US-Israel spat over Iran deal may sideline Palestinians

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations, Iran

US-Israel spat over Iran deal may sideline Palestinians,

In recent months, many in the Middle East had assumed — some in hope, others with concern — that once the Iranian nuclear issue was resolved, the United States would make another push for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. But the opposite seems more likely.

The Iran Deal and American Jews,

“In the post-Iran deal era, it will be increasingly difficult for loud and well-financed conservative voices in the American Jewish community to convince people that they represent a Jewish consensus opinion,” writes Naomi Dann.

Good, Bad, and Ugly Options for Congress after the Iran Deal,

“Congress has a valuable role to play in holding Iran to account, but should avoid enacting legislation that could destroy the nuclear accord,” write Ilan Goldenberg and Nicholas Heras.

Occupation/Human rights

Israel’s Civil Administration steps up efforts to expel Area C Palestinian communities,

In August, Israel demolished the homes of 228 people, 124 of them minors, leaving them with no shelter.

Report reveals scale of Israel's home demolitions,

More than 14,000 demolition orders have been issued against Palestinian-owned structures in Area C since 1988, UN says.

New hasbara booklet for kids: 'There's no such thing as Palestine',

The Yesha Council has published a new booklet titled “Occupation Shmuccupation,” starting to teach its dogma to children living in the West Bank at a younger age.

Duma arson attack: Palestinians call for 'day of rage',

As Palestinians mourn the death of Reham Dawabsheh, human rights groups question the Israeli government’s response. Reham Dawabsheh, a 27-year-old teacher, died in hospital on Sunday night after suffering burns to more than 80 percent of her body in a July arson attack, which was allegedly carried out by Israeli settlers.

Who is Behind Canary Mission Website Targeting Pro-BDS Activists?,

A shadowy website that posts dossiers on pro-Palestinian student activists has grown rapidly in recent months, while continuing to zealously guard the identity of its own staff and backers.

Israeli hotels warn Jewish guests that Arabs will also be there,

A number of hotels in Israel are warning Jews trying to make reservations for the upcoming High Holidays that Arabs will also be vacationing there, a report on Israel’s Channel 2 News revealed Monday.


Preventing another Gaza war through 'Palestinian relief',

Netanyahu and Ya’alon don’t want to negotiate with Hamas, but are working through backdoor channels to prevent next conflict with a push to rebuild Gaza, including a port, solar farms, and joint industrial zones. There’s even a Qatari envoy waiting with a billion dollars in his pocket.

Life in Gaza: From a Palestinian Teenager,

“A solution to Gaza’s woes must be found. Otherwise the youth will draw the shortest straw,” writes Nour Omar Shaban.

Palestinian politics

Abbas to declare end of Oslo II Accord at UN general assembly,

President Mahmoud Abbas will tell the upcoming UN General Assembly that the Palestinian leadership is no longer bound by the Oslo Accords due to Israel’s lack of commitment to the 1993 agreement, a PLO official said Sunday.

Hamas chief urges Palestinian unity,

Khaled Meshaal speaking in Qatar urges unity but says a congress among leaders should be postponed until leaders unite.

PLO delays leadership elections at last minute,

The Palestinian National Council was supposed to convene in a week to elect new PLO Executive Committee members; no new date has been set.

Israeli politics

Netanyahu at Jordan fence launch: Israel must have control over all its borders,

A day after opposition leader Isaac Herzog called on the government to take in Syrian refugees, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went South to launch construction of the next section of a multibillion shekel security fence along the border with Jordan aimed at preventing infiltration from the east.