“Obama is an anti-Semite”: Netanyahu’s new top media advisor

What We’re Reading

Pic of the day: Palestinians sell falafel during a protest in Hebron.

FMEP in the News

The US Can’t Abandon Iranian Human Rights Activists Now,

Even as Iranian and American hardliners effectively work toward a common purpose–blocking any moves toward a broader US-Iran détente–progressives must show solidarity toward our Iranian colleagues in their efforts to advance human rights and political reform within Iran, ” writes FMEP President Matt Duss.

US-Israel relations

Netanyahu Picks Academic Who Insulted Obama and Kerry as Diplomacy Chief,

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has picked as his new chief of public diplomacy a conservative academic who suggested President Obama was anti-Semitic and compared Secretary of State John Kerry’s “mental age” to that of a preteen.

U.S. officials - Israel wants up to $5 billion in annual military aid,

Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defence aid to increase to as much as $5 billion (£3.25 billion) when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

West Bank/East Jerusalem violence

Palestinian killed, two Israelis wounded north of Hebron,

A Palestinian man ran over two Israeli border guards near the Halhul junction north of Hebron and was subsequently shot.

Opinion: Israel admits right-wing violence works,

“The highest court in the land delays the demolition of a synagogue built atop stolen Palestinian property, fearing retribution by right-wing extremists. Has terrorism officially won in Israel?” asks Michael Omer-Man.

Opinion: Has the Third Intifada Gone to Die in Hebron?,

“Hebron does not need an intifada to spark confrontations. The presence of settlers living in small Jewish enclaves within the Palestinian city means countless points of friction,” writes Anshel Pfeffer.

Palestinians, Civil Rights Lawyers Accuse Jerusalem Police of Wanton Shootings,

Palestinians from East Jerusalem say they were shot in the face by sponge-tipped bullets while they were at home and posed no threat.

Palestinian politics

[Arabic] Official: PLO may rescind recognition of Israel,

Top PLO official Saeb Erekat warned that the organization was considering rescinding its 1993 recognition of Israel, due to the failure of the current Israeli government to honor the agreements and understandings reached as part of the Oslo Accords.

How Palestinian divisions affect the intifada,

“As the uprising in the Palestinian territories enters its second month, Palestinians have yet to agree on its nature, objectives and repercussions,” writes Adnan Abu Amer.

Poll: Palestinians on two states, Abbas, and an intifada,

53 percent of Palestinians continue to support a two-state solution. Two thirds of respondents believe that it is unlikely President Abbas will terminate provisions of the Oslo Accords. And popular support for a new intifada has risen from 26 percent in July 2015 to 63 percent.

Israeli politics

Party squabbles keep Herzog from leading opposition,

Instead of piloting the opposition while the coalition is leading Israel toward harsh divisions, Zionist Camp leader Isaac Herzog is busy dealing with internal party bickering and threats to his leadership.