduring bond between the  and . I’ll always stand with our ally Israel and work in a bipartisan way to strengthen the relationship between our two countries.

Nunn (R-IA) 7/18/23: Tweet – “Despite what my colleagues across the aisle may suggest, Israel is NOT a racist state. I am proud to stand with our friend and ally in Israel, especially as we welcome President Herzog to the Capitol this week.

Ogles (R-TN) 7/19/23: Tweet – I stand with Israel.  Thank you, @Isaac_Herzog, for visiting America’s Capitol and reinforcing the strong relationship between the United States and Israel.

Pallone (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I was proud to welcome Rabbi Nasanayl Braun as my guest for Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog‘s Joint Address to Congress. Rabbi Braun is the senior Rabbi at Congregation Brothers of Israel in Long Branch and a member of the Jersey Shore Orthodox Rabbinate (JSOR).”

Pallone (D-NJ) 7/19/23: Twitter thread – “President Herzog’s visit today reaffirms the strength of America’s enduring partnership with Israel. Our nations have always shared a special bond, and Congress must keep working on a bipartisan basis to ensure Israel’s security and promote a lasting peace in the region. President Herzog was right to say a nuclear Iran poses the greatest threat to Israel and world peace. We must do whatever we can to prevent Iran from developing and deploying nuclear weapons. To his credit, President Herzog did not hesitate to address controversies regarding the Palestinians, an independent judiciary, and democracy. But in every case, he stressed peaceful means of resolution rather than violence.

Pallone (D-NJ) 7/18/23: Tweet – “Glad that President Biden met with Israeli President Herzog today in the White House to reaffirm that the relationship between the United States and Israel is ironclad. Looking forward to welcoming President Herzog when he speaks before a Joint Session of Congress tomorrow.

Perry (R-PA) 7/20/23: Tweet – “Thank you, President Herzog, for your very necessary words in our Joint Session of Congress. Israel truly is America’s greatest partner and friend. #Israel

Peters (D-MI) 7/20/23: Tweet – “Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East. I attended President Herzog’s Joint Address to Congress and will continue working on efforts that advance the security and shared interests of both our nations.

Pettersen (D-CO) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today I attended Israeli President Herzog’s address to Congress. The U.S. is committed to supporting peace & democracy abroad, and Israel remains a key ally in the Middle East. Strengthening the U.S.-Israel alliance is essential to our national security & our democratic values.

Pfluger (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Welcome to the U.S. Capitol, President @Isaac_Herzog! Congress is proud to support Israel and the unwavering partnership between our democracies.

Pfluger (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – The veneer is ripped off. The radical, progressive side of the Democrat Party has hijacked their platform. @HouseGOP is 100% united in our support for Israel—our most trusted partner in the Middle East.” with video of event – “House Republicans Stand with Israel — Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) speaks at a House Republican Stand with Israel Press Conference following Israeli President Herzog’s Joint Address to Congress.”

Pfluger (R-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – Welcome to the U.S. Capitol, President @Isaac_Herzog! Congress is proud to support Israel and the unwavering partnership between our democracies.”

Phillips (D-MN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “A beautiful, honest, and uplifting speech by one of America’s greatest friends and allies, Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog. May we all commit to the pursuit of peace, security, and self-determination for Israelis, Palestinians, and the entire world…”

Ricketts (R-NE) 7/19/23: Tweet – “@Isaac_Herzog It was a pleasure to have Rabbi Katzman and Fischel Ziegelheim join me to hear Israeli President speak.”

Ricketts (R-NE) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Earlier this year I had the opportunity to meet with President Herzog in Israel. As I listen to him speak today, I am reminded of the essential and mutually beneficial U.S.- Israel alliance.

Risch (R-ID) 7/19/23: Risch on Israeli President Herzog’s Address to Congress

Ritchie (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “The United States and Israel share a special relationship rooted in shared democratic values and strategic interests — and our commitment to supporting her people is unwavering. I’m looking forward to hearing @Isaac_Herzog’s vision today about how we can strengthen our alliance.”

