[Webinar] “Top of Mind: Palestinian Analysts On Unfolding Scenes of Protest & Devastation”


Top of Mind: Palestinian Analysts On Unfolding Scenes of Protest & Devastation

Recorded Wednesday, May 12th 

For a list of resources shared during this webinar, scroll down.

Please join FMEP for a conversation with three Palestinian thought leaders who will discuss what is happening now and reflect on how the events unfolding over the past several weeks speak to the larger story of Palestinian dispossession, Israeli domination, and the international community’s failed approach to resolving the question of Palestine.


Zaha Hassan (Carnegie Endowment for Peace)

Nadia Hijab (Al Shabaka)

Inès Abdel Razek (Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy)


Sarah Anne Minkin (FMEP)

Panelists Biographies

Zaha Hassan is a human rights lawyer and visiting fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Her research focus is on Palestine-Israel peace, the use of international legal mechanisms by political movements, and U.S. foreign policy in the region. Previously, she was the coordinator and senior legal advisor to the Palestinian negotiating team during Palestine’s bid for UN membership, and was a member of the Palestinian delegation to Quartet-sponsored exploratory talks between 2011 and 2012. She regularly participates in track II peace efforts and is a contributor to The Hill and Haaretz. Her commentaries have appeared in the New York TimesSalonAl Jazeera EnglishCNN, and others. Twitter: @zahahassan.

Nadia Hijab is co-founder and board president of Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network. She served as its Executive Director between 2011 and March 2018. A writer, public speaker and media commentator, Hijab’s first book, Womanpower: The Arab debate on women at work was published by Cambridge University Press and she co-authored Citizens Apart: A Portrait of Palestinians in Israel (I. B. Tauris). She was Editor-in-Chief of the London-based Middle East magazine before serving at the United Nations in New York. She is a co-founder and former co-chair of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and now serves on its advisory board.

Inès Abdel Razek is Advocacy Director for the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD), an independent Palestinian organization, and a member of Al Shabaka. Prior to joining the PIPD, Inès held advisory positions in the executive offices of the Union for the Mediterranean in Barcelona, the UN Environment Programme in Nairobi and the Palestinian Prime Minister’s Office in Ramallah, where she focused on international governance and development cooperation policies. Inès is also an advisory board member of the social enterprise BuildPalestine. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Affairs from Sciences-Po, Paris. Twitter: @InesAbdelrazek.


Sarah Anne MinkinPhD, is FMEP’s Director of Programs & Partnerships. She is an expert on the intersection between Israeli civil society and Palestinian civil rights and human rights advocacy as well as Jewish American relationships with Israel/Palestine. She leads FMEP’s programming, works to deepen FMEP’s relationships with existing and potential grantees, and builds relationships with new partners in the philanthropic community. She is an affiliated faculty member at University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Right-Wing Studies.



Follow our panelists (and their organizations!) on Twitter:

Zaha’s new paper: “Bringing Assistance to Israel in Line with Rights and US Laws” → https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/05/12/bringing-assistance-to-israel-in-line-with-rights-and-u.s.-laws-pub-84503

“Israel-Palestine: A glossary of problematic media language” https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-aqsa-sheikh-jarrah-media-coverage-problematic-glossary

For more on the PLO, the PA, and sources of Palestinian power – see the new report by Al-Shabaka – “Reviving a Palestinian Power: The Diaspora and the Diplomatic Corps” https://al-shabaka.org/reports/reviving-a-palestinian-power-the-diaspora-and-the-diplomatic-corps/

State Dept. Briefing from May 11, 2021: https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-may-11-2021/

For a deeper understanding of what is happening (and why) in cities where Palestinians and Israeli live side by side, see this Twitter thread by Nimer Sultany → https://twitter.com/NimerSultany/status/1392380939012034567