Over 1/3 of Americans back punitive measures against Israeli settlements

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

Poll: Over a third of Americans back punitive measures against Israel over settlements,

Brookings fellow Shibley Telhami conducted a survey on American public attitudes toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; click here for several key findings and a download to the survey’s full results.

Mr. Odeh Goes to Washington (and not everyone's happy about it),

Joint List head Ayman Odeh headed to the United States this week, prompting mixed reactions from Israel’s Palestinian citizens. Odeh: ‘I am here to tear the mask off of Netanyahu’s lies.’

Trump Invokes Anti-Semitic Stereotypes and RJC Applauds,

“It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Donald Trump didn’t hold his tongue at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s candidate forum,” writes Eli Clifton.

Top Obama aide: US firmly opposed to BDS movement,

The United States government is opposed to any efforts aimed at promoting the boycott, divestment from, and sanctioning of Israel, a top aide to President Barack Obama said on Friday.

Occupation/Human rights

Why Should You Care About A Political Horizon For Palestinians?,

It is not woolly headed peaceniks saying that the restoration of a political horizon is necessary; it is the Israeli military and intelligence apparatus. So even if you are a true believer in Greater Israel, or you think that a Palestinian state will become a base for more terror against Israelis, or you are adamant that Israel has demonstrated its willingness to compromise and that the Palestinians never will, this is something you should favor.

Opinion: Wild outpost reveals extremism of 'hilltop youth',

Radical right-wing ‘hilltop youth’ have made the Baladim outpost in the West Bank their HQ; their incitement against the authorities is revealed in their Facebook posts.

No trial in sight for Duma arson case, says Public Security Minister Erdan,

Israel is still trying to gather evidence against far-right Jews arrested for a lethal arson attack in July on a Palestinian home in the occupied West Bank, the public security minister said on Friday, playing down prospects of an imminent trial.

The farce of catching Jewish terrorists,

When it comes to Jewish terrorism the Shin Bet is either ill-equipped or totally uninterested in preventing attacks against Palestinian civilians.

Four Palestinians killed after alleged attacks,

Violence continues as Palestinians allegedly stab Israeli soldiers before being shot dead.

Israeli checkpoints: 'We live under colonisation',

With nearly 100 Israeli-controlled permanent checkpoints in the West Bank, Al Jazeera asked Palestinians how they cope.

Israeli politics

Netanyahu: Don’t worry, there will be peace ‘eventually’,

In lengthy speech to visiting young German leaders, PM says that Arabs lived in Palestine 100 years ago, ‘but not many.’

Lapid: Israel’s global standing has never been worse; I could change that,

Self-styled shadow foreign minister worries about US military aid, slams EU envoy for Holocaust remark, and says Palestinians ‘should internalize’ IDF firepower.