Abbas’s UN speech, Palestinians “in limbo,” settlement outposts to be legalized

What We’re Reading

FMEP in the news

Abbas’ Bold, Empty, Self-Defeating Move,

“Abbas’ headline-grabbing gambit gets his people nowhere,” writes Matt Duss. “What does it actually mean to back away from the Oslo Accords, the agreement upon which his governing authority, as highly attenuated as it may be, is based?”

From the FMEP Blog

Zomlot: “We are in limbo”,

In a talk sponsored by FMEP and the Middle East Institute last Friday, Palestinian Ambassador-at-large Husam Zomlot expressed the frustration many Palestinians feel at the lack of movement towards a negotiated two-state solution in a peace process that has dragged on for 22 years.

US-Israel relations

Exclusive: Obama brushed off Reid's plea on Palestinian state,

The Senate leader wanted the president to side with Israel by disavowing a U.N. resolution calling for a Palestinian state. It didn’t happen.

Haim Saban Leaves Pro-Israel Coalition Over Sheldon Adelson's Right-Wing Push,

“It was supposed to serve as the ultimate proof that the love of Israel can bridge even the deepest political divide. Three months later, this bipartisan idyllic picture is all but shattered,” writes Nathan Guttman.

Palestinian politics

Full text of President Abbas's 2015 speech to the UN General Assembly,

President Mahmoud Abbas Wednesday declared that as long as Israel refuses to commit to the agreements signed with the Palestinian Authority, and as long as Israel refuses to cease settlement activities and to release Palestinian prisoners, the PA cannot continue to be bound by these agreements and Israel must assume all of its responsibilities as an occupying power.

Abbas adviser: 'We won't work as employees for Israel',

An adviser to President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that while agreements with Israel had not been cancelled, the Palestinian Authority “won’t comply” with previous accords, saying that “we won’t work as employees for Israel.”

Al-Aqsa tensions straining Palestinian solidarity,

“The Palestinian Authority’s repressive approach to recent demonstrations is leading some to wonder whether popular anger against Israel might soon be turned against Palestinian security forces,” writes Ahmad Melhem.

Occupation/Human rights

Israel Intends to Authorize West Bank Outpost Bloc Containing Hundreds of Illegal Buildings,

The plan was revealed in response to Yesh Din petition to evacuate illegal outpost of Adei Ad, east of Shilo, built on private land and home to residents involved in violent acts against Palestinians.

Israeli Deputy FM: Palestinians need attitude adjustment before cash,

Tzipi Hotovely tells UN donor conference that funding won’t help without change to culture of animosity among Palestinians, accuses Abbas of hypocrisy.

How a 'security threat' disappears in the blink of an eye,

A month ago, administrative detainee Muhammad Allan was deemed a major security threat to Israel. Now the army has decided to release him on the condition that he does not go back on hunger strike.

'Without Consideration for the Palestinian Population',

“The lawbreakers and their spiritual forefathers in the Israeli right wing, which is becoming increasingly extreme, want to erase the Palestinian existence from reality,” writes Amira Hass.

For Palestinians, Temple Mount Is a Microcosm of the Occupation,

“One can view the flashpoint Jerusalem site as a distilled preview of a binational state, something that has become realistic with the two-state solution’s demise,” writes Ravit Hecht.

Opinion: a new intifada?,

“Are we are the verge of a new intifada?” asks Gershon Baskin. “The violence of the past weeks, which started in Jerusalem, has now spread to many parts of the West Bank.”

Israeli politics

Israel's Communications Ministry, With Netanyahu at Its Helm,

“Over the past few months, the Communications Ministry has been advancing measures that could give the Israeli telecom giant unprecedented advantages over the competition. Bezeq owns the Walla! news site, which has been friendly to Netanyahu,” writes Amitai Ziv.

Netanyahu calls Abbas' UN speech 'deceitful, inciting',

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out on Wednesday at Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who told the UN General Assembly his side could not remain the only one committed to agreements. “Abu Mazen’s speech is deceitful and encourages incitement and destruction in the Middle East,” Netanyahu’s office said, referring to Abbas.