East Jerusalem sealed off; Kerry: terror, settlements linked

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

US State Department unclear on Israeli intentions for Temple Mount,

Abbas claims that Netanyahu seeks to change status quo arrangements on the holy site, where non-Muslims are not allowed to formally pray. Pressed on the matter, State Department officials echoed Abbas’ concerns, suggesting they believe Israel’s policy leaves open the possibility of change at the site.

Kerry links wave of terrorism in Israel to settlement activity,

A “massive increase in settlements” built by Israel in recent years has led to the “frustration” and “violence” now stoking its decades-old conflict with the Palestinians, US Secretary of State John Kerry said at Harvard University on Tuesday night.

Why America Stays Silent as Israel Violence Spirals Toward 'Intifada',

When tensions between Israelis and Palestinians flared up in Jerusalem last November, Secretary of State John Kerry invited Israeli and Palestinian leaders to an emergency summit in Jordan to clear the air and restore calm.

West Bank/East Jerusalem unrest

Palestinians mustn't fall into this trap, again,

“Smart (non-violent) resistance is not a slogan, it’s a conscious path to freedom and independence. To cover up its crimes, Israel needs to feed all the western stereotypes of Palestinians as violent and subhuman rather than hungry for freedom and equal rights,” writes Sam Bahour.

The only thing scarier than terror is the leadership vacuum,

Israelis need to realize that neither Abbas nor the PA, nor Hamas are responsible for Israelis’ security. Israeli leaders are — and they are failing miserably.

Israel to no longer return bodies of Palestinian attackers,

Israel’s security cabinet decided at a meeting late Tuesday that the bodies of Palestinians shot dead by Israeli forces after carrying out attacks on Israeli citizens would no longer be returned to their families.

Israel sets up East Jerusalem roadblocks in bid to stem attacks,

Israel started setting up roadblocks in Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and deploying soldiers in cities across the country on Wednesday to try to combat the worst surge of violence in months.

Shin Bet Tells Israeli Government: Abbas Not Encouraging Terror,

Senior security service official says in briefing that the Palestinian president is instructing his security forces to prevent attacks.

Palestinian politics

Man without a plan: Palestinians don’t hate Abbas, but they’re tired of him,

It is a tough time to be Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, a man without a country — or a popular mandate or much of a plan.


'All options are open': Will Gaza join the uprising?,

Gaza remains defiant in the face of violent Israeli crackdown on protesters.