Rosen (D-NV) 7/18/23: Tweet – “Looking forward to hosting President @Isaac_Herzog tomorrow with the bipartisan Senate and House Abraham Accords Caucuses. I’m honored to bring together my colleagues from across party lines to celebrate 75 years of the enduring friendship between the United States and Israel.” Also see: Rosen, Lankford Lead Bipartisan Senate and House Abraham Accords Caucuses Meeting with Israeli President Herzog

Rosendale (R-MT) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to hear from Israeli President Herzog during his address to Congress today to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood. Israel is our most reliable ally in the Middle East, and I look forward to the continued partnership between our two nations.

Ross (D-NC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Enjoyed listening to President Herzog’s address to Congress with #NC02 constituent Mike Ross from @AIPAC. The U.S.-Israel relationship is strong and enduring. It’s critical that we continue supporting Israel & our shared values of freedom & democracy.

Rouzer (R-NC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today, Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. His insightful remarks reaffirmed the importance of a strong U.S.-Israel partnership and detailed how our two democracies can continue to strengthen our bond.”

Ryan (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Honored to attend President Herzog’s address in commemoration of Israel’s 75th anniversary. I am committed to strengthening the unbreakable bond between our two countries and will also continue to work with colleagues of both parties to root out anti-Zionism and antisemitism.

Salazar (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I firmly and unapologetically stand with the democratic, Jewish state of Israel! ¡Apoyo firmemente al Estado judío y democrático de Israel!

Salazar (R-FL) 7/18/23: Tweet – “I’m happy that Israeli President Isaac Herzog has been invited to address both houses of Congress! I look forward to hearing about the successes of the Middle East’s only democracy, and how we can strengthen our ties.

Scalise (R-LA) 7/19/23: press release – Scalise Celebrates Strength of Bond Between United States and Israel

Schiff (D-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to attend today’s joint address with President @Isaac_Herzog. Israel is a long-standing, democratic partner and ally of the United States, and I am proud to continue advocating for a lasting friendship between our two nations.

Schneider (R-IL) 7/19/23: Twitter thread – “It was my great privilege today to join a standing room only audience to hear Israeli President Isaac Herzog deliver remarks to a joint session of Congress. I was particularly honored to be selected for the team to escort President Herzog into the House Chamber for his speech. 1/ Following his remarks, I gathered with colleagues and community leaders with the President to celebrate his speech and the 75 year special relationship between the United States and Israel. Lastly, I was proud to join my fellow co-chairs of the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Abraham Accords Caucus in a meeting with President Herzog to talk about the importance of the Accords and the possibilities they open….”

Schneider (D-IL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “If there’s anyone that the folks who are most critical of Israel should come listen to, it should be President Isaac Herzog. President Herzog is the one trying to find the common ground and bridge the differences to advance Israeli democracy.

Scholton (D-MI) 7/19/23: Tweet – “What an honor to attend the joint session of Congress today with President Herzog of Israel, our strong ally in the Middle East. Glad to be joined by #MI03’s Hal Ostrow as well!

Schumer (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It is my honor to welcome President Isaac Herzog of Israel to the U.S. Capitol for a joint address to Congress.” Also see: Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Welcoming President Herzog For His Address To A Joint Session Of Congress

Scott (R-SC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Welcome President @Isaac_Herzog to the United States! Israel and the U.S. share a deep connection rooted in shared values and common interests. The bond forged between our two countries is unshakeable.

Sewell (D-AL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Joint session of Congress with my colleagues! Looking forward to hearing Israel’s President Herzog!

Sherrill (D-NJ) 7/17/23: Twitter thread – “As a strong supporter of the US-Israel relationship, a thriving partnership with our democratic ally in the Middle East is one of my top priorities. With anti-semitism on the rise, the language that leaders use matters more than ever. (1/2) I’m glad to see that Rep. Jayapal has walked back her troubling comments and I look forward to hearing from President Herzog when he addresses Congress this week. (2/2)

Sherman (D-CA) 7/19/23: Twitter thread – “Was proud to escort President @Isaac_Herzog of #Israel into the House Chamber and hear his excellent speech. He’s right: we must prevent #Iran from building a nuclear weapon. (1/3) President @Isaac_Herzog also spoke of the need to bring #SaudiArabia into the #AbrahamAccords. But #Saudi wants a nuclear cooperation agreement with the U.S., WITHOUT NECESSARY SAFEGUARDS. (2/3) Relaxing nuclear safeguards is not a price we should pay. We don’t need an #AtomicAbrahamicArabia (3/3)” [he tweeted again about all of this here]

Sinema (I-AZ) 7/19/23: Tweet –Statement on Israeli President Herzog’s Address to Congress” image Also see: Sinema Statement on Israeli President Herzog’s Address to Congress

Sorenson (D-IL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I was proud to attend Israeli President Herzog’s joint address to Congress, commemorating Israel’s 75th anniversary. The relationship between our two nations is incredibly important as we work together towards peace and stability in the Middle East.

Stefanik (R-NY) 7/20/23: Tweet – It was my honor and pleasure to welcome President @Isaac_Herzog to Congress to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood.

Stefanik (R-NY) 7/20/23: Tweet – “It is shameful that many House Democrats chose to boycott Israeli President Herzog’s joint address to Congress. @HouseGOP stands strongly with Israel

Steel (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Today, Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog addressed a joint meeting of Congress to share the importance of the relationship between the U.S. and our most cherished ally in the Middle East. I am, and always will be, proud to stand with Israel.”

Steil (R-WI) 7/19/23: Tweet – The U.S. marks 75 years of friendship with Israel this year. We must all agree the U.S. and Israel should remain strong partners. Thank you President Herzog for coming to the U.S. this week.

Stevens (D-MI) 7/17/23: Tweet – “Very much looking forward to welcoming Israeli President Herzog to Washington this week, where he will be warmly recieved by a committed, bipartisan majority of the U.S. Congress.

Sullivan (R-AK) 7/19/23: Twitter thread – “Just got out of President Herzog’s speech to Congress. Congratulations to @Isaac_Herzog on an outstanding speech weaving in so much history between our two countries and presenting the current opportunities and challenges we face together. (1/2) His straightforward depiction of the threat posed by the Iranian terrorist regime to Israel and the world was particularly powerful and welcome. (2/2)”

Sykes (D-OH) 7/19/23: Tweet – “I’m looking forward to Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog’s address to the Joint Session of Congress this morning. As your Congresswoman, I’m proud to work to strengthen the important relationship between the U.S. and Israel, working together on our shared democratic values.”

Tenney (R-NY) 7/17/23: Tweet – “No amount of false narratives & excuses from President Biden can justify why he snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu from the White House. Israel is our most important ally in the Middle East. It’s time for the Biden Administration to act like it.

Thune (R-SD) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Welcomed Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to the Capitol for his address to Congress marking 75 years of the U.S.-Israel alliance. The friendship between our two nations, built on our shared, enduring values, remains critical to pursuing peace and stability in the Middle East.”

Tillis (R-NC) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Israel is a beacon of freedom in the Middle East. I am proud to support Israel as our ally and friend.”

Torres (D-NY) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Welcome to the U.S. Capitol, @EricDinowitzNYC! Grateful to have you join me today as my honored guest for the Joint Meeting of Congress with Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog.”

Trone (D-MD) 7/19/23: Tweet – “As the proud Co-Chair of the #AbrahamAccords Caucus, it was a pleasure to meet with President @Isaac_Herzog to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of Israel, the success of the Abraham Accords, and widening the circle of peace to benefit all people in the region.

Tuberville (R-AL) 7/19/23: Tweet – (1/2) Todays visit by the President of Israel is a great opportunity for us to strengthen our nation’s close relationship with the Middle East’s beacon of democracy. (2/2) I join with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in showing my support for Israel, and I join with the people of Alabama in ‘praying for the peace of Jerusalem.’”

Valadao (R-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Looking forward to attending Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s joint address to Congress this morning.  I will always stand with our ally Israel and support the continued friendship between our two countries.

Vargas (D-CA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to welcome Israeli President @isaac_herzog as he joined us for a joint session of Congress to celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary. I’m proud to carry on the tradition of supporting Israel in Congress!”

Veasey (D-TX) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to join my Congressional colleagues to hear from one of our most important allies, Israeli President Isaac Herzog. I remain committed to continuing to work with our Israeli allies to strengthen our partnership and democracy in the Middle East.

Wagner (R-MO) 7/19/23: press release – Wagner on Bipartisan Senate and House Abraham Accords Caucuses Meeting with Israeli President Herzog (tweet)

Warnock (D-GA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to meet with Macon Temple Beth Israel’s Rabbi Elizabeth Bahar and have her as my guest for today’s address from the Israeli president. There’s no place for antisemitism in Georgia and we must come together to stop this ugly and vile hate.” Also see: Following Recent Antisemitic Episodes in Georgia, Senator Reverend Warnock Welcomes Macon Rabbi to Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s Address to Joint Session of Congress, Reaffirms Strong Commitment to Israel and the Jewish Community

Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) 7/20/23: Tweet – “A privilege to host @Isaac_Herzog, a champion of the friendship between our two nations and the shared values that bind us. The U.S. is grateful to have a dedicated partner in promoting security, building prosperity, and strengthening both of our democracies #Israel75

Watson Coleman (D-NJ) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to welcome East Brunswick Mayor Brad Cohen to DC to discuss the needs of residents and attend the Joint Session address by Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

Webster (R-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “He’s right. I have and will continue to support legislation and advocate for policies that aid Israel against threats to its existence.” Linked to tweet, “Israeli Pres. Herzog to US Congress: When Israel is strong, the United States is more secure.”

Wicker (R-MS) 7/20/23: Tweet – I have worked in Congress to strengthen our country’s commitment to Israel. Yesterday’s Joint Session with President Isaac Herzog was a testament to the deep bond between our countries.

Wild (D-PA) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Yesterday, I voted to express my support for the United States-Israel alliance and condemn antisemitism in all forms. And today, it was my honor to attend Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to Congress.

Williams (R-TX) 7/18/23: Tweet – “As we gather this week to hear from the President of Israel, we are reminded of their important friendship. Israel has always been our most reliable ally in an increasingly dangerous region of the world. I am proud to continue to stand for and with Israel. #StandWithIsrael

Wilson (R-SC) 7/20/23: Tweet – “Grateful to serve on escort committee for US Capitol visit of Israel President Isaac Herzog. Israel is a shining beacon of democracy. As it celebrates its 75th anniversary, America joins Israel in marking this milestone by reaffirming our support for the US-Israel relationship.

Wilson (D-FL) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Israeli President Isaac Herzog said, ‘When Israel is strong, America is secure!’

Wittman (R-VA) 7/18/23: Tweet – “America is better off because of our special relationship with Israel – I will always stand up to defend our friend and ally. I look forward to hearing President Herzog address Congress tomorrow as we commemorate the 75th anniversary of Israel’s statehood.”

Womack (R-AR) 7/19/23: Tweet – “It was an honor to welcome Israeli President @Isaac_Herzog to the Capitol today to celebrate 75 years of strong partnership between Israel and the United States. The unwavering support of our ally is critical for our national security and for standing up for democracy.

Yakym (R-IN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Great to have my friend Nathan Lerman in town as my guest for today’s Joint Session of Congress with Israeli President Herzog. Today is an important way to honor Israel’s 75th anniversary and to celebrate the special relationship and shared bonds between our two nations.

Young (R-IN) 7/19/23: Tweet – “Great to have my long-time friend Caryl Auslander of Hamilton County join me for today’s Joint Meeting of Congress with President @Isaac_Herzog. Israel is an important ally and I am proud to support the U.S.-Israel relationship.