
  • Settlement Report: December 8, 2017

    Settlement Reports

    A weekly report on Israeli settlement activity by the Foundation for Middle East Peace. This week covering: Israel’s High Court orders the state to defend the Regulation Law a second time; Yesh Din petitions to rehear the Amona outpost case given recently revealed implications of the ruling; the Ofra settlement moves to retroactively legalize a sewage treatment plant; B’Tselem released a new report documenting Israel’s waste and sewage policies that harm Palestinians; the United Nations prepares to release a database of companies conducting business with Israeli settlements; an official says the U.S. announcement on Jerusalem has nothing to do with East Jerusalem settlements; Jared Kushner’s ties to pro-settlement activity continue to deepen.

  • What would Israel Anti-Boycott Act Do? Read the Law (amended by the Act) for Yourself

    Lawfare | Legislative Round-ups

    People continue to argue about what the Israel Anti-Boycott Act would or wouldn’t do, or aim or doesn’t aim to do. It is a very odd debate, because this is a matter of facts, not opinion (opinions may well differ on what people hope it will or won’t do; the facts about what it would do to the law are a matter of record).

    To facilitate a clearer debate about this issue, I’ve helpfully pulled into this document all of the existing law that would be amended by the S. 720 (with links), and then I’ve gone ahead and made the amendments that S. 270 would make in those laws.

  • Analysis of NGO Monitor’s “Analysis” of the McCollum Bill

    Legislative Round-ups

    On 11/16, NGO Monitor (NGOM) published a hit-piece attacking legislation introduced by Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN), HR 4391, promoting the human rights of Palestinian children and seeking to ensure that United States tax dollars are not supporting violations of these rights by Israeli authorities. Below is a point-by-point analysis of NGOM’s “analysis” of the bill.