New Israeli government formed

What We’re Reading

Israeli politics

Israel's government is official: Habayit Hayehudi and Likud sign coalition deal,

Habayit Hayehudi and Likud signed a coalition deal on Thursday morning, hours after managing to reach agreement for the formation of the next government just before the midnight deadline.

Hoping to woo Herzog, Netanyahu to keep Foreign Ministry in back pocket,

A Likud official confirmed Thursday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was holding the Foreign Ministry portfolio for himself in the hope of later handing the top government position to Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog should he manage to cajole the party into joining the coalition.

The real reason Netanyahu has the High Court in his crosshairs,

“The government’s plan to curb the High Court’s authority distracts from the fact that on most of Israel’s discriminatory and anti-democratic laws and policies, the two institutions see eye to eye,” writes Amjad Iraqi.

Occupation/Human Rights

US, international community should take lead on two-state solution,

“To advance toward a two-state solution, the United States and the international community must change the paradigm of seeking an agreement only through direct negotiations and adopt an approach favoring independent steps,” write former Israeli security officials Ami Ayalon and Gilead Sher.

Palestinian village of Susya faces imminent demolition,

Since the Israeli army evicted residents of Susya from their village in order to establish an archeological site in its place, the Israeli military has refused to issue the Palestinians any building permits. Now, the High Court has given the army a green light to demolish the village and forcefully transfer its residents.

Israel approves 900 E.Jerusalem settler homes,

Israel has approved construction of 900 settler homes in annexed east Jerusalem, a watchdog said Thursday shortly after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formed a new rightwing religious coalition.

How I became involved with Breaking the Silence,

“When I ran into an old classmate who suggested that I testify, I told him I had nothing to tell. He insisted, and only then I realized how wrong I was,” writes Avihai Stollar.

Palestinian politics

Why troubles in a West Bank refugee camp could haunt Ramallah,

Residents of Balata refugee camp in the West Bank say they are subject to ‘collective punishment’, as the PA arrests many among its own ranks.

Erekat: Netanyahu government 'against peace',

The new right-wing religious coalition government formed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be belligerent and work against peace, a senior Palestinian official said on Thursday.

ISIS Threatens to Declare War on Hamas,

ISIS-linked Salafist group in Gaza threatens to kill ‘one by one’ all Hamas personnel in retaliation for arrests of some 40 of its members